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Title of the Project

Anti Phishing The Fraud Detection in Online Banking

Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Database Server: Microsoft SQL Server2005

Software Requirements

Client: Microsoft Internet Explorer Tools: Microsoft Vis al St dio !"et-200# ser !nterface: $sp!"et wit% $&ax Code Behind: C#.Net Processor: Intel Penti ' or More

"ar#ware Requirements

Ram: 5(2 M) *a' "ar# Dis$: P+ wit% 20,)


-%e o.&ective of t%e s/ste' is to find w%et%er t%e we. application is a 0en ine one or not! -%is is done ./ a t%enticatin0 t%e we. application ./ sin0 a cip%er 1e/2 w%ic% can .e o.tained ./ i'ple'entin0 sed to identif/ t%e fra d we.

standard encr/ption al0orit%'! -%is cip%er 1e/ is

application to avoid 'is se of t%e sensitive infor'ation! $fter a t%enticatin0 t%e we. application t%e a t%ori3ed sers will .e allowed to access t%e application to

0et vario s services and provide infor'ation t%at incl des transactions li1e insertin02 'odif/in0 and deletin0 records2 w%ic% var/ wit% different 1ind of t%e sers in a role .ased we. application!

-%e s/ste' will c%ec1 t%e

ser4s existence in t%e data.ase and ser! -%e application is

provide t%e set of services wit% respect to t%e role of t%e

.ased on t%ree-tier arc%itect re!

-%e cip%er 1e/ o.tained will %elp to find t%e

fra d application! -%e . siness lo0ic %elps in a t%enticatin0 t%e application2 a t%ori3in0 t%e sers and providin0 services! -%e tec%nolo0ies are c%osen ./

1eepin0 t%e co'pati.ilit/ and perfor'ance as t%e constraints for t%e application!

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