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Doddy Setyadi, 2013, Analisis Neraca Air Daerah Aliran Sungai Temon Sub DAS Bengawan Solo Hulu 3, Tugas Akhir, Program Studi Diploma III Teknik Sipil Infrastruktur Perkotaan, Jurusan Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta. Air merupakan kebutuhan yang sangat penting termasuk dalam pertanian. Kebutuhan akan air menjadi sangat penting mengingat ketersediaan air yang terbatas. Keterbatasan akan ketersediaan air ini salah satunya terjadi pada DAS Temon Sub DAS Bengawan Solo Hulu 3 yang terletak di kabupaten Wonogiri. Ketersediaan air ini harus dapat memenuhi besarnya kebutuhan air agar mendapatkan hasil pertanian yang maksimal. Untuk itu perlu adanya analisis neraca air. Analisis neraca air dilakukan untuk mengetahui jumlah ketersediaan air dan kebutuhan air sehingga dapat diketahui perbandingannya serta solusi yang dapat diambil bila terjadi defisit. Metode yang digunakan adalah Metode FJ. Mock. Hasil dari analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat banyak kekurangan air (defisit) pada bulan Februari hingga November. Ketersediaan air tertinggi terdapat pada bulan Februari sebesar 5,16 mm/hari, tetapi belum dapat memenuhi kebutuhan air di bulan itu yaitu sebesar 9,02 mm/hari, Kebutuhan air tertinggi terdapat pada bulan Juni sebesar 11,31 mm/hari, dan kebutuhan air terendah terdapat pada bulan November sebesar 0,90 mm/hari. Kata kunci : Neraca air, Ketersediaan air, Kebutuhan Air.


Doddy Setyadi, 2013, the Water Balance Analysis Temon Watershed Subwatershed upstream Bengawan Solo 3, Final Project, Program Diploma III Urban Infrastructure Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of March, Surakarta. Water is a very important needs include in agriculture. The need for water becomes very important as the availability of water that is limited. The limited availability of this water will be one of them occurs in Temon Watershed Subwatershed upstream Bengawan Solo 3 located in Wonogiri. The availability of this water must be able to fulfill the needs of water in order to obtain maximum agricultural produce. It is necessary to the existence of water balance analysis. Analysis of water balance held to find out the amount of the availability of water, and high demand for water in order to know next as well as a solution that can be taken when there was a deficit. Method used is the method of FJ. Mock. The results of the analysis show that there is a lot of water deficiency (deficit) in February to November. Water availability is highest in February amounted to 5, 16 mm/day, but not yet able to meet the needs of water in that month of 9.02 mm/day, the highest water demand there in June of 11,31 mm/day, and the lowest water supplies found in November amounted to 0.90 mm/day. Keywords: Water balance, the availability of water, high demand of water


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