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FROM : TRAN PHONE NO. © 313 7@qS341 Sep. 04 2009 G1:57PH PL ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN EVALUATION ‘NAME: Bill Johnson, POSITION: MCI Superintendent PERIOD COVERED: 1/1/98 - 12/31/98 Mr. Johnson bas worked under my supervision since June of 1998. He is the Superintendent of the Michigan Children’s Institute and is responsible for over 4000 wards who have been committed to the state He also manages two professional staff and one secretary, In addition to the attached self evaluation, I make the following comments and observations of his ‘work performance and our working relationship. Bill is a strong and tireless advocate for the children committed to this agency. He consistently demonstrates a genuine concern for the safety and permanency of the children for whom he is guardian. Bill has forged strong alliances with public and private adoption staff, court personnel, Judges and FIA management, Bill's credibility and leadership role throughout the state are widely recognized, Bill has a comprehensive knowledge of the adoption code, MCI statutes and other relevant legal requirements, His insight and professional recommendations bear a great deal of ‘weight in establishing permanency for children. He takes a leadership role in the application and interpretation of policy with our contractual agencies, Bill’s written and verbal communication skills are excellent. He is frequently praised for his effective and well prepared testimony in Section 45 hearings. Bill’s upward and lateral communication within the organization is appropriate. Hc routinely adviscs management of problem areas and offers viable solutions. Bill sets a positive example for his staff by his commitment to the agency’s and division’s mission. He has an excellent rapport with his staff and effectively manages their work assignments. Bill is respectful in his interactions and professional in his relationships with subordinates, colleagues and management. I have appreciated his advice and guidance during the transition over the last few months. Tt is a pleasure working with Bill and I feel fortunate to have him 2s a member of this tear, an BeOS “Hofiiian, A@sdption Program Manager Thave had the opportunity to review this evaluation and understand that my signature does not necessarily mean that I agree with the evaluation, ims mo DAG BillJohnson ()() FROM : TRAN PHONE NO. © 313 7@qS341 Sep. G4 2009 @1:5EPM P2 1998 Performance Evaluation William J. Jobnson Jn completing this evaluation, I have considered several key behaviors which are ‘important to carrying out the duties of the MCI Superintendent. During 1998 there was not a set of established goals on which my performance was to be evaluated during the course of the year. Therefore, this evaluation will assess several key behavior areas which are of critical importance to the completion of my job responsibilities. Mission/Philosophy Commitment I have demonstrated a strong commitment to the mission of the agency to promote and support growth toward independence for children committed to the state. It is our position that children thrive best when placed in families ‘which are capable of meeting their needs and that we support and encourage efforts to Place children with families with sufficient resources to meet the needs of the children. One philosophy of considering the benefit fa the child of placement with suitable relatives or established caregivers for adoption is one that I strongly support. I am also strongly committed to making diligent efforts to attempt to place siblings together unless there are clear reasons why this would not be in the best interests of the child. Collaboration I have been active in establishing relationships with other groups and organizations both within FLA and outside of the agency. The MCI unit needs to build strong working relationship with local offices of FIA, zone office staff, and the private agencies under contract with FIA. I have actively communicated and worked closely with all of these offices. I have provided consultation and been available for problem solving as needs arise. I have attended and spoke at zone meetings and other functions attended by representatives ftom various agencies. I have often met with private agency and local office staff in their offices to establish plans and coordinate efforts when necessary. I have also worked closely with several local courts and made efforts to improve the working relationship we have by mecting with court staff and administration to discuss problems and concems. Communication In order to be able to collaborate and fulfill the agency’s mission it is important to communicate clearly and thoroughly. ! am contacted by adoption staff from public and private adoption agencies with increasing frequency to discuss complicated and difficult permanency planning decisions involving MCT wards. Tam able to communicate effectively both verbally and in writing with groups and individuals. J have encouraged staff from the MCI unit to participate in meetings to discuss individual cases or programmatic issues related to permanency planning. Ihave continued to provide a ‘written summary of reasons for denial of consent in cases which are likely to proceed to a section 45 hearing in order to better describe the factors being considered and have encouraged adoption staff to provide written explanation to interested parties. Customer Service In response to suggestions from the field, an expedited consent request form, was developed to promote faster approval of requests for consent to adoption when all factors to be considered are satisfactorily addressed; e.g, siblings being placed together, significant length of time in current placement, no other parties expressing FROM + TRAN PHONE NOL: 3137R4g341 Sep. 04 2009 1:SEPM PS documentation is curent, This helped to avoid further and unnecessary s to assigned adoption worker. Use of this form will be expanded statewide during the coming year. During 1998 the MCI atfice received 2442 requests for consent to adoption. It will become even more important to provide direction and clear expectations about factors to be considered in requesting consent in order to sninimize delay in providing consent, interest, required delays in retuming consent ‘Due to some statutory changes during 1998, the MCI office is being contacted more ‘faequently by persons interested in adoption of MCI wards and by attorneys on behalf of potential adoptive parents or representing children to discuss concems about matters related to adoption. I have promptly received and provided appropriate follow-up to any matters brought to my attention. Decision Making With increasing frequency I am being called upon to consult with local offices, private agencies, and courts in order to be able to make final decisions on permanency for children who are MCI wards. It usually happens that there ate several important and often conflicting factors to be considered in arriving at an ultimate decision. In carrying out this duty I continue to encourage workers and supervisors to conduct a thorough evaluation and be able to make a reasoned recommendation which considers FIA policy, statutory requirements, and an assessment of what would be best for the child. When appropriate, I have directed that outside evaluations be conducted or ‘that the case be assigned to a different adoption agency. After thorough consideration of all the information available | have made decisions on behalf of FIA and ofien been called upon to explain and defend the decision in court. Areas for further development: —Improve office organizational skills to be better able to manage and monitor work flow coming into the MCI office and assure timely response to the variety of matters to be acted upon; e.g. requests for consent to adoption, discharge requests, case consultation and review requests, etc. Develop written policy/guidelines to cover commion areas of concer and confusion related to issues of concem to MCI wards. This would not only help alleviate demands on staff time which is sometimes taken up with explaining procedures or providing consultation to staff repeatedly, it would also help promote better uniformity and consistency in the field. --Continue to strengthen the working relationship with local offices, private agencies, courts, which are involved with providing or assuring proper care and supervision for MCI wards. ~Establish better internal controls for handling assets which belong to MC1 wards. Ow”

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