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The Food Families Guide can be used as a reference to help expand your list of allowable foods in your 3Day Rotation Diet Planner. If you reacted to more than two members of the same food family there is a possibility that other members of that family may also be reacti!e. Please a!oid these additional foods if needed. The Food Families Index below can help you find food families for "#$P Test substances. "oo% for the family &in parentheses' on the chart which follows. Items listed in bold on the chart are items tested on the basic (RT )*+ test panel.

MRT Test Substances Foo Families In e!

A $lmond &Plum' $maranth &$maranth' $merican ,heese &,attle' $pple &$pple' $pricot &Plum' $spara-us &"ily' $!ocado &"aurel' " .anana &.anana' .arley &Grain' .asil &(int' .eef &,attle' .eet &Goosefoot' .eet /u-ar &Goosefoot' .lac% Pepper &Pepper' .lueberry &.lueberry' .roccoli &(ustard' .uc%wheat &.uc%wheat'
# ,abba-e &(ustard' ,ane /u-ar &Grain' ,antaloupe &Gourd' ,arob &Pea' ,arrot &Parsley' ,ashew &,ashew' ,atfish &,atfish' ,auliflower &(ustard' ,ayenne &Potato' ,elery &Parsley' ,heddar ,heese &,attle' ,herry &Plum' ,hic%en &Pheasant' ,innamon &"aurel' ,lam &,lam' ,ocoa &/tericula' ,oconut &Palm' ,odfish &,odfish' ,offee &(adder' ,ola &/tericula' ,anola 0il &(ustard' ,hic%en &Pheasant' ,orn &Grain' ,otta-e ,heese &,attle' ,ow1s (il% &,attle' ,rab &,rab' ,ranberry &.lueberry' ,ucumber &Gourd' ,umin &Parsley' D Dill &Parsley' Duc% &Duc%' E #-- &Pheasant' #--plant &Potato' F Flax &Flax' G Garban2o &Pea' Grape &Grape' Garlic &"ily' Gin-er &Gin-er' Goat1s (il% &,attle' Green Pea &Pea' Green Pepper &Potato' $ 3a2elnut &.irch' 3oney &3 3oneydew &Gourd' 3ops &3emp' % 4amut &Grains' L "amb &,attle' "ee% &"ily' "emon &Rue' "entil &Pea' "ettuce &,omposite' "ima .ean &Pea' "obster &"obster' M (ac%erel &(ac%erel' (an-o &,ashew' (aple &(aple' (illet &Grain' (int &(int' (ushroom &(ushroom' (ustard &(ustard' & 5utme- &5utme-' O 0at &Grain' 0%ra &(allow' 0li!e &0li!e' 0nion &"ily' 0ran-e &Rue' 0re-ano &(int' ' Papaya &Papaya' p.33 Papri%a &Potato' p.36 Parsley &Parsley' Peach &Plum' Peanut &Pea' Pear &$pple' Pecan &7alnut' Pineapple &Pineapple' Pinto .ean &Pea' Pistachio &,ashew' Plum &Plum' Poppy /eed &Poppy' Por% &/wine' Pump%in &Gourd' ( 8uinoa &Goosefoot' R Raspberry &Rose' Red /napper &/napper' Rice &Grain' Rye &Grain' S /afflower &,omposite' /almon &/almon' /ardine &3errin-' /callop &/callop' /esame &/esame' /hrimp &Prawn' /oybean &Pea' /pelt &Grain' /pinach &Goosefoot' /trawberry &Rose' /trin- .ean &Pea' /unflower /eed &,omposite' /weet Potato &(orninGlory' /wiss ,heese &,attle' T Tapioca &/pur-e' Tea &Tea' Tilapia &Tilapia' Tomato &Potato' Turmeric &Gin-er' Tuna &Tuna' Tur%ey &Tur%ey' ) 9anilla &0rchid' * 7alnut &7alnut' 7atermelon &Gourd' 7heat &Grain' 7hey &,attle' 7hite Potato &Potato' + :east (ix &/accharomycetaceae' :ellow /;uash &Gourd' :o-urt &,attle' , <ucchini &Gourd'

$.$"05# &3$"I0TID$#' $"$RI$,#$# &P3$#0P3:,#$#' $""IG$T0R &$""IG$T0RID$#' $($R$5T3 &$($R$5T3$#,$#' $5,309: &#5GR$="ID$#' $5G"#RFI/3 &"0P3ID$#' $PP"# &P0($,#$#' $R=( &$R$,#$#' $/P#RGI""$,#$# .$5$5$ &(=/$,#$#' .$5GI$,#$# .$R.#RR: &.#R.#RID$,#$#' .##,3 &F$G$,#$#' .IR,3 &.#T="$,#$#' ."=#.#RR: &9$,,I5I$,#$#' ."=#FI/3 &P0($T0(ID$#' .05IT0 &,:.ID$#' .R075 $"G$# .=,473#$T &P0":G#5$,#$#' .=TT#RFI/3 &P30"ID$#' ,$/3#7 &$5$,$RDI$,#$#' ,$TFI/3 &/I"=RID$#' ,$TT"# &.09ID$#' &,$PRI5$#' ,0,4"# &,$RDI$,ID$#' ,0DFI/3 &"0TI5$#' &(#R"=,,I5$#' &G$DI5$#'


$balone 7a%ame $lli-ator Amaranth $ncho!y (on%fish Apple apple cider cider !ine-ar pear ;uince lo;uat Poi taro malan-a dasheen arrowroot ceriman (iso &from soy' citrus mold blue bread mold camembert > Ro;uefort cheese penicillin "anana arrowroot plantains &$rrowroot may also come from a separate family (aranta $rundinacae or cassa!a' 5ori &edible seaweed' .arberry mandra%e &or mayapple' ,hestnut Filbert- ha.elnut winter-reen oil of birch "lueberry cranberry huc%leberry .luefish .onito 4elp "uc/wheat rhubarb sorrel .utterfish har!estfish Man0o cashew pistachio- poison i!y Freshwater cat1ish "ee1 bison buffalo &cape water etc.' ox mil% whey and byproducts from these animals Goat sheep &lamb' mil/ and byproducts from these animals ,oc%le ,us% 3a%e ho%i #o &scrod' haddoc% pollac% whitin-

,0(P0/IT# &,0(P0/IT$#' &3#"I$5T3#$#' &$5T3#(ID#$#' &,:5$R#$#' &"IG="IF"0R$#' ,R$. &P$G=RID$#' ,R0$4#R &/,I$#5D$#' ,R0,0DI"# &,R0,0D:"ID$#' ,=/T$RD $PP"# &$505$,#$#' ,:,$D &,:,$D$,#$#' D##R &,#R9ID$#' DI""#5I$ &DI""#5I$,#$#'

Dahlia ?erusalem articho%e sun1lower &oil and seeds' ,hamomile ste!ia tarra-on Globe articho%e safflower &oil' .el-ian endi!e chicory dandelion endi!e escarole lettuce romaine salsify #rab &all %inds' ,roa%er &all !arieties' drum sea trout ,rocodile ,ustard apple cherimoya papaw Florida arrowroot ,aribou !enison el% moose reindeer antelope 4iwi fruit

D0R: &<#ID$#' D0"P3I5FI/3 &,0R:P3$#5ID$#' D09# &,0"=(.ID$#' D=,4 &$5$TID$#' F"$@ &"I5$,#$#' F"0=5D#R &3IPP0G"0//ID$#' FR0G &R$5ID$#' ##" &$5G=I""IF0R(#/' #.05: &#.#5$,#$#' GIG$RTI5$,#$# GI5G#R &<I5GI.#R$,#$#' GI5/#5G &$R$"I$,#$#' G00/#.#RR: &/$@IFR$G$,#$#' G00/#F00T &,3#50P0DI$,#$#' G0=RD (#"05 &T=R.IT$,#$#'

GR$,I"$RI$,#$# GR$I5/ &GR$(I5#$# C P0$,#$#' &.$(.=/#$#' &30RD#$#' &$9#5#$#' &F#/T=,#$#' &0RI<#$#' &P$5I,#$#' &$5DR0P0G05#$#' &TRIP/$,#$#' &<I5<$5I$' &$,35$T3#R=(' GR$P# &9IT$,#$#' GR0=/# &T#TR$05ID$#' G=I5#$-F07" &5=(IDID$#' 3$"I.=T &P"#=R05#,TID$#' 3$R# &"#P0RID$#' 3#(P &,$55$.I5$,#$#' 3#RRI5G &,"=P#ID$#' IRI/ &IRID$,#$#' ?$,4 &,$R$5GID$#' "$(I5$RI$,#$#

?ohn Dory other types of dory (ahi-mahi Do!e pi-eon &also called s;uab' Duc/ &and duc% e--s' -oose &and -oose e--s' Flaxseed &and oil' Dab flounder plaice Fro#el Persimmon ,arra-een Irish moss ,ardamom 0in0er turmeric #ast Indian arrowroot GinsenTrue currant -ooseberry "eet su-ar beet orach spinach /wiss chard lamb1s ;uarters ;uinoa #ucumbersA pic%lesA melonsB canary cantaloupe casaba crenshaw honey ew mus%melon Persian watermelonA s;uashB acorn summer &croo%nec% strai-htnec% yellow .ucchini' winter &acorn butternut spa-hetti hubbard pattypan'A -her%inA pump%in $-ar edible seaweeds .amboo shoots "arley %amut rye spelt triticale wheat &Gluten -rains' Oats &,ontains -luten due to cross contamination' Teff Rice Millet (ilo molasses sor-hum su0ar cane and cane su0ar #orn 7ild Rice Indian rice -rass &(ontina' Grape raisin commercial dried DcurrantsD wine and wine !ine-ar cream of tartar -rapeseed Grouse &partrid-e' Guinea-fowl &and -uinea-fowl e--s' 3alibut Rabbit $ops mariEuana 3errin- menhaden sardine shad /affron ?ac% pompano 4ombu edible seaweeds

"$=R#" &"$=R$,#$#' "I": &"I"I$,#$#' "0./T#R &30($RID$#' ($,4#R#" &/,R0(.RID$#' ($DD#R &R=.I$,#$#' ($""07 &($"9$,#$#' ($P"# &$,#R$,#$#' (I5507 &,:PRI5ID$#' (I5T &"$.I$T$#'

(0R5I5G-G"0R: &,0590"9="$,#$#' (=".#RR: &(0R$,#$#' (=""#T &(=GI"ID$#' (=/3R00( &.0"#T$,#$# R=//="$,#$# $G$RI,$,#$#' (=//#" &(:TI"ID$#' (=/T$RD &,R=,IF#R$#'

A2oca o bay lea1 cinnamon sassafras camphor -umbo file Onions 0arlic chi!es lee/s shallots -reen onions aspara0us sarsaparilla aloe !era ,rayfish lobster (ac%erel #o11ee ,ottonseed &oil' hibiscus o%ra Maple su-ar maple syrup ,arp chub minnow "asil catnip horehound lemon balm marEoram mint ore0ano peppermint rosemary sa-e sa!ory spearmint thyme ber-amot chia betony clary hyssop summer sa!ory menthol ?icama sweet potato camote .readfruit fi- mulberry (ullet Mushrooms puffballs truffles (ussel 3orseradishA aru-ula mustar &-reens and seed'A radishA rutaba-aA turnipA cabba0eA broccoliA .russels sproutsA cauli1lowerA ,hinese cabba-eA collardsA %aleA %ohlrabiA canola &oils and seeds'A rapeseedA cress &curly -arden upland and water' $llspice clo!e -ua!a ?amaica pepper eucalyptus &utme0 mace Oli2esB -reen blac% ripe oli!e oil 0ctopus 0possum )anilla 0reo dory ,arambola 0yster Dulse &edible seaweed' #oconut date hearts of palm 'apaya $nise caraway carrot celeriac celery celery seed cher!il coriander cumin ill fennel parsley parsnip lo!a-e cilantro Passion fruit $lfalfaA clo!erA beansB adu%i anasa%i blac% turtle fa!a -reat northern 0reen %idney lima lupine mun- na!y pinto snap strin- soy 0arban.o locust 3carob4 lentil lupine masur purple-hull splitA peanut or -roundnutA peasB blac%-eyed chic/ 0reenA %ud2uA licorice Gum acacia -um arabic -um tra-acanth senna Tamarind &seasonin-' Peppercorns white pepper blac% pepper Perch walleye

(:RT"# &(:RT$,#$#' 5=T(#G &(:RI/TI,$,#$#' 0"I9# &0"#$,#$#' 0,T0P=/ &0,T0P0DID$#' 0P0//=( &DID#"P3ID$#' 0R,3ID &0R,3ID$,#$#' 0R#0 &0R#0/0($TID$#' 0@$"I/ &0@$"ID$,#$#' 0:/T#R &0/TR#ID$#' P$"($RI$,#$# P$"( &P$"($,#$#' P$P$:$ &P$P$:$,#$#' P$R/"#: &=(.#""IF#R$#' P$//I05F"07#R &P$//IF"0R$,#$#' P#$ &"#G=(I50/$#' &P$PI"I050ID#$#'

&(I(0/$,#$#' &,$#/$"PI50ID#$#' P#PP#R &PIP#R$,#$#' P#R,3 &P#R,ID$#'

P3#$/$5T &P3$/I$5D$#' PI4# &#/0,ID$#' PI5# &PI5$,#$#' PI5#$PP"# &.R0(#"I$,#$#' P"=( &DR=P$,#$#' P0PP: &P$P$9#R$,#$#' P0RG: &/P$RID$#' P0T$T0 &/0"$5$,#$#' PR$75 &P#5#ID$#' PR0T#$ &PR0T#$,#$#' R0=G3: &TR$,3I,3T3:ID$#' R0/# &R0/$,#$#' R=# C ,ITR=/ &R=T$,#$#' /$,,3$R0(:,#T$,#$# /$I"FI/3 &I/TI0P30RID$#' /$"(05 &/$"(05ID$#' /$P=,$:$ &"#,:T3ID$,#$#' /,$""0P &P#,TI5ID$#' /,0RPI05FI/3 &/,0RP$#5ID$#' /#$ .$// &/#RR$5ID$#' /#$ ,$TFI/3 &$RIID$#' /#DG# &,:P#R$,#$#' /#/$(# &P#D$"I$,#$#' /I"9#R/ID# &$T3#RI5ID$#' /(#"T &0/(#RID$#' /5$I" &3#"I,ID$#' /5$PP#R &"=T?$5ID$#' /0FT-/3#""#D ,"$( &(:$,ID$#' /0"# &/0"#D$#' /P=RG# &#=P30R.I$,#$#' /8=IRR#" &/,I=RID$#' /8=ID &"0"IGI5ID$#' /T#R,="$ &/T#R,="I$,#$#' /T=RG#05 &$,IP#5/#RIF0R(#/' /=,4#R &,$T$/T0(ID$#' /=5FI/3 &,#5TR$R,3ID$#' /7I5# &/=ID$#' /70RDFI/3 &@IP3ID$#' T#$ &T3#$,#$#' T3I,4-/3#""#D ,"$( &9#5#RID$#' TI"$PI$ &,I,3"ID$#'

#hic/en &and chic%en e00s' pheasant ;uail ,ornish -ame hen .lac%fish mus%ellun-e pic%erel pi%e Pinenuts Euniper &-in' 'ineapple 50T#B .romelain is deri!ed from the stem of the pineapple comprised of different proteins than the pineapple fruit and -enerally safe as a nutritional supplement. $lmond apricot cherry cho%eberry nectarine peach plum prune 'oppy see Por-y E00plant potato tobacco tomato peppersB cayenne chili -reen hot papri/a pimiento red tomatillo Ealapeno bell &yellow -old -reen red' Prawn shrimp (acadamia nut 0ran-e rou-hy other types of rou-hy .lac%berry boysenberry dewberry lo-anberry lon-berry raspberry rosehip strawberry youn-berry $n-ostura calamondin citron 0rape1ruit %um;uat lemon lime mandarin murcot oran0es pomelo /atsuma shaddoc% tan-erine tan-elo u-ly fruit "a/er5s yeast- brewer5s yeast (arlin sailfish Salmon- trout &all freshwater !arieties' .ra2il nut paradise nut Scallop /corpionfish Grouper sea bass /ea catfish 7ater chestnut Sesame see s- sesame oil /il!erside /melt #dible snails (utton snapper re snapper /oft-shelled clam Sole ,astor oil cassa!a tapioca yucca &arrowroot from cassa!a' /;uirrel /;uid cuttlefish ,hocolate cocoa cola nut /tur-eon &ca!iar' /uc%er .lac% bass crappie freshwater bass sunfish /wine pi- por/ ham bacon wild boar bear /wordfish "lac/ tea- 0reen tea- oran0e pe/oe- pe/oe Thic%-shelled clam Tilapia

T=5$ &T3=55ID$#' T=R.0T &.0T3ID$#' T=R4#: &(#"#$GRIDID$#' T=RT"# &,3#"05ID$#' 7$"5=T &?=G$5D$,#$#' 7$T#R "I": &5:(P3$#$,#$#' 73#: &,attle' 73IT#FI/3 &,0R#G05ID$#' :$(/ &DI0/,0R#$,#$#'

$lbacore tuna Turbot ,alifornia halibut Tur/ey tur%ey e--s Terrapin turtle .lac% walnut #n-lish walnut pecan hic%ory white walnut "otus 7hey 7hitefish :ams ,hinese potato cush-cush yampee water yams yellow yams blac% yams elephantFs foot &50T /7##T P0T$T0'

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