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An antonym is a word which has the opposite meaning to another.

above/below asleep/awake big/small brave/cowardly clean/dirty dark/light easy/difficult false/true fat/thin flexible/rigid generous/mean happy/sad healthy/ill hot/cold interesting/boring loose/tight messy/tidy near/far odd/even on/off over/under pretty/ugly quiet/noisy right/left rough/smooth shallow/deep shiny/dull strong/weak tame/wild alive/dead before/after black/white cheap/expensive dangerous/safe early/late empty/full fast/slow first/last forwards/backwards good/bad hard/soft high/low inside/outside long/short many/few narrow/wide nice/nasty old/new open/closed past/future public/private rich/poor right/wrong rude/polite sharp/blunt similar/different tall/short thick/thin

top/bottom warm/cool wise/foolish

up/down wet/dry young/old

A synonym is a word with a similar or identical meaning to another. Synonyms for 'good' excellent super terrific fine Synonyms for 'happy' blissful joyful pleased elated jolly Synonyms for 'hungry' ravenous peckish Synonyms for 'horrible' horrid awful terrible unpleasant dreadful ghastly nasty frightful hideous starving famished content delighted gleeful cheerful glad thrilled ecstatic merry brilliant superb magnificent great fantastic splendid

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