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Accuracy: How precise are the facts stated, If something is not accurate it could cause problems within the

e media.

Balance: To show both sides of a story and explain why This means its non-biased and not showing favouritism

Impartiality: All facts and figures without being biased or on sided

Objective: Having lots of factual points

Subjectivity: Having a personal opinion on a subject or discussion

Opinion: Having a strong opinion about a discussion or argument This presents only one side of the argument or issue in the viewers heads making it an effective persuasive method.

Biased: Representation: People can either be represented as good and honest people or they could be made as though they look like scum and liars. It is the law that you cannot miss-represent anything to do with religion. Because miss-representation in the media can cause major problems. Privicy&Access: You cannot film or record anyone without them knowing. Contract with viewer: Contract with the viewer means that they are showing the viewer what they want to see. (their promise to us as a viewer)

HOW TO: *Newslide* 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Dictionary meaning What you think it means Importance to the producer Example-Explain Story&Impact on Person Pictures//Links Explain how it made you feel

Accuracy -The quality or state of something or being correct or precise. Accuracy means the level of precision of the facts stated, if something is not accurate it could cause problems within the media. In main media sources like the news facts and figures need to be checked and filtered various times before they are shown on TV and aired. For example when the Boston bombings occurred there was a misunderstanding that took place between the news presenters and the police. The news shows aired that there had been numerous more deaths than had actually occurred. It is important for the producer to be 100% sure that all the facts are completely correct and certified, because otherwise they could get in big trouble for false accusations.

Balance -An even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady. For a balanced review or statement it is crucial that all sides of the story, argument or discussion is shown and recorded to create and even statement. This means its non-biased and not showing favouritism. This is important to the producer because Major news and media sources be biased because simply reason that if they are biased it turns in to a personal opinion.

Impartiality -an inclination to weigh both views and opinions equally. If you are impartial is means you are looking at the situation from a generalised perspective. You are neither for or agenised. An impartial view provides strictly facts and figures about an occurrence. It is important for the producer to me impartial so that the

most amount of factual information is put across. To read an impartial news article makes me feel educated about that specific occurrence and It means that I do not need to question or doubt what has been said.

Objective -of a person or their judgement) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts. When there is an aim and a direction of progression or a goal of achievement. An example of this is when there is a general election the news area of the media issues the viewers with a vast amount of information to increase their awareness about the specific political parties and the MPs that are involved. The intrepid protesters demonstrated against the unjust government policies. Just by using the words intrepid and unjust the writer has quickly conveyed his feelings on the story the protesters are brave and just in their cause, the government policies are wrong. For this reason, hard-news reporters usually avoid using adjectives in their stories.

Subjectivity -judgment based on individual personal impressions and feelings and opinions rather than external facts Being subjective is when a specific person states their perspective and feelings on a situation, discussion or argument. They choose to ignore facts and figures about this and follow what they believe to be right regardless. This is important to the producer simply for the reason that in a discussion or argument it is equally important to have personal and subjective statements as well as factual statements. The following picture shows and generalises Americas subjective perspective on a massive issue in the world; Global warming.

Opinion -a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. An opinion is when a person has a specific perspective on something based on their own personal believes. This is important to the producer simply for the reason that in a discussion or argument it is equally important to have personal opinions and statements as well as factual statements. The following picture shows and generalises Americas subjective perspective on a massive issue in the world; Global warming. This presents only one side of the argument or issue in the viewers heads making it an effective persuasive method.

Biased -unfairly prejudiced for or against someone or something When someone is being biased they state points that are bad and agenised the opposition and they lean to their favourite side. So basically they are more for one side than the other. This happens all of the time in the media and it is evident that it is everywhere. Here is an example of when the BBC was

accused of being biased because supposedly it was filled with negative comments about the former prime minister.

Representation The action of speaking or acting on behalf of someone or the state of being so represented.

Being representative is when you have a fixed side, and you state facts and opinions to back up that side. Here is an example of David Weirs post match interview as Sheffield Uniteds Boss. He is representing his team therefore will mainly make comments and statements supporting and representing that team, however he may give some criticism upon things that they may need to improve. In other areas of the media People can either be represented as good and honest people or they could be made as though they look like scum and liars. It is the law that you cannot missrepresent anything to do with religion. Because missrepresentation in the media can cause major problems.

Privacy and Access - A state in which one is not observed or disturbed by other people. The means or opportunity to approach or enter a place. You cannot film or record anyone without them knowing. An example of an invasion of privacy follows. A Paperazi took pictures of Kate, Williams wife when she was topless this is a massive issue in the press because it is stated grotesque.

Contract with the viewer -a written or spoken agreement, especially one concerning employment, sales, or tenancy, that is intended to be enforceable by law.

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