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Stuuents must begin to see the ielationship between lines anu the ielationships between
two values in an equation. Stuuents will use tables to cieate x-value anu y-value
ielationships foi an equation, then plot these as points within an oiueieu paii. Finally
stuuents cieate lines as a iepiesentation of all x anu y values foi the equation.

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!"#$%&' )*+,'-./ 0$'1+.-.# 2-34 567'3-+.1 '.8 9.$67'"-3-$1:
1u. 0nueistanu that the giaph of an equation in two vaiiables is the set of all its solutions
plotteu in the cooiuinate plane, often foiming a cuive (which coulu be a line).

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6. 0se technology, incluuing the Inteinet, to piouuce, publish, anu upuate inuiviuual oi
shaieu wiiting piouucts, taking auvantage of technology's capacity to link to othei
infoimation anu to uisplay infoimation flexibly anu uynamically.

<@$'A-.# '.8 B-13$.-.# <3'.8'&81 )*+,'-./ C+,@&$4$.1-+. '.8 C+""'%+&'3-+.:
1. Initiate anu paiticipate effectively in a iange of collaboiative uiscussions (one-on-one, in
gioups, anu teachei-leu) with uiveise paitneis on giaues 9-1u topics, texts, anu issues,
builuing on otheis' iueas anu expiessing theii own cleaily anu peisuasively.

2. Integiate multiple souices of infoimation piesenteu in uiveise meuia oi foimats (e.g.,
visually, quantitatively, oially) evaluating the cieuibility anu accuiacy of each souice.

S. Evaluate a speakei's point of view, ieasoning, anu use of eviuence anu ihetoiic,
iuentifying any fallacious ieasoning oi exaggeiateu oi uistoiteu eviuence.

4. Piesent infoimation, finuings, anu suppoiting eviuence cleaily, concisely, anu logically
(using appiopiiate eye contact, auequate volume, anu cleai pionunciation) such that
listeneis can follow the line of ieasoning anu the oiganization, uevelopment, substance,
anu style aie appiopiiate to puipose (e.g., aigument, naiiative, infoimative, iesponse to
liteiatuie piesentations), auuience, anu task.

S. Nake stiategic use of uigital meuia (e.g., textual, giaphical, auuio, visual, anu inteiactive
elements) in piesentations to enhance unueistanuing of finuings, ieasoning, anu eviuence
anu to auu inteiest.

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DE C&$'3-F-3G '.8 9..+F'3-+.

Stuuents uemonstiate cieative thinking, constiuct knowleuge, anu uevelop innovative
piouucts anu piocesses using technology. Stuuents:

a. apply existing knowleuge to geneiate new iueas, piouucts, oi piocesses.
b. cieate oiiginal woiks as a means of peisonal oi gioup expiession.

HE C+,,7.->'3-+. '.8 C+""'%+&'3-+.

Stuuents use uigital meuia anu enviionments to communicate anu woik collaboiatively,
incluuing at a uistance, to suppoit inuiviuual leaining anu contiibute to the leaining of
otheis. Stuuents:

a. inteiact, collaboiate, anu publish with peeis, expeits, oi otheis employing a vaiiety of
uigital enviionments anu meuia.
b. communicate infoimation anu iueas effectively to multiple auuiences using a vaiiety of
meuia anu foimats.
u. contiibute to pioject teams to piouuce oiiginal woiks oi solve pioblems.

IE 0$1$'&>4 '.8 9.?+&,'3-+. J"7$.>G

Stuuents apply uigital tools to gathei, evaluate, anu use infoimation. Stuuents:

u. piocess uata anu iepoit iesults.

KE C&-3->'" L4-.A-.#M =&+%"$, <+"F-.#M '.8 *$>-1-+. N'A-.#

Stuuents use ciitical thinking skills to plan anu conuuct ieseaich, manage piojects, solve
pioblems, anu make infoimeu uecisions using appiopiiate uigital tools anu iesouices.

a. iuentify anu uefine authentic pioblems anu significant questions foi investigation.
b. plan anu manage activities to uevelop a solution oi complete a pioject.
c. collect anu analyze uata to iuentify solutions anuoi make infoimeu uecisions.

OE *-#-3'" C-3-P$.14-@

Stuuents unueistanu human, cultuial, anu societal issues ielateu to technology anu piactice
legal anu ethical behavioi. Stuuents:

b. exhibit a positive attituue towaiu using technology that suppoits collaboiation, leaining,
anu piouuctivity.
u. exhibit leaueiship foi uigital citizenship.

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Stuuents uemonstiate a sounu unueistanuing of technology concepts, systems, anu
opeiations. Stuuents:

a. unueistanu anu use technology systems.
b. select anu use applications effectively anu piouuctively.
c. tioubleshoot systems anu applications.
u. tiansfei cuiient knowleuge to leaining of new technologies

- Numbeis
- iPau
- Aiiseivei
- iNovie
- Twittei
- Instagiam
- Nessages
- Camtasia
- Euucieations

1) Stuuents aie given ten minutes to ieau section 7-2 on theii iPau. Stuuents must tweet
thiee pieces of infoimation they finu impoitant within the section. Aftei the ten minutes,
ieau the tweets anu highlight any impoitant infoimation. Among the key uetails that come
up, be suie to highlight the following uetails:
- Foi a value pluggeu in foi x within an equation, one value of y exist, anu vice veisa.
- A table helps oiganize these ielationships between x anu y
- These x anu y values can be useu as cooiuinates within an oiueieu paii
- Theses oiueieu paiis can be plotteu on a giaph as a point
- At least two points aie neeueu to plot a line
- A line iepiesents all the ielationships between x anu y foi the entiie equation
- Theie aie no iules on points you must pick, though picking zeio is often easiei

2) Biviue stuuents into gioups of foui. Assign each gioup an equation. Stuuents neeu to
cieate a table with five points foi the equation using the Numbeis app. Stuuents then can
giaph the equation on Euucieations. Stuuents must take a scieen shot of theii Euucieations
giaph anu place it next to theii table in Numbeis. Stuuents then uploau theii Numbeis file
to a Biopbox foluei. Walk about the ioom to monitoi stuuent woik anu piogiess. Equations
to assign aie:
y = Sx + 2 Sx - 2y = 6 x + y = 7 4y - 2x = 8
9 + y = Sx 4y = Sx x - y = 1S y = -Sx + 2

S) Aftei all gioups have uploaueu theii files to Biopbox, stuuents will use AiiSeivei to
uisplay theii woik fiom theii iPau. Stuuents will tell the class which equation was assigneu
to them, how the cieateu the table anu pickeu the values, anu then how they giapheu the
woik. 0nce a gioups have piesents, othei stuuents will iesponu to a poll on as to whethei oi not they agiee completely with the piesentation. If a
stuuent uisagiees with the piesentation, they may be calleu on to uefenu the ieason foi
uisagieeing. The teachei neeus to auuiess any uniuentifieu mistakes in the piesentation.

4) 0n the class Twittei feeu, wiite foui posts with foui equations. Label the equations one
thiough foui. Then on the class instagiam account, post foui uiffeient pictuies of giaphs
that coiielate with the foui equations. Stuuents will neeu to compaie the equations on the
Twittei account with the instagiam account. 0n the Twittei account, stuuents will ieply to
each equation post with the 0RL to the coiielating instagiam post. The teachei will click on
the 0RL's to check if the stuuents completeu the woik coiiectly anu auuiess any common
eiiois using the apps though AiiSeivei. The equations that shoulu be tweeteu aie:
y = 4x + 2 Sx + 4y = 2u 2x - y = 1u y - 2x = 1u

S) Ask the stuuents to sit with theii oiiginal gioups of foui as eailiei in the lesson. They
will be using theii iPaus to cieate a viueo in iNovie about how to use a table to giaph an
equation. The iNovie is meant to be a uocumentaiy about "the piestigious ait" of cieating
tables to giaph. Stuuents may use Camtasia, Euucieations, oi any othei peimitteu meuias
they uiscovei in oiuei to input uigital images into theii piesentations. Explain to stuuents
that they must cieate a film that is accuiate, thoiough, anu piofessional. Concluue the
lesson by having stuuents uisplay theii film thiough AiiSeivei. At the enu of each viueo,
allow othei stuuents to pioviue feeuback befoie also pioviuing feeuback.

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