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Data Transfer Questionnaire General

Data Transfer Questionnaire

This questionnaire can be used as a tool to collect information about your business that will be useful for tailoring the R/3 System to your business needs. You will need Microsoft Word for Windows to work with this document. This document is on the disk that comes with this guide. nter your answers in the fields after the questions! using the TAB key to mo"e from field to field. You may sa"e and later change your answers in this questionnaire! #ust as you would with any other Word document.

Timing of $on"ersion %&usiness' (s the customer )re)ared to go with the general )olicy of lea"ing the con"ersion of historical data until after the go*li"e date+ ,re there any e-ce)tions to this+ %&usiness' (s it )ossible that historical data can be stored in another format besides S,/+ 0ardco)y! Microfische! in the legacy system! in the S,/ (nfostructures etc+ %&usiness' 0ow many different legacy systems do you ha"e+ /lease list the different systems1 %Technical' What data integrity/du)licity )roblems e-ist in the legacy systems+ %Technical' 0ere we are trying to determine how much cleanu) of data will be required. ,n e-am)le would be if two legacy system files do not reconcile! therefore the data must always be taken from one file rather than another. ? Year nd Mid Year

Yes ? ?


G/L Account Master

Will the $hart of ,ccounts be redefined or similar to the one which already e-ists+ (f it is to be redefined! this should be a manual con"ersion rather than automated. %&usiness' (f it is being redefined! it is im)ortant to communicate to the customer that they should try to ma) old to new numbers for con"ersion of 2/3 balances! /45s! ,// in"oices etc. %&usiness' This is es)ecially ? ?

1997 SAP Technology, Inc.

Data Transfer Questionnaire Project System - Work reak!o"n Structure #lements

im)ortant if there are "ery high "olumes of o)en /45s! etc. ,re you aware of the )re*configured client and it5s )redefined chart of accounts and it5s )otential benefits+ ?

$en!or Master
0ow many different systems will this data come from+ %&usiness/Technical' What is the current "olume of "endors in the legacy system+ %Technical' What is the frequency at which 6endors are created and changed %get this by location'+ This should hel) to determine how early the final e-tract of data can be done. (f they are currently maintained centrally! this also hel)s in coordinating this acti"ity. %&usiness' ? ?

(s it )ossible to re)ort on all creations and changes to this data from a )articular date+ These could then be added manually de)ending on the "olumes. %Technical' 0ow many of these "endors ha"e not been used in the last year+ %Technical' (s it )ossible to ignore these from the con"ersion if there are no o)en items against them+ %&usiness' ,re there significant du)lication issues+ $an this be quantified+ %&usiness/Technical'

? ? ?

0ow are )artner functions currently defined within the legacy systems+ ,re these relationshi)s defined+ %&usiness / Technical'

? ? ? ?

What is the format of the old 6endor .umber+ %&usiness /Technical'

1997 SAP Technology, Inc.

Data Transfer Questionnaire General

(s there a requirement for users to be able to search the S,/ number by the old number+ -)lore this area more before answering a quick 7yes.8 g.! -)lore the use of matchcodes by name etc. nsure the )erson answering the question understands the o)tions a"ailable using standard matchcodes.

%&en A/P items

0ow many different systems will this data come from+ %&usiness/Technical' What is the current "olume in the system+ %Technical' 6olume e-)ected at $on"ersion Time %&usiness' (s the $ustomer o)en to the o)tion of )aying all o)en items out of the old system )rior to con"ersion+ What historical data is e"entually required in the system+ ? under 9:: 9::*;:: under 9:: 9::*;:: under 9:: 9::*;:: Yes ? .o ? o"er ;:: ? o"er ;:: o"er ;::

'ustomer Master
0ow many different systems will this data come from+ %&usiness/Technical' What is the current "olume of $ustomers in the legacy system+ %Technical' What is the frequency at which $ustomers are created and changed %get this by location'+ This should hel) to determine how early the final e-tract of data can be done. (f they are currently maintained centrally! this also hel)s in coordinating this acti"ity. %&usiness' ? ? ?

(s it )ossible to re)ort on all creations and changes to this data from a )articular date. These could then be added manually

1997 SAP Technology, Inc.

Data Transfer Questionnaire Project System - Work reak!o"n Structure #lements

de)ending on the "olumes. %Technical' 0ow many of these $ustomers ha"e not been used in the last year+ %Technical' 0ow many of these $ustomers ha"e not been used in the last < years+ %Technical' (s it )ossible to ignore these %9 or < years' from the con"ersion if there are no o)en items against them+ %&usiness' ,re there significant du)lication issues+ $an this be quantified+ %&usiness/Technical' ?

? ? ?

0ow are )artner functions currently defined within the legacy systems+ ,re these relationshi)s defined+ %&usiness / Technical' What is the format of the old $ustomer .umber+ %&usiness /Technical' (s there a requirement for users to be able to search the S,/ number by the old number+ -)lore this area more before answering a straight yes. g. -)lore the use of matchcodes by name etc. nsure the )erson answering the question understands the o)tions a"ailable using standard matchcodes.

? ? ?

? ?

%&en A/) Items

0ow many different systems will this data come from+ %&usiness/Technical' What is the current "olume in the system+ %Technical' 6olume -)ected at $on"ersion Time %&usiness' =oes the customer ha"e $ash >na))lied items+ %&usiness' under 9:: 9::*;:: under 9:: 9::*;:: under 9:: 9::*;:: Yes ? .o ? o"er ;:: ? o"er ;:: o"er ;::

1997 SAP Technology, Inc.

Data Transfer Questionnaire General

6olumes+ =oes The $ustomer wish to con"ert any $ustomer 0istory in the future+ %&usiness'

? Yes .o

'ustomer 're!it Mana*ement

(f credit management is being used in S,/! how well is the old system matched to S,/+ %&usiness' This may be difficult to answer in the &lue)rint )hase and may ha"e to be re"ised later when the user has a better understanding of what S,/ offers. ?

G/L alances
0ow many different systems will this data come from+ %&usiness/Technical' What le"el of con"ersion is required+ %&usiness' ? Transaction =etails Monthly &alances / Mo"ement 4)ening &alances only

(f the con"ersion is at year end! is it )ossible to only con"ert o)en &alance sheet and refer to the legacy system for /?3 balances+ This sim)lifies the con"ersion greatly in terms of the ma))ing of old de)artments to cost centers! etc %&usiness'. ?

Material Master
0ow many different systems will this data come from+ %&usiness/Technical' What is the current "olume of Materials in the legacy system+ %Technical' 0ow many of these Materials ha"e not been used or had an in"entory balance/forecat/demand in the last year+ %Technical' (s it )ossible to ignore these from the ?

1997 SAP Technology, Inc.

Data Transfer Questionnaire Project System - Work reak!o"n Structure #lements

con"ersion if there are no in"entory balances/no forecasts/no demands against them+ %&usiness' What are the new organi@ational units in which the materials ha"e to be created+ This hel)s to estimate the "olume. (f you create all materials in all organi@ational units for se"eral of them it much more "olume than creating a material only in one of them. ? ?

What is the frequency at which Materials are created and changed %get this by location'+ This should hel) to determine how early the final e-tract of data can be done. (f they are currently maintained centrally! this also hel)s in coordinating this acti"ity. %&usiness'

(s it )ossible to re)ort on all creations and changes to this data from a )articular date. These could then be added manually de)ending on the "olumes. %Technical' ,re there significant du)lication issues+ $an this be quantified+ %&usiness/Technical'

? ? ?

=o the ty)es of materials in the legacy system relate well to the material ty)es in S,/+ The answer to this may come from the MM questionnaire. What is the format of the old Material .umber+ %&usiness /Technical' (s there a requirement for users to be able to search the S,/ number by the old number+ .ote that a standard matchcode e-ists to search the materials database by old number.

Stora*e ins
0ow many different systems will this data come from+ %&usiness/Technical' ?

1997 SAP Technology, Inc.

Data Transfer Questionnaire General

What is the current "olume of bins to be managed in MM*WM+ (f warehouse management is being used! what is the numbering con"ention of current storage bins+ (f this is "ery regular! then the generate function within S,/ should be used rather than a con"ersion. Work with the a))lication consultant in this area since this may o"erla) with their questionnaire.

atc, -um.erin*
(f batch management is being used! what will the naming con"ention be+ (f they are being retained from the old systems! then the batch can be created at time of con"erting in"entory! otherwise a se)arate con"ersion of &atches may be required. Work with the a))lication consultant in this area since this may o"erla) with their questionnaire. ?

In/entory Le/els
0ow many different systems will this data come from+ %&usiness/Technical' Will a )hysical stock count be done )rior to going li"e to "alidate the legacy data+ %&usiness' Will there be any in"entory which will not be held in S,/ because the materials are being con"erted as .on*stock and therefore they are directly e-)ensed in S,/+ %&usiness' (f there are! then a manual entry to an e-)ense account should be made for the "alue of these materials. ? ?

(f batch management or Warehouse management is being used! it is im)ortant to know! since this will hel) define how the initial in"entory entry is made and what fields are required.

1997 SAP Technology, Inc.

Data Transfer Questionnaire Project System - Work reak!o"n Structure #lements

(f Warehouse management is used! the con"ersion of in"entory onto s)ecific storage bins requires a second ste) in the in"entory con"ersion )rocess. %Technical' ,t the time of con"ersion! how much stock could be in transit+ =oes this need to be catered for in con"ersion! or can the business )rocedurally handle this+ (s there stock on consignment at customer locations+ %&us' 6olumes+ =oes the customer ha"e "endor consignment stock+ %&us' 6olumes+ 0ow is consignment stock identified in the e-isting systems+ %Tech/&us' (s it easily linked to the "endor or customer number+ 0ow are )lants! locations! storage bins currently defined in the e-isting systems+ This needs to be defined well! because often a field in a legacy system may need to be ma))ed to a mi-ture of )lants! storage locations! storage bins. %&usiness/Technical'

? ? ?

? ? ?

1997 SAP Technology, Inc.

Data Transfer Questionnaire General

,nswer the following questions with the o)tions listed below1 0ow many different systems does this data get stored in+ %Technical/&usiness' What are the current "olumes of o)en /45s by location+ %Technical' What is the estimated "olume of o)en /45s at con"ersion time+ %&usiness' =oes The $ustomer ha"e the following categories of data+ %&usiness' Open PO, no GR, no invoice receipt

Open PO, partial GR, no invoice receipt

6olume1 (n this case! does the $ustomer want to see the entire /4 or #ust the o)en /4 item+ The (n"entory can come straight in as mo"ement ty)e ;A9.
What issues do we ha"e in terms of entering the in"oice with reference to 2R and /4+ (f the customer has a lot of these situations! interim )rocedures must be )ut in )lace.

Open PO, partial GR, invoice receipt 6olume1 (n this case! does the $ustomer want to see the entire /4 or #ust the o)en /4 item+ The (n"entory can come straight in as mo"ement ty)e ;A9. (s the in"oice recei)t for the entire amount+ =oes it ha"e to be linked to the /4+ Should the in"oice be blocked for )ayment+

%&en 'ontracts
=oes The $ustomer ha"e o)en contracts that need to be con"erted+ 0ow many different systems does this data get stored in+ %Technical/&usiness' What history will e"entually be required+ ? Yes .o


%&en Sales %r!ers1

What are the current "olumes of o)en S45s by location+ %Technical' ?

1997 SAP Technology, Inc.

Data Transfer Questionnaire Project System - Work reak!o"n Structure #lements

6olume -)ected at $on"ersion Time %&usiness' 0ow many different systems does this data get stored in+ %Technical/&usiness' =oes The $ustomer ha"e the following categories of data+

under 9:: 9::*;:: ?

o"er ;::

4)en S4! no deli"ery! no billing

4)en S4! )artial deli"ery! no billing

(n this case does the $ustomer need to see the entire S4 or is #ust the o)en S4 item sufficient+


Information )ecor!s
=oes the $ustomer currently store this information+ (.e. "endor/material s)ecific )ricing etc. (s it a requirement to con"ert this data+ 0ow many different systems does this data get stored in+ %Technical/&usiness' -)ected "olume %&usiness'1 ? Yes .o



under 9:: 9::*;::

o"er ;::


SD Pricin*
,t what le"el is their current )ricing defined+ (.e. customer/material etc. 0ow many different systems does this data get stored in+ %Technical/&usiness' 6olume e-)ected %&usiness' ?

under 9:: 9::*;::

o"er ;::

Work with the a))lication consultant to determine how this would translate to in S,/ and whether it should be manual or automated. This is generally a difficult con"ersion to automate.



1997 SAP Technology, Inc.

Data Transfer Questionnaire General

Pro!uction %M3s
0ow many systems does this data come from+ %Technical' What is the "olume of &4M5s + %Technical' 0ow many of these &4M5s ha"e not been used in the last year+ %Technical' (s it )ossible to ignore these &4M5s for con"ersion+ %&usiness' What is the frequency at which &4M5s are created and changed %get this by location'+ This should hel) to determine how early the final e-tract of data can be done. (f they are currently maintained centrally! this also hel)s in coordinating this acti"ity. %&usiness' ? ?

(s it )ossible to re)ort on all creations and changes to this data from a )articular date+ These could then be added manually de)ending on the "olumes. %Technical' ,re there significant du)lication issues+ $an this be quantified+ %&usiness/Technical' What is the format of the old &4M number+ %&usiness /Technical' (s there a requirement for users to be able to search the S,/ number by the old number+ .ote that a standard matchcode e-ists to search the materials database by old number. =o you use 6ariant &4M5s+

0ow many systems does this data come from+ %&usiness/Technical' What is the "olume of Routings + %Technical' ?

1997 SAP Technology, Inc.


Data Transfer Questionnaire Project System - Work reak!o"n Structure #lements

0ow many of these Routings ha"e not been used in the last year+ %Technical' (s it )ossible to ignore these Routings for con"ersion+ %&usiness' What is the frequency at which routings are created and changed %get this by location'+ This should hel) to determine how early the final e-tract of data can be done. (f they are currently maintained centrally! this also hel)s in coordinating this acti"ity. %&usiness'

(s it )ossible to re)ort on all creations and changes to this data from a )articular date+ These could then be added manually de)ending on the "olumes. %Technical' ,re there significant du)lication issues+ $an this be quantified+ %&usiness/Technical' What is the format of the old routing number+ %&usiness /Technical' (s there a requirement for users to be able to search the S,/ number by the old number+ .ote that a standard matchcode e-ists to search the materials database by old number.

? ? ? ?

4n&resente! ',ecks
What will the a))ro-imate "olume of un)resented checks at con"ersion time be+ ?

'ost 'enter Plans / u!*ets

What is the e-)ected number of cost centers to be defined in S,/+ %&usiness' ,t what le"el is cost center )lanning currently )erformed+ %&usiness' What format / systems is this data held in+ %&usiness/Technical' ?


1997 SAP Technology, Inc.

Data Transfer Questionnaire General

What is the timing during the year that this acti"ity is done! "ersus when it is first needed in S,/+ %ie.! $an it be done in )ost*im)lementation+' %&usiness' Who is res)onsible for )lanning+ %&usiness' This will effect the logistics of how this new formatted data can be ca)tured for S,/ format. (f e"ery =e)artment manager does it! for e-am)le! it will be difficult to create a sim)le s)readsheet to ca)ture this data.

5uman )esources - Personnel )ecor!s

(t is necessary to work closely with the a))lication consultant in this area to define a $on"ersion 70iring8 e"ent so that the correct infoty)es are ca)tured as )ersonnel data is u)loaded. 0ow many em)loyees does the customer ha"e+ What are the "olumes broken down into+ %/ermanent! /art Time! Tem)orary! etc.' What dates should be used in the hiring e"ent+ There are some limitations o"er backdating the date of the hiring e"ent. 0ow many systems will this data come from+ %Technical/&usiness' 0ow many addresses are stored for an em)loyee currently+ This will im)act how many times the same infoty)e will occur in the con"ersion e"ent. (f integration to $4 is acti"e! how will the ma))ing of em)loyees to $ost $enters be established+ (f /ayroll is being done e-ternally to S,/! what data is required to be stored in S,/ to satisfy the 3rd )arty )ayroll requirements. .g.! with ,=/! there needs to be a file number. ?

Project System - Work reak!o"n Structure #lements

What is the a"erage and ma-imum numbers of W&S lements )er /ro#ect ?

1997 SAP Technology, Inc.


Data Transfer Questionnaire Project System - Work reak!o"n Structure #lements

=efinition+ (f there are more than 9::! it becomes "ery slow and inefficient to load these. Total "olume of )ro#ects+ ?

Quality Mana*ement Mo!ule

0ow many different systems will this data come from+ %&usiness/Technical' What is the frequency at which BM Master data is created and changed %get this by location'+ This refers to the tests and ins)ection )lans rather than results. This should hel) to determine how early the final e-tract of data can be done. (f they are currently maintained centrally! this also hel)s in coordinating this acti"ity. %&usiness' ? ?

(s it )ossible to re)ort on all creations and changes to this data from a )articular date+ These could then be added manually de)ending on the "olumes. %Technical' What is the current "olume of Master (ns)ection $haracteristics in the legacy system+ %&usiness' Work with the a))lication consultant to understand how different the e-isting data is. (t is "ery difficult to do a straight e-tract and u)load into S,/. /lan to e-tract the data as early as )ossible to mani)ulate into a format more suitable for S,/ %e.g.! 2eneral $haracteristics! master ins)ection chars! methods! classes! material s)ecs! ins)ection )lans! certificate )rofiles'.


Au!itin* an! )econciliation

0ow closely does internal audit want to be in"ol"ed with the con"ersion )rocess+ %&usiness' ,re there any s)ecial audit or reconciliation requirements+ %&usiness' ?


1997 SAP Technology, Inc.

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