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Dramatis Persona

A Lord.
CHRISTOPHER SLY, a Tinker, Hostess, Page, Players, Huntsmen, and Serants,
Persons in t!e Indu"tion.
#APTISTA, a ri"! $entleman o% Padua.
&I'CE'TIO, an old $entleman o% Pisa.
L(CE'TIO, son to &in"entio) in loe *it! #ian"a.
PETR(CHIO, a $entleman o% &erona) Suitor to +at!arina.
$RE,IO, HORTE'SIO, Suitors to #ian"a.
TRA'IO, #IO'DELLO, Serants to Lu"entio
$R(,IO, C(RTIS, Serants to Petru"!io.
Pedant, set u- to -ersonate &in"entio.
+ATHARI'A, t!e S!re*, #IA'CA, Daug!ters to #a-tista.
Tailor, Ha/erdas!er, and Serants attending on #a-tista and Petru"!io.
SCE'E.0Sometimes in Padua) and sometimes in PETR(CHIO1S House in t!e
S"ene I
S"ene II
A"t I
S"ene I
S"ene II
A"t II
S"ene I
A"t II
S"ene I
S"ene II
A"t I&
S"ene I
S"ene II
S"ene III
S"ene I&
S"ene &
A"t &
S"ene I
S"ene II
A"t I. S"ene I.
Padua. A -u/li" Pla"e.
Enter L(CE'TIO and TRA'IO.
Lu". Tranio, sin"e %or t!e great desire I !ad
To see %air Padua, nursery o% arts, 4
I am arri1d %or %ruit%ul Lom/ardy,
T!e -leasant garden o% great Italy)
And /y my %at!er1s loe and leae am arm1d
.it! !is good *ill and t!y good "om-any, 5
,y trusty serant *ell a--ro1d in all,
Here let us /reat!e, and !a-ly institute
A "ourse o% learning and ingenious studies.
Pisa, reno*ned %or grae "iti6ens, 27
$ae me my /eing and my %at!er %irst,
A mer"!ant o% great tra%%i" t!roug! t!e *orld,
&in"entio, "ome o% t!e #entiolii.
&in"entio1s son, /roug!t u- in 8loren"e, 29
It s!all /e"ome to sere all !o-es "on"ei1d,
To de"k !is %ortune *it! !is irtuous deeds:
And t!ere%ore, Tranio, %or t!e time I study,
&irtue and t!at -art o% -!iloso-!y 7;
.ill I a--ly t!at treats o% !a--iness
#y irtue s-e"ially to /e a"!ie1d.
Tell me t!y mind) %or I !ae Pisa le%t
And am to Padua "ome, as !e t!at leaes 74
A s!allo* -las! to -lunge !im in t!e dee-,
And *it! satiety seeks to <uen"! !is t!irst.
Tra. ,i -erdonate, gentle master mine,
I am in all a%%e"ted as yoursel%, 75
$lad t!at you t!us "ontinue your resole
To su"k t!e s*eets o% s*eet -!iloso-!y.
Only, good master, *!ile *e do admire
T!is irtue and t!is moral dis"i-line, =7
Let1s /e no stoi"s nor no sto"ks, I -ray)
Or so deote to Aristotle1s "!e"ks
As Oid /e an out"ast <uite a/>ur1d.
#alk logi" *it! a"<uaintan"e t!at you !ae, =9
And -ra"tise r!etori" in your "ommon talk)
,usi" and -oesy use to <ui"ken you)
T!e mat!emati"s and t!e meta-!ysi"s,
8all to t!em as you %ind your stoma"! seres you) 4;
'o -ro%it gro*s *!ere is no -leasure ta1en)
In /rie%, sir, study *!at you most a%%e"t.
Lu". $ramer"ies, Tranio, *ell dost t!ou adise.
I%, #iondello, t!ou *ert "ome as!ore, 44
.e "ould at on"e -ut us in readiness,
And take a lodging %it to entertain
Su"! %riends as time in Padua s!all /eget.
#ut stay a *!ile: *!at "om-any is t!is? 45
Tra. ,aster, some s!o* to *el"ome us to to*n.
L(CE'TIO and TRA'IO stand aside.
#a-. $entlemen, im-ortune me no %urt!er,
8or !o* I %irmly am resol1d you kno*) @7
T!at is, not to /esto* my youngest daug!ter
#e%ore I !ae a !us/and %or t!e elder.
I% eit!er o% you /ot! loe +at!arina,
#e"ause I kno* you *ell and loe you *ell, @9
Leae s!all you !ae to "ourt !er at your -leasure.
$re. To "art !er rat!er: s!e1s too roug! %or me.
T!ere, t!ere, Hortensio, *ill you any *i%e?
+at!. ATo #APTISTA.B I -ray you, sir, is it your *ill 9;
To make a stale o% me amongst t!ese mates?
Hor. ,ates, maidC !o* mean you t!at? no mates %or you,
(nless you *ere o% gentler, milder mould.
+at!. I1 %ait!, sir, you s!all neer need to %ear: 94
I *is it is not !al% *ay to !er !eart)
#ut i% it *ere, dou/t not !er "are s!ould /e
To "om/ your noddle *it! a t!reeDlegg1d stool,
And -aint your %a"e, and use you like a %ool. 95
Hor. 8rom all su"! deils, good Lord delier usC
$re. And me too, good LordC
Tra. Hus!, masterC !ere is some good -astime to*ard:
T!at *en"! is stark mad or *onder%ul %ro*ard. E7
Lu". #ut in t!e ot!er1s silen"e do I see
,aid1s mild /e!aiour and so/riety.
Pea"e, TranioC
Tra. .ell said, master) mumC and ga6e your %ill. E9
#a-. $entlemen, t!at I may soon make good
.!at I !ae said,0#ian"a, get you in:
And let it not dis-lease t!ee, good #ian"a,
8or I *ill loe t!ee ne1er t!e less, my girl. 5;
+at!. A -retty -eatC it is /est
Put %inger in t!e eye, an s!e kne* *!y.
#ian. Sister, "ontent you in my dis"ontent.
Sir, to your -leasure !um/ly I su/s"ri/e: 54
,y /ooks and instruments s!all /e my "om-any,
On t!em to look and -ra"tise /y mysel%.
Lu". Hark, TranioC t!ou mayst !ear ,inera s-eak.
Hor. Signior #a-tista, *ill you /e so strange? 55
Sorry am I t!at our good *ill e%%e"ts
#ian"a1s grie%.
$re. .!y *ill you me* !er u-,
Signior #a-tista, %or t!is %iend o% !ell, F7
And make !er /ear t!e -enan"e o% !er tongue?
#a-. $entlemen, "ontent ye) I am resol1d.
$o in, #ian"a. AEGit #IA'CA.
And %or I kno* s!e taket! most delig!t F9
In musi", instruments, and -oetry,
S"!oolmasters *ill I kee- *it!in my !ouse,
8it to instru"t !er yout!. I% you, Hortensio,
Or Signior $remio, you, kno* any su"!, 2;;
Pre%er t!em !it!er) %or to "unning men
I *ill /e ery kind, and li/eral
To mine o*n "!ildren in good /ringing u-)
And so, %are*ell. +at!arina, you may stay) 2;4
8or I !ae more to "ommune *it! #ian"a. AEGit.
+at!. .!y, and I trust I may go too) may I not?
.!atC s!all I /e a--ointed !ours, as t!oug!, /elike,
I kne* not *!at to take, and *!at to leae? HaC AEGit. 2;5
$re. You may go to t!e deil1s dam: your gi%ts are so good, !ere1s none *ill !old
you. T!eir loe is not so great, Hortensio, /ut *e may /lo* our nails toget!er, and
%ast it %airly out: our "ake1s doug! on /ot! sides. 8are*ell: yet, %or t!e loe I /ear my
s*eet #ian"a, i% I "an /y any means lig!t on a %it man to tea"! !er t!at *!erein s!e
delig!ts, I *ill *is! !im to !er %at!er.
Hor. So *ill I, Signior $remio: /ut a *ord, I -ray. T!oug! t!e nature o% our <uarrel
yet neer /rooked -arle, kno* no*, u-on adi"e, it tou"!et! us /ot!,0t!at *e may
yet again !ae a""ess to our %air mistress and /e !a--y rials in #ian"a1s loe,0to
la/our and e%%e"t one t!ing s-e"ially.
$re. .!at1s t!at, I -ray?
Hor. ,arry, sir, to get a !us/and %or !er sister. 227
$re. A !us/andC a deil.
Hor. I say, a !us/and.
$re. I say, a deil. T!inkest t!ou, Hortensio, t!oug! !er %at!er /e ery ri"!, any
man is so ery a %ool to /e married to !ell?
Hor. Tus!, $remioC t!oug! it -ass your -atien"e and mine to endure !er loud
alarums, *!y, man, t!ere /e good %ello*s in t!e *orld, an a man "ould lig!t on t!em,
*ould take !er *it! all %aults, and money enoug!. 229
$re. I "annot tell) /ut I !ad as lie% take !er do*ry *it! t!is "ondition, to /e
*!i--ed at t!e !ig!D"ross eery morning.
Hor. 8ait!, as you say, t!ere1s small "!oi"e in rotten a--les. #ut, "ome) sin"e t!is
/ar in la* makes us %riends, it s!all /e so %ar %ort! %riendly maintained, till /y !el-ing
#a-tista1s eldest daug!ter to a !us/and, *e set !is youngest %ree %or a !us/and, and
t!en !ae to 1t a%res!. S*eet #ian"aC Ha--y man /e !is doleC He t!at runs %astest
gets t!e ring. Ho* say you, Signior $remio?
$re. I am agreed: and *ould I !ad gien !im t!e /est !orse in Padua to /egin !is
*ooing, t!at *ould t!oroug!ly *oo !er, *ed !er, and /ed !er, and rid t!e !ouse o%
!er. Come on. AEGeunt $RE,IO and HORTE'SIO.
Tra. I -ray, sir, tell me, is it -ossi/le 27;
T!at loe s!ould o% a sudden take su"! !old?
Lu". O TranioC till I %ound it to /e true,
I neer t!oug!t it -ossi/le or likely)
#ut see, *!ile idly I stood looking on, 274
I %ound t!e e%%e"t o% loe in idleness)
And no* in -lainness do "on%ess to t!ee,
T!at art to me as se"ret and as dear
As Anna to t!e Hueen o% Cart!age *as, 275
Tranio, I /urn, I -ine, I -eris!, Tranio,
I% I a"!iee not t!is young modest girl.
Counsel me, Tranio, %or I kno* t!ou "anst:
Assist me, Tranio, %or I kno* t!ou *ilt. 2=7
Tra. ,aster, it is no time to "!ide you no*)
A%%e"tion is not rated %rom t!e !eart:
I% loe !ae tou"!1d you, noug!t remains /ut so,
Redime te "a-tum, <uam <ueas minimo. 2=9
Lu". $ramer"ies, lad) go %or*ard: t!is "ontents:
T!e rest *ill "om%ort, %or t!y "ounsel1s sound.
Tra. ,aster, you look1d so longly on t!e maid,
Per!a-s you mark1d not *!at1s t!e -it! o% all. 24;
Lu". O yes, I sa* s*eet /eauty in !er %a"e,
Su"! as t!e daug!ter o% Agenor !ad,
T!at made great Ioe to !um/le !im to !er !and,
.!en *it! !is knees !e kiss1d t!e Cretan strand. 244
Tra. Sa* you no more? mark1d you not !o* !er sister
#egan to s"old and raise u- su"! a storm
T!at mortal ears mig!t !ardly endure t!e din?
Lu". Tranio, I sa* !er "oral li-s to moe, 245
And *it! !er /reat! s!e did -er%ume t!e air)
Sa"red and s*eet *as all I sa* in !er.
Tra. 'ay, t!en, 1tis time to stir !im %rom !is tran"e.
I -ray, a*ake, sir: i% you loe t!e maid, 2@7
#end t!oug!ts and *its to a"!iee !er. T!us it stands:
Her elder sister is so "urst and s!re*d,
T!at till t!e %at!er rid !is !ands o% !er,
,aster, your loe must lie a maid at !ome) 2@9
And t!ere%ore !as !e "losely me*1d !er u-,
#e"ause s!e *ill not /e annoy1d *it! suitors.
Lu". A!, Tranio, *!at a "ruel %at!er1s !eC
#ut art t!ou not adis1d !e took some "are 29;
To get !er "unning s"!oolmasters to instru"t !er?
Tra. Ay, marry, am I, sir) and no* 1tis -lotted.
Lu". I !ae it, Tranio.
Tra. ,aster, %or my !and, 294
#ot! our inentions meet and >um- in one.
Lu". Tell me t!ine %irst.
Tra. You *ill /e s"!oolmaster,
And undertake t!e tea"!ing o% t!e maid: 295
T!at1s your dei"e.
Lu". It is: may it /e done?
Tra. 'ot -ossi/le) %or *!o s!all /ear your -art,
And /e in Padua !ere &in"entio1s son? 2E7
+ee- !ouse and -ly !is /ook, *el"ome !is %riends)
&isit !is "ountrymen, and /an<uet t!em?
Lu". #asta) "ontent t!ee) %or I !ae it %ull.
.e !ae not yet /een seen in any !ouse, 2E9
'or "an *e /e distinguis!1d /y our %a"es
8or man, or master: t!en, it %ollo*s t!us:
T!ou s!alt /e master, Tranio, in my stead,
+ee- !ouse, and -ort, and serants, as I s!ould: 25;
I *ill some ot!er /e) some 8lorentine,
Some 'ea-olitan, or meaner man o% Pisa.
1Tis !at"!1d and s!all /e so: Tranio, at on"e
(n"ase t!ee, take my "olour1d !at and "loak: 254
.!en #iondello "omes, !e *aits on t!ee)
#ut I *ill "!arm !im %irst to kee- !is tongue. AT!ey eG"!ange !a/its.
Tra. So !ad you need.
In /rie% t!en, sir, sit! it your -leasure is, 255
And I am tied to /e o/edient)
8or so your %at!er "!arg1d me at our -arting,
J#e seri"ea/le to my son,1 <uot! !e,
Alt!oug! I t!ink 1t*as in anot!er sense: 2F7
I am "ontent to /e Lu"entio,
#e"ause so *ell I loe Lu"entio.
Lu". Tranio, /e so, /e"ause Lu"entio loes)
And let me /e a slae, to a"!iee t!at maid 2F9
.!ose sudden sig!t !at! t!rall1d my *ounded eye.
Here "omes t!e rogue.
Enter #IO'DELLO.
Sirra!, *!ere !ae you /een? 7;;
#ion. .!ere !ae I /eenC 'ay, !o* no*C *!ere are you?
,aster, !as my %ello* Tranio stol1n your "lot!es,
Or you stol1n !is? or /ot!? -ray, *!at1s t!e ne*s?
Lu". Sirra!, "ome !it!er: 1tis no time to >est, 7;4
And t!ere%ore %rame your manners to t!e time.
Your %ello* Tranio, !ere, to sae my li%e,
Puts my a--arel and my "ountenan"e on,
And I %or my es"a-e !ae -ut on !is) 7;5
8or in a <uarrel sin"e I "ame as!ore
I kill1d a man, and %ear I *as des"ried.
.ait you on !im, I "!arge you, as /e"omes,
.!ile I make *ay %rom !en"e to sae my li%e: 727
You understand me?
#ion. I, sirC ne1er a *!it.
Lu". And not a >ot o% Tranio in your mout!:
Tranio is "!anged to Lu"entio. 729
#ion. T!e /etter %or !im: *ould I *ere so tooC
Tra. So *ould I, %ait!, /oy, to !ae t!e neGt *is! a%ter,
T!at Lu"entio indeed !ad #a-tista1s youngest daug!ter.
#ut, sirra!, not %or my sake, /ut your master1s, I adise 77;
You use your manners dis"reetly in all kind o% "om-anies:
.!en I am alone, *!y, t!en I am Tranio)
#ut in all -la"es else your master, Lu"entio.
Lu". Tranio, let1s go. One t!ing more rests, t!at t!ysel% eGe"ute, to make one
among t!ese *ooers: i% t!ou ask me *!y, su%%i"et! my reasons are /ot! good and
*eig!ty. AEGeunt. 774
T!e Presenters a/oe s-eak.
8irst Ser. ,y lord, you nod) you do not mind t!e -lay.
Sly. Yes, /y Saint Anne, I do. A good matter, surely: "omes t!ere any more o% it?
Page. ,y lord, 1tis /ut /egun. 775
Sly. 1Tis a ery eG"ellent -ie"e o% *ork, madam lady: *ould 1t*ere doneC AT!ey sit
and mark.
A"t I. S"ene II.
T!e Same. #e%ore HORTE'SIO1S House.
Enter PETR(CHIO and $R(,IO.
Pet. &erona, %or a *!ile I take my leae,
To see my %riends in Padua) /ut, o% all 4
,y /est /eloed and a--roed %riend,
Hortensio) and I tro* t!is is !is !ouse.
Here, sirra! $rumio) kno"k, I say.
$ru. +no"k, sirC *!om s!ould I kno"k? is t!ere any man !as re/used your
*ors!i-? 5
Pet. &illain, I say, kno"k me !ere soundly.
$ru. +no"k you !ere, sirC *!y, sir, *!at am I, sir, t!at I s!ould kno"k you !ere, sir?
Pet. &illain, I say, kno"k me at t!is gate)
And ra- me *ell, or I1ll kno"k your knae1s -ate. 27
$ru. ,y master is gro*n <uarrelsome. I s!ould kno"k you %irst,
And t!en I kno* a%ter *!o "omes /y t!e *orst.
Pet. .ill it not /e?
8ait!, sirra!, an you1ll not kno"k, I1ll ring it) 29
I1ll try !o* you "an sol, %a, and sing it. AHe *rings $R(,IO /y t!e ears.
$ru. Hel-, masters, !el-C my master is mad.
Pet. 'o*, kno"k *!en I /id you, sirra! illainC
Enter HORTE'SIO. 7;
Hor. Ho* no*C *!at1s t!e matter? ,y old %riend $rumioC and my good %riend
Petru"!ioC Ho* do you all at &erona?
Pet. Signior Hortensio, "ome you to -art t!e %ray?
Con tutto il "uore /en troato, may I say.
Hor. Alla nostra "asa /en enuto) molto !onorato signior mio Petru"!io. 74
Rise, $rumio, rise: *e *ill "om-ound t!is <uarrel.
$ru. 'ay, 1tis no matter, sir, *!at !e 1leges in Latin. I% t!is /e not a la*%ul "ause %or
me to leae !is seri"e, look you, sir, !e /id me kno"k !im and ra- !im soundly, sir:
*ell, *as it %it %or a serant to use !is master so) /eing, -er!a-s, %or aug!t I see, t*oD
andDt!irty, a -i- out?
.!om *ould to $od, I !ad *ell kno"k1d at %irst,
T!en !ad not $rumio "ome /y t!e *orst. 75
Pet. A senseless illainC $ood Hortensio,
I /ade t!e ras"al kno"k u-on your gate,
And "ould not get !im %or my !eart to do it.
$ru. +no"k at t!e gateC O !eaensC S-ake you not t!ese *ords -lain, JSirra!,
kno"k me !ere, ra- me !ere, kno"k me *ell, and kno"k me soundly?1 And "ome you
no* *it! Jkno"king at t!e gate?1 =7
Pet. Sirra!, /e gone, or talk not, I adise you.
Hor. Petru"!io, -atien"e) I am $rumio1s -ledge.
.!y, t!is1s a !eay "!an"e 1t*iGt !im and you,
Your an"ient, trusty, -leasant serant $rumio. =9
And tell me no*, s*eet %riend, *!at !a--y gale
#lo*s you to Padua !ere %rom old &erona?
Pet. Su"! *ind as s"atters young men t!roug! t!e *orld
To seek t!eir %ortunes %urt!er t!an at !ome, 4;
.!ere small eG-erien"e gro*s. #ut in a %e*,
Signior Hortensio, t!us it stands *it! me:
Antonio, my %at!er, is de"eas1d,
And I !ae t!rust mysel% into t!is ma6e, 44
Ha-ly to *ie and t!rie as /est I may.
Cro*ns in my -urse I !ae and goods at !ome,
And so am "ome a/road to see t!e *orld.
Hor. Petru"!io, s!all I t!en "ome roundly to t!ee, 45
And *is! t!ee to a s!re*d illD%aour1d *i%e?
T!ou1dst t!ank me /ut a little %or my "ounsel)
And yet I1ll -romise t!ee s!e s!all /e ri"!,
And ery ri"!: /ut t!ou1rt too mu"! my %riend, @7
And I1ll not *is! t!ee to !er.
Pet. Signior Hortensio, 1t*iGt su"! %riends as *e,
8e* *ords su%%i"e) and t!ere%ore, i% t!ou kno*
One ri"! enoug! to /e Petru"!io1s *i%e, @9
As *ealt! is /urden o% my *ooing dan"e,
#e s!e as %oul as *as 8lorentius1 loe,
As old as Si/yl, and as "urst and s!re*d
As So"rates1 Kant!i--e, or a *orse, 9;
S!e moes me not, or not remoes, at least,
A%%e"tion1s edge in me, *ere s!e as roug!
As are t!e s*elling Adriati" seas:
I "ome to *ie it *ealt!ily in Padua) 94
I% *ealt!ily, t!en !a--ily in Padua.
$ru. 'ay, look you, sir, !e tells you %latly *!at !is mind is: *!y, gie !im gold
enoug! and marry !im to a -u--et or an agletD/a/y) or an old trot *it! ne1er a toot!
in !er !ead, t!oug! s!e !ae as many diseases as t*oDandD%i%ty !orses: *!y, not!ing
"omes amiss, so money "omes *it!al.
Hor. Petru"!io, sin"e *e are ste--1d t!us %ar in,
I *ill "ontinue t!at I /roa"!1d in >est. 95
I "an, Petru"!io, !el- t!ee to a *i%e
.it! *ealt! enoug!, and young and /eauteous,
#roug!t u- as /est /e"omes a gentle*oman:
Her only %ault,0and t!at is %aults enoug!,0 E7
Is, t!at s!e is intolera/le "urst
And s!re*d and %ro*ard, so /eyond all measure,
T!at, *ere my state %ar *orser t!an it is,
I *ould not *ed !er %or a mine o% gold. E9
Pet. Hortensio, -ea"eC t!ou kno*1st not gold1s e%%e"t:
Tell me !er %at!er1s name, and 1tis enoug!)
8or I *ill /oard !er, t!oug! s!e "!ide as loud
As t!under *!en t!e "louds in autumn "ra"k. 5;
Hor. Her %at!er is #a-tista ,inola,
An a%%a/le and "ourteous gentleman)
Her name is +at!arina ,inola,
Reno*n1d in Padua %or !er s"olding tongue. 54
Pet. I kno* !er %at!er, t!oug! I kno* not !er)
And !e kne* my de"eased %at!er *ell.
I *ill not slee-, Hortensio, till I see !er)
And t!ere%ore let me /e t!us /old *it! you, 55
To gie you oer at t!is %irst en"ounter,
(nless you *ill a""om-any me t!it!er.
$ru. I -ray you, sir, let !im go *!ile t!e !umour lasts. O1my *ord, an s!e kne*
!im as *ell as I do, s!e *ould t!ink s"olding *ould do little good u-on !im. S!e
may, -er!a-s, "all !im !al% a s"ore knaes or so: *!y, t!at1s not!ing: an !e /egin
on"e, !e1ll rail in !is ro-eDtri"ks. I1ll tell you *!at, sir, an s!e stand !im /ut a little,
!e *ill t!ro* a %igure in !er %a"e, and so dis%igure !er *it! it t!at s!e s!all !ae no
more eyes to see *it!al t!an a "at. You kno* !im not, sir.
Hor. Tarry, Petru"!io, I must go *it! t!ee, F7
8or in #a-tista1s kee- my treasure is:
He !at! t!e >e*el o% my li%e in !old,
His youngest daug!ter, /eauti%ul #ian"a,
And !er *it!!olds %rom me and ot!er more, F9
Suitors to !er and rials in my loe)
Su--osing it a t!ing im-ossi/le,
8or t!ose de%e"ts I !ae /e%ore re!ears1d,
T!at eer +at!arina *ill /e *oo1d: 2;;
T!ere%ore t!is order !at! #a-tista ta1en,
T!at none s!all !ae a""ess unto #ian"a,
Till +at!arine t!e "urst !ae got a !us/and.
$ru. +at!arine t!e "urstC 2;4
A title %or a maid o% all titles t!e *orst.
Hor. 'o* s!all my %riend Petru"!io do me gra"e,
And o%%er me, disguis1d in so/er ro/es,
To old #a-tista as a s"!oolmaster 2;5
.ell seen in musi", to instru"t #ian"a)
T!at so I may, /y t!is dei"e, at least
Hae leae and leisure to make loe to !er,
And unsus-e"ted "ourt !er /y !ersel%. 227
$ru. Here1s no knaeryC See, to /eguile t!e old %olks, !o* t!e young %olks lay t!eir
!eads toget!erC
Enter $RE,IO, and L(CE'TIO disguised, *it! /ooks under !is arm.
,aster, master, look a/out you: *!o goes t!ere, !a?
Hor. Pea"e, $rumioC 1tis t!e rial o% my loe. 229
Petru"!io, stand /y a *!ile.
$ru. A -ro-er stri-ling, and an amorousC
$re. OC ery *ell) I !ae -erus1d t!e note.
Hark you, sir) I1ll !ae t!em ery %airly /ound: 27;
All /ooks o% loe, see t!at at any !and,
And see you read no ot!er le"tures to !er.
You understand me. Oer and /eside
Signior #a-tista1s li/erality, 274
I1ll mend it *it! a largess. Take your -a-ers too,
And let me !ae t!em ery *ell -er%um1d)
8or s!e is s*eeter t!an -er%ume itsel%
To *!om t!ey go to. .!at *ill you read to !er? 275
Lu". .!ate1er I read to !er, I1ll -lead %or you,
As %or my -atron, stand you so assur1d,
As %irmly as yoursel% *ere still in -la"e)
Yea, and -er!a-s *it! more su""ess%ul *ords 2=7
T!an you, unless you *ere a s"!olar, sir.
$re. OC t!is learning, *!at a t!ing it is.
$ru. OC t!is *ood"o"k, *!at an ass it is.
Pet. Pea"e, sirra!C 2=9
Hor. $rumio, mumC $od sae you, Signior $remioC
$re. And you1re *ell met, Signior Hortensio.
Tro* you *!it!er I am going? To #a-tista ,inola.
I -romis1d to in<uire "are%ully 24;
A/out a s"!oolmaster %or t!e %air #ian"a)
And, /y good %ortune, I !ae lig!ted *ell
On t!is young man) %or learning and /e!aiour
8it %or !er turn) *ell read in -oetry 244
And ot!er /ooks, good ones, I *arrant ye.
Hor. 1Tis *ell: and I !ae met a gentleman
Hat! -romis1d me to !el- me to anot!er,
A %ine musi"ian to instru"t our mistress: 245
So s!all I no *!it /e /e!ind in duty
To %air #ian"a, so /elo1d o% me.
$re. #elo1d o% me, and t!at my deeds s!all -roe.
$ru. AAside. B And t!at !is /ags s!all -roe. 2@7
Hor. $remio, 1tis no* no time to ent our loe:
Listen to me, and i% you s-eak me %air,
I1ll tell you ne*s indi%%erent good %or eit!er.
Here is a gentleman *!om /y "!an"e I met, 2@9
(-on agreement %rom us to !is liking,
.ill undertake to *oo "urst +at!arine)
Yea, and to marry !er, i% !er do*ry -lease.
$re. So said, so done, is *ell. 29;
Hortensio, !ae you told !im all !er %aults?
Pet. I kno* s!e is an irksome, /ra*ling s"old:
I% t!at /e all, masters, I !ear no !arm.
$re. 'o, sayst me so, %riend? .!at "ountryman? 294
Pet. #orn in &erona, old Antonio1s son:
,y %at!er dead, my %ortune lies %or me)
And I do !o-e good days and long to see.
$re. O, sir, su"! a li%e, *it! su"! a *i%e, *ere strangeC 295
#ut i% you !ae a stoma"!, to 1t i1 $od1s name:
You s!all !ae me assisting you in all.
#ut *ill you *oo t!is *ildD"at?
Pet. .ill I lie? 2E7
$ru. .ill !e *oo !er? ay, or I1ll !ang !er.
Pet. .!y "ame I !it!er /ut to t!at intent?
T!ink you a little din "an daunt mine ears?
Hae I not in my time !eard lions roar? 2E9
Hae I not !eard t!e sea, -u%%1d u- *it! *inds,
Rage like an angry /oar "!a%ed *it! s*eat?
Hae I not !eard great ordnan"e in t!e %ield,
And !eaen1s artillery t!under in t!e skies? 25;
Hae I not in a -it"!ed /attle !eard
Loud 1larums, neig!ing steeds, and trum-ets1 "lang?
And do you tell me o% a *oman1s tongue,
T!at gies not !al% so great a /lo* to !ear 254
As *ill a "!estnut in a %armer1s %ire?
Tus!, tus!C %ear /oys *it! /ugs.
$ru. AAside. B 8or !e %ears none.
$re. Hortensio, !ark: 255
T!is gentleman is !a--ily arri1d,
,y mind -resumes, %or !is o*n good and ours.
Hor. I -romis1d *e *ould /e "ontri/utors,
And /ear !is "!arge o% *ooing, *!atsoe1er. 2F7
$re. And so *e *ill, -roided t!at !e *in !er.
$ru. AAside. B I *ould I *ere as sure o% a good dinner.
Enter TRA'IO, /raely a--arelled) and #IO'DELLO.
Tra. $entlemen, $od sae youC I% I may /e /old, 2F9
Tell me, I /esee"! you, *!i"! is t!e readiest *ay
To t!e !ouse o% Signior #a-tista ,inola?
#ion. He t!at !as t!e t*o %air daug!ters: is1t !e you mean?
Tra. Een !e, #iondelloC 7;;
$re. Hark you, sir) you mean not !er to0
Tra. Per!a-s, !im and !er, sir: *!at !ae you to do?
Pet. 'ot !er t!at "!ides, sir, at any !and, I -ray.
Tra. I loe no "!iders, sir. #iondello, let1s a*ay. 7;4
Lu". AAside. B .ell /egun, Tranio.
Hor. Sir, a *ord ere you go:
Are you a suitor to t!e maid you talk o%, yea or no?
Tra. And i% I /e, sir, is it any o%%en"e? 7;5
$re. 'o) i% *it!out more *ords you *ill get you !en"e.
Tra. .!y, sir, I -ray, are not t!e streets as %ree
8or me as %or you?
$re. #ut so is not s!e. 727
Tra. 8or *!at reason, I /esee"! you?
$re. 8or t!is reason, i% you1ll kno*,
T!at s!e1s t!e "!oi"e loe o% Signior $remio.
Hor. T!at s!e1s t!e "!osen o% Signior Hortensio. 729
Tra. So%tly, my mastersC i% you /e gentlemen,
Do me t!is rig!t) !ear me *it! -atien"e.
#a-tista is a no/le gentleman,
To *!om my %at!er is not all unkno*n) 77;
And *ere !is daug!ter %airer t!an s!e is,
S!e may more suitors !ae, and me %or one.
8air Leda1s daug!ter !ad a t!ousand *ooers)
T!en *ell one more may %air #ian"a !ae, 774
And so s!e s!all) Lu"entio s!all make one,
T!oug! Paris "ame in !o-e to s-eed alone.
$re. .!atC t!is gentleman *ill outDtalk us all.
Lu". Sir, gie !im !ead: I kno* !e1ll -roe a >ade. 775
Pet. Hortensio, to *!at end are all t!ese *ords?
Hor. Sir, let me /e so /old as ask you,
Did you yet eer see #a-tista1s daug!ter?
Tra. 'o, sir) /ut !ear I do t!at !e !at! t*o, 7=7
T!e one as %amous %or a s"olding tongue
As is t!e ot!er %or /eauteous modesty.
Pet. Sir, sir, t!e %irst1s %or me) let !er go /y.
$re. Yea, leae t!at la/our to great Her"ules, 7=9
And let it /e more t!an Al"ides1 t*ele.
Pet. Sir, understand you t!is o% me in soot!:
T!e youngest daug!ter, *!om you !earken %or,
Her %at!er kee-s %rom all a""ess o% suitors, 74;
And *ill not -romise !er to any man
(ntil t!e elder sister %irst /e *ed)
T!e younger t!en is %ree, and not /e%ore.
Tra. I% it /e so, sir, t!at you are t!e man 744
,ust stead us all, and me among t!e rest)
And i% you /reak t!e i"e, and do t!is %eat,
A"!iee t!e elder, set t!e younger %ree
8or our a""ess, *!ose !a- s!all /e to !ae !er 745
.ill not so gra"eless /e to /e ingrate.
Hor. Sir, you say *ell, and *ell you do "on"eie)
And sin"e you do -ro%ess to /e a suitor,
You must, as *e do, grati%y t!is gentleman, 7@7 3
To *!om *e all rest generally /e!olding.
Tra. Sir, I s!all not /e sla"k: in sign *!ereo%,
Please ye *e may "ontrie t!is a%ternoon,
And <ua%% "arouses to our mistress1 !ealt!, 7@9
And do as adersaries do in la*,
Strie mig!tily, /ut eat and drink as %riends.
$ru. O eG"ellent motionC 8ello*s, let1s /e gone.
#ion. O eG"ellent motionC 8ello*s, let1s /e gone. 79;
Hor. T!e motion1s good indeed, and /e it so:0
Petru"!io, I s!all /e your /en enuto. AEGeunt.
A"t II. S"ene I.
Padua. A Room in #APTISTA1S House.
Enter +ATHARI'A and #IA'CA.
#ian. $ood sister, *rong me not, nor *rong yoursel%,
To make a /ondmaid and a slae o% me) 4
T!at I disdain: /ut %or t!ese ot!er ga*ds,
(n/ind my !ands, I1ll -ull t!em o%% mysel%,
Yea, all my raiment, to my -etti"oat)
Or *!at you *ill "ommand me *ill I do, 5
So *ell I kno* my duty to my elders.
+at!. O% all t!y suitors, !ere I "!arge t!ee, tell
.!om t!ou lo1st /est: see t!ou dissem/le not.
#ian. #eliee me, sister, o% all t!e men alie 27
I neer yet /e!eld t!at s-e"ial %a"e
.!i"! I "ould %an"y more t!an any ot!er.
+at!. ,inion, t!ou liest. Is1t not Hortensio?
#ian. I% you a%%e"t !im, sister, !ere I s*ear 29
I1ll -lead %or you mysel%, /ut you s!all !ae !im.
+at!. OC t!en, /elike, you %an"y ri"!es more:
You *ill !ae $remio to kee- you %air.
#ian. Is it %or !im you do eny me so? 7;
'ay, t!en you >est) and no* I *ell -er"eie
You !ae /ut >ested *it! me all t!is *!ile:
I -rit!ee, sister +ate, untie my !ands.
+at!. I% t!at /e >est, t!en all t!e rest *as so. AStrikes !er. 74
#a-. .!y, !o* no*, dameC *!en"e gro*s t!is insolen"e?
#ian"a, stand aside. Poor girlC s!e *ee-s.
$o -ly t!y needle) meddle not *it! !er. 75
8or s!ame, t!ou !ilding o% a deilis! s-irit,
.!y dost t!ou *rong !er t!at did ne1er *rong t!ee?
.!en did s!e "ross t!ee *it! a /itter *ord?
+at!. Her silen"e %louts me, and I1ll /e reeng1d. A8lies a%ter #IA'CA. =7
#a-. .!atC in my sig!t? #ian"a, get t!ee in. AEGit #IA'CA.
+at!. .!atC *ill you not su%%er me? 'ay, no* I see
S!e is your treasure, s!e must !ae a !us/and)
I must dan"e /areD%oot on !er *eddingDday, =9
And, %or your loe to !er, lead a-es in !ell.
Talk not to me: I *ill go sit and *ee-
Till I "an %ind o""asion o% reenge. AEGit.
#a-. .as eer gentleman t!us grie1d as I? 4;
#ut *!o "omes !ere?
Enter $RE,IO, *it! L(CE'TIO in t!e !a/it o% a mean man) PETR(CHIO, *it!
HORTE'SIO as a ,usi"ian) and TRA'IO, *it! #IO'DELLO /earing a lute and
L $re. $ood morro*, neig!/our #a-tista.
#a-. $ood morro*, neig!/our $remio. $od sae you, gentlemenC 44
Pet. And you, good sir. Pray, !ae you not a daug!ter
Call1d +at!arina, %air and irtuous?
#a-. I !ae a daug!ter, sir, "all1d +at!arina.
$re. You are too /lunt: go to it orderly. 45
Pet. You *rong me, Signior $remio: gie me leae.
I am a gentleman o% &erona, sir,
T!at, !earing o% !er /eauty and !er *it,
Her a%%a/ility and /as!%ul modesty, @7
Her *ondrous <ualities and mild /e!aiour,
Am /old to s!o* mysel% a %or*ard guest
.it!in your !ouse, to make mine eye t!e *itness
O% t!at re-ort *!i"! I so o%t !ae !eard. @9
And, %or an entran"e to my entertainment,
I do -resent you *it! a man o% mine, APresenting HORTE'SIO.
Cunning in musi" and t!e mat!emati"s,
To instru"t !er %ully in t!ose s"ien"es, 9;
.!ereo% I kno* s!e is not ignorant.
A""e-t o% !im, or else you do me *rong:
His name is Li"io, /orn in ,antua.
#a-. You1re *el"ome, sir) and !e, %or your good sake. 94
#ut %or my daug!ter +at!arine, t!is I kno*,
S!e is not %or your turn, t!e more my grie%.
Pet. I see you do not mean to -art *it! !er,
Or else you like not o% my "om-any. 95
#a-. ,istake me not) I s-eak /ut as I %ind.
.!en"e are you, sir? *!at may I "all your name?
Pet. Petru"!io is my name) Antonio1s son)
A man *ell kno*n t!roug!out all Italy. E7
#a-. I kno* !im *ell: you are *el"ome %or !is sake.
$re. Saing your tale, Petru"!io, I -ray,
Let us, t!at are -oor -etitioners, s-eak too.
#a"kareC you are marellous %or*ard. E9
Pet. O, -ardon me, Signior $remio) I *ould %ain /e doing.
$re. I dou/t it not, sir) /ut you *ill "urse your *ooing.
'eig!/our, t!is is a gi%t ery grate%ul, I am sure o% it. To eG-ress t!e like kindness
mysel%, t!at !ae /een more kindly /e!olding to you t!an any, %reely gie unto you
t!is young s"!olar, APresenting L(CE'TIO.B t!at !as /een long studying at R!eims)
as "unning in $reek, Latin, and ot!er languages, as t!e ot!er in musi" and
mat!emati"s. His name is Cam/io) -ray a""e-t !is seri"e.
#a-. A t!ousand t!anks, Signior $remio) *el"ome, good Cam/io.0ATo TRA'IO.B
#ut, gentle sir, met!inks you *alk like a stranger: may I /e so /old to kno* t!e "ause
o% your "oming? 5;
Tra. Pardon me, sir, t!e /oldness is mine o*n,
T!at, /eing a stranger in t!is "ity !ere,
Do make mysel% a suitor to your daug!ter,
(nto #ian"a, %air and irtuous. 54
'or is your %irm resole unkno*n to me,
In t!e -re%erment o% t!e eldest sister.
T!is li/erty is all t!at I re<uest,
T!at, u-on kno*ledge o% my -arentage, 55
I may !ae *el"ome 1mongst t!e rest t!at *oo,
And %ree a""ess and %aour as t!e rest:
And, to*ard t!e edu"ation o% your daug!ters,
I !ere /esto* a sim-le instrument, F7
And t!is small -a"ket o% $reek and Latin /ooks:
I% you a""e-t t!em, t!en t!eir *ort! is great.
#a-. Lu"entio is your name, o% *!en"e, I -ray?
Tra. O% Pisa, sir) son to &in"entio. F9
#a-. A mig!ty man o% Pisa) /y re-ort
I kno* !im *ell: you are ery *el"ome, sir.
ATo HORTE'SIO.B Take you t!e lute, ATo L(CE'TIO.B and you t!e set o% /ooks)
You s!all go see your -u-ils -resently. 2;;
Holla, *it!inC
Enter a Serant.
Sirra!, lead t!ese gentlemen
To my t*o daug!ters, and t!en tell t!em /ot! 2;4
T!ese are t!eir tutors: /id t!em use t!em *ell. AEGit Serant, *it! HORTE'SIO,
.e *ill go *alk a little in t!e or"!ard,
And t!en to dinner. You are -assing *el"ome,
And so I -ray you all to t!ink yourseles. 2;5
Pet. Signior #a-tista, my /usiness asket! !aste,
And eery day I "annot "ome to *oo.
You kne* my %at!er *ell, and in !im me,
Le%t solely !eir to all !is lands and goods, 227
.!i"! I !ae /etter1d rat!er t!an de"reas1d:
T!en tell me, i% I get your daug!ter1s loe,
.!at do*ry s!all I !ae *it! !er to *i%e?
#a-. A%ter my deat! t!e one !al% o% my lands, 229
And in -ossession t*enty t!ousand "ro*ns.
Pet. And, %or t!at do*ry, I1ll assure !er o%
Her *ido*!ood, /e it t!at s!e surie me,
In all my lands and leases *!atsoeer. 27;
Let s-e"ialties /e t!ere%ore dra*n /et*een us,
T!at "oenants may /e ke-t on eit!er !and.
#a-. Ay, *!en t!e s-e"ial t!ing is *ell o/tain1d,
T!at is, !er loe) %or t!at is all in all. 274
Pet. .!y, t!at is not!ing) %or I tell you, %at!er,
I am as -erem-tory as s!e -roudDminded)
And *!ere t*o raging %ires meet toget!er
T!ey do "onsume t!e t!ing t!at %eeds t!eir %ury: 275
T!oug! little %ire gro*s great *it! little *ind,
Yet eGtreme gusts *ill /lo* out %ire and all)
So I to !er, and so s!e yields to me)
8or I am roug! and *oo not like a /a/e. 2=7
#a-. .ell mayst t!ou *oo, and !a--y /e t!y s-eedC
#ut /e t!ou arm1d %or some un!a--y *ords.
Pet. Ay, to t!e -roo%) as mountains are %or *inds,
T!at s!ake not, t!oug! t!ey /lo* -er-etually. 2=9
ReDenter HORTE'SIO, *it! !is !ead /roke.
#a-. Ho* no*, my %riendC *!y dost t!ou look so -ale?
Hor. 8or %ear, I -romise you, i% I look -ale.
#a-. .!at, *ill my daug!ter -roe a good musi"ian? 24;
Hor. I t!ink s!e1ll sooner -roe a soldier:
Iron may !old *it! !er, /ut neer lutes.
#a-. .!y, t!en t!ou "anst not /reak !er to t!e lute?
Hor. .!y, no) %or s!e !at! /roke t!e lute to me. 244
I did /ut tell !er s!e mistook !er %rets,
And /o*1d !er !and to tea"! !er %ingering)
.!en, *it! a most im-atient deilis! s-irit,
J8rets, "all you t!ese?1 <uot! s!e) JI1ll %ume *it! t!em)1 245
And, *it! t!at *ord, s!e stru"k me on t!e !ead,
And t!roug! t!e instrument my -ate made *ay)
And t!ere I stood ama6ed %or a *!ile,
As on a -illory, looking t!roug! t!e lute) 2@7
.!ile s!e did "all me ras"al %iddler,
And t*angling Ia"k) *it! t*enty su"! ile terms
As s!e !ad studied to misuse me so.
Pet. 'o*, /y t!e *orld, it is a lusty *en"!C 2@9
I loe !er ten times more t!an e1er I did:
OC !o* I long to !ae some "!at *it! !erC
#a-. ATo HORTE'SIO.B .ell, go *it! me, and /e not so dis"om%ited:
Pro"eed in -ra"ti"e *it! my younger daug!ter) 29;
S!e1s a-t to learn, and t!ank%ul %or good turns.
Signior Petru"!io, *ill you go *it! us,
Or s!all I send my daug!ter +ate to you?
Pet. I -ray you do) I *ill attend !er !ere, AEGeunt #APTISTA, $RE,IO,
TRA'IO, and HORTE'SIO. 294
And *oo !er *it! some s-irit *!en s!e "omes.
Say t!at s!e rail) *!y t!en I1ll tell !er -lain
S!e sings as s*eetly as a nig!tingale:
Say t!at s!e %ro*n) I1ll say s!e looks as "lear 295
As morning roses ne*ly *as!1d *it! de*:
Say s!e /e mute and *ill not s-eak a *ord)
T!en I1ll "ommend !er olu/ility,
And say s!e utteret! -ier"ing elo<uen"e: 2E7
I% s!e do /id me -a"k) I1ll gie !er t!anks,
As t!oug! s!e /id me stay /y !er a *eek:
I% s!e deny to *ed) I1ll "rae t!e day
.!en I s!all ask t!e /anns, and *!en /e married. 2E9
#ut !ere s!e "omes) and no*, Petru"!io, s-eak.
Enter +ATHARI'A.
$ood morro*, +ate) %or t!at1s your name, I !ear.
+at!. .ell !ae you !eard, /ut somet!ing !ard o% !earing: 25;
T!ey "all me +at!arine t!at do talk o% me.
Pet. You lie, in %ait!) %or you are "all1d -lain +ate,
And /onny +ate, and sometimes +ate t!e "urst)
#ut, +ate, t!e -rettiest +ate in C!ristendom) 254
+ate o% +ateDHall, my su-erDdainty +ate,
8or dainties are all "ates: and t!ere%ore, +ate,
Take t!is o% me, +ate o% my "onsolation)
Hearing t!y mildness -rais1d in eery to*n, 255
T!y irtues s-oke o%, and t!y /eauty sounded,0
Yet not so dee-ly as to t!ee /elongs,0
,ysel% am mo1d to *oo t!ee %or my *i%e.
+at!. ,o1dC in good time: let !im t!at mo1d you !it!er 2F7
Remoe you !en"e. I kne* you at t!e %irst,
You *ere a moea/le.
Pet. .!y, *!at1s a moea/le?
+at!. A >ointDstool. 2F9
Pet. T!ou !ast !it it: "ome, sit on me.
+at!. Asses are made to /ear, and so are you.
Pet. .omen are made to /ear, and so are you.
+at!. 'o su"! >ade as /ear you, i% me you mean. 7;;
Pet. AlasC good +ate, I *ill not /urden t!ee)
8or, kno*ing t!ee to /e /ut young and lig!t,0
+at!. Too lig!t %or su"! a s*ain as you to "at"!,
And yet as !eay as my *eig!t s!ould /e. 7;4
Pet. S!ould /eC s!ould /u6C
+at!. .ell ta1en, and like a /u66ard.
Pet. O slo*D*ing1d turtleC s!all a /u66ard take t!ee?
+at!. Ay, %or a turtle, as !e takes a /u66ard. 7;5
Pet. Come, "ome, you *as-) i1 %ait! you are too angry.
+at!. I% I /e *as-is!, /est /e*are my sting.
Pet. ,y remedy is, t!en, to -lu"k it out.
+at!. Ay, i% t!e %ool "ould %ind it *!ere it lies. 727
Pet. .!o kno*s not *!ere a *as- does *ear !is sting?
In !is tail.
+at!. In !is tongue.
Pet. .!ose tongue? 729
+at!. Yours, i% you talk o% tails) and so %are*ell.
Pet. .!atC *it! my tongue in your tail? nay, "ome again.
$ood +ate, I am a gentleman.
+at!. T!at I1ll try. AStriking !im. 77;
Pet. I s*ear I1ll "u%% you i% you strike again.
+at!. So may you lose your arms:
I% you strike me, you are no gentleman)
And i% no gentleman, *!y t!en no arms. 774
Pet. A !erald, +ate? OC -ut me in t!y /ooks.
+at!. .!at is your "rest? a "oG"om/?
Pet. A "om/less "o"k, so +ate *ill /e my !en.
+at!. 'o "o"k o% mine) you "ro* too like a "raen. 775
Pet. 'ay, "ome, +ate, "ome) you must not look so sour.
+at!. It is my %as!ion *!en I see a "ra/.
Pet. .!y, !ere1s no "ra/, and t!ere%ore look not sour.
+at!. T!ere is, t!ere is. 7=7
Pet. T!en s!o* it me.
+at!. Had I a glass, I *ould.
Pet. .!at, you mean my %a"e?
+at!. .ell aim1d o% su"! a young one. 7=9
Pet. 'o*, /y Saint $eorge, I am too young %or you.
+at!. Yet you are *it!er1d.
Pet. 1Tis *it! "ares.
+at!. I "are not. 74;
Pet. 'ay, !ear you, +ate: in soot!, you 1s"a-e not so.
+at!. I "!a%e you, i% I tarry: let me go.
Pet. 'o, not a *!it: I %ind you -assing gentle.
1T*as told me you *ere roug! and "oy and sullen, 744
And no* I %ind re-ort a ery liar)
8or t!ou art -leasant, gamesome, -assing "ourteous,
#ut slo* in s-ee"!, yet s*eet as s-ringDtime %lo*ers:
T!ou "anst not %ro*n, t!ou "anst not look askan"e, 745
'or /ite t!e li-, as angry *en"!es *ill)
'or !ast t!ou -leasure to /e "ross in talk)
#ut t!ou *it! mildness entertain1st t!y *ooers,
.it! gentle "on%eren"e, so%t and a%%a/le. 7@7
.!y does t!e *orld re-ort t!at +ate dot! lim-?
O slanderous *orldC +ate, like t!e !a6elDt*ig,
Is straig!t and slender, and as /ro*n in !ue
As !a6el nuts, and s*eeter t!an t!e kernels. 7@9
OC let me see t!ee *alk: t!ou dost not !alt.
+at!. $o, %ool, and *!om t!ou kee-1st "ommand.
Pet. Did eer Dian so /e"ome a groe
As +ate t!is "!am/er *it! !er -rin"ely gait? 79;
OC /e t!ou Dian, and let !er /e +ate,
And t!en let +ate /e "!aste, and Dian s-ort%ulC
+at!. .!ere did you study all t!is goodly s-ee"!?
Pet. It is eGtem-ore, %rom my mot!erD*it. 794
+at!. A *itty mot!erC *itless else !er son.
Pet. Am I not *ise?
+at!. Yes) kee- you *arm.
Pet. ,arry, so I mean, s*eet +at!arine, in t!y /ed: 795
And t!ere%ore, setting all t!is "!at aside,
T!us in -lain terms: your %at!er !at! "onsented
T!at you s!all /e my *i%e) your do*ry 1greed on)
And *ill you, nill you, I *ill marry you. 7E7
'o*, +ate, I am a !us/and %or your turn)
8or, /y t!is lig!t, *!ere/y I see t!y /eauty,0
T!y /eauty t!at dot! make me like t!ee *ell,0
T!ou must /e married to no man /ut me: 7E9
8or I am !e am /orn to tame you, +ate)
And /ring you %rom a *ild +ate to a +ate
Con%orma/le as ot!er !ouse!old +ates.
Here "omes your %at!er: neer make denial) 75;
I must and *ill !ae +at!arine to my *i%e.
ReDenter #APTISTA, $RE,IO, and TRA'IO.
#a-. 'o*, Signior Petru"!io, !o* s-eed you *it! my daug!ter?
Pet. Ho* /ut *ell, sir? !o* /ut *ell? 754
It *ere im-ossi/le I s!ould s-eed amiss.
#a-. .!y, !o* no*, daug!ter +at!arineC in your dum-s?
+at!. Call you me daug!ter? no*, I -romise you
You !ae s!o*1d a tender %at!erly regard, 755
To *is! me *ed to one !al% lunati")
A madD"a- ru%%ian and a s*earing Ia"k,
T!at t!inks *it! oat!s to %a"e t!e matter out.
Pet. 8at!er, 1tis t!us: yoursel% and all t!e *orld, 7F7
T!at talk1d o% !er, !ae talk1d amiss o% !er:
I% s!e /e "urst, it is %or -oli"y,
8or s!e1s not %ro*ard, /ut modest as t!e doe)
S!e is not !ot, /ut tem-erate as t!e morn) 7F9
8or -atien"e s!e *ill -roe a se"ond $rissel,
And Roman Lu"re"e %or !er "!astity)
And to "on"lude, *e !ae 1greed so *ell toget!er,
T!at u-on Sunday is t!e *eddingDday. =;;
+at!. I1ll see t!ee !ang1d on Sunday %irst.
$re. Hark, Petru"!io: s!e says s!e1ll see t!ee !ang1d %irst.
Tra. Is t!is your s-eeding? nay t!en, good nig!t our -artC
Pet. #e -atient, gentlemen) I "!oose !er %or mysel%: =;4
I% s!e and I /e -leas1d, *!at1s t!at to you?
1Tis /argain1d 1t*iGt us t*ain, /eing alone,
T!at s!e s!all still /e "urst in "om-any.
I tell you, 1tis in"redi/le to /eliee =;5
Ho* mu"! s!e loes me: OC t!e kindest +ate.
S!e !ung a/out my ne"k, and kiss on kiss
S!e ied so %ast, -rotesting oat! on oat!,
T!at in a t*ink s!e *on me to !er loe. =27
OC you are noi"es: 1tis a *orld to see,
Ho* tame, *!en men and *omen are alone,
A mea"o"k *ret"! "an make t!e "urstest s!re*.
$ie me t!y !and, +ate: I *ill unto &eni"e =29
To /uy a--arel 1gainst t!e *eddingDday.
Proide t!e %east, %at!er, and /id t!e guests)
I *ill /e sure my +at!arine s!all /e %ine.
#a-. I kno* not *!at to say) /ut gie me your !ands. =7;
$od send you >oy, Petru"!ioC 1tis a mat"!.
$re, Tra. Amen, say *e: *e *ill /e *itnesses.
Pet. 8at!er, and *i%e, and gentlemen, adieu.
I *ill to &eni"e) Sunday "omes a-a"e: =74
.e *ill !ae rings, and t!ings, and %ine array)
And, kiss me, +ate, *e *ill /e married o1 Sunday. AEGeunt PETR(CHIO and
+ATHARI'A, seerally.
$re. .as eer mat"! "la--1d u- so suddenly?
#a-. 8ait!, gentlemen, no* I -lay a mer"!ant1s -art, =75
And enture madly on a des-erate mart.
Tra. 1T*as a "ommodity lay %retting /y you:
1T*ill /ring you gain, or -eris! on t!e seas.
#a-. T!e gain I seek is, <uiet in t!e mat"!. ==7
$re. 'o dou/t /ut !e !at! got a <uiet "at"!.
#ut no*, #a-tista, to your younger daug!ter:
'o* is t!e day *e long !ae looked %or:
I am your neig!/our, and *as suitor %irst. ==9
Tra. And I am one t!at loe #ian"a more
T!an *ords "an *itness, or your t!oug!ts "an guess.
$re. Youngling, t!ou "anst not loe so dear as I.
Tra. $rey/eard, t!y loe dot! %ree6e. =4;
$re. #ut t!ine dot! %ry.
Ski--er, stand /a"k: 1tis age t!at nouris!et!.
Tra. #ut yout! in ladies1 eyes t!at %louris!et!.
#a-. Content you, gentlemen) I1ll "om-ound t!is stri%e: =44
1Tis deeds must *in t!e -ri6e) and !e, o% /ot!,
T!at "an assure my daug!ter greatest do*er
S!all !ae my #ian"a1s loe.
Say, Signior $remio, *!at "an you assure !er? =45
$re. 8irst, as you kno*, my !ouse *it!in t!e "ity
Is ri"!ly %urnis!ed *it! -late and gold:
#asins and e*ers to lae !er dainty !ands)
,y !angings all o% Tyrian ta-estry) =@7
In iory "o%%ers I !ae stu%%1d my "ro*ns)
In "y-ress "!ests my arras "ounter-oints,
Costly a--arel, tents, and "ano-ies,
8ine linen, Turkey "us!ions /oss1d *it! -earl, =@9
&alan"e o% &eni"e gold in needleD*ork,
Pe*ter and /rass, and all t!ings t!at /elong
To !ouse or !ousekee-ing: t!en, at my %arm
I !ae a !undred mil"!Dkine to t!e -ail, =9;
SiG s"ore %at oGen standing in my stalls,
And all t!ings ans*era/le to t!is -ortion.
,ysel% am stru"k in years, I must "on%ess)
And i% I die toDmorro*, t!is is !ers, =94
I% *!ilst I lie s!e *ill /e only mine.
Tra. T!at Jonly1 "ame *ell in. Sir, list to me:
I am my %at!er1s !eir and only son:
I% I may !ae your daug!ter to my *i%e, =95
I1ll leae !er !ouses t!ree or %our as good,
.it!in ri"! Pisa *alls, as any one
Old Signior $remio !as in Padua)
#esides t*o t!ousand du"ats /y t!e year =E7
O% %ruit%ul land, all o% *!i"! s!all /e !er >ointure.
.!at, !ae I -in"!1d you, Signior $remio?
$re. T*o t!ousand du"ats /y t!e year o% landC
,y land amounts not to so mu"! in all: =E9
T!at s!e s!all !ae) /esides an argosy
T!at no* is lying in ,arseilles1 road.
.!at, !ae I "!ok1d you *it! an argosy?
Tra. $remio, 1tis kno*n my %at!er !at! no less =5;
T!an t!ree great argosies, /esides t*o galliasses,
And t*ele tig!t galleys) t!ese I *ill assure !er,
And t*i"e as mu"!, *!ate1er t!ou o%%er1st neGt.
$re. 'ay, I !ae o%%er1d all, I !ae no more) =54
And s!e "an !ae no more t!an all I !ae:
I% you like me, s!e s!all !ae me and mine.
Tra. .!y, t!en t!e maid is mine %rom all t!e *orld,
#y your %irm -romise. $remio is outDied. =55
#a-. I must "on%ess your o%%er is t!e /est)
And, let your %at!er make !er t!e assuran"e,
S!e is your o*n) else, you must -ardon me:
I% you s!ould die /e%ore !im, *!ere1s !er do*er? =F7
Tra. T!at1s /ut a "ail: !e is old, I young.
$re. And may not young men die as *ell as old?
#a-. .ell, gentlemen,
I am t!us resol1d. On Sunday neGt, you kno*, =F9
,y daug!ter +at!arine is to /e married:
'o*, on t!e Sunday %ollo*ing, s!all #ian"a
#e /ride to you, i% you make t!is assuran"e)
I% not, to Signior $remio: 4;;
And so, I take my leae, and t!ank you /ot!.
$re. Adieu, good neig!/our. AEGit #APTISTA.B 'o* I %ear t!ee not:
Sirra! young gamester, your %at!er *ere a %ool
To gie t!ee all, and in !is *aning age 4;4
Set %oot under t!y ta/le. TutC a toyC
An old Italian %oG is not so kind, my /oy. AEGit.
Tra. A engean"e on your "ra%ty *it!er1d !ideC
Yet I !ae %a"1d it *it! a "ard o% ten. 4;5
1Tis in my !ead to do my master good:
I see no reason, /ut su--os1d Lu"entio
,ust get a %at!er, "alled Jsu--os1d &in"entio)1
And t!at1s a *onder: %at!ers, "ommonly 427
Do get t!eir "!ildren) /ut in t!is "ase o% *ooing,
A "!ild s!all get a sire, i% I %ail not o% my "unning. AEGit.
A"t III. S"ene I.
Padua. A Room in #APTISTA1S House.
Enter L(CE'TIO, HORTE'SIO, and #IA'CA.
Lu". 8iddler, %or/ear) you gro* too %or*ard, sir:
Hae you so soon %orgot t!e entertainment 4
Her sister +at!arine *el"om1d you *it!al?
Hor. #ut, *rangling -edant, t!is is
T!e -atroness o% !eaenly !armony:
T!en gie me leae to !ae -rerogatie) 5
And *!en in musi" *e !ae s-ent an !our,
Your le"ture s!all !ae leisure %or as mu"!.
Lu". Pre-osterous ass, t!at neer read so %ar
To kno* t!e "ause *!y musi" *as ordain1dC 27
.as it not to re%res! t!e mind o% man
A%ter !is studies or !is usual -ain?
T!en gie me leae to read -!iloso-!y,
And *!ile I -ause, sere in your !armony. 29
Hor. Sirra!, I *ill not /ear t!ese /raes o% t!ine.
#ian. .!y, gentlemen, you do me dou/le *rong,
To strie %or t!at *!i"! restet! in my "!oi"e.
I am no /ree"!ing s"!olar in t!e s"!ools) 7;
I1ll not /e tied to !ours nor 1-ointed times,
#ut learn my lessons as I -lease mysel%.
And, to "ut o%% all stri%e, !ere sit *e do*n:
Take you your instrument, -lay you t!e *!iles) 74
His le"ture *ill /e done ere you !ae tun1d.
Hor. You1ll leae !is le"ture *!en I am in tune? ARetires.
Lu". T!at *ill /e neer: tune your instrument.
#ian. .!ere le%t *e last? 75
Lu". Here, madam:0
Ha" i/at Simois) !i" est Sigeia tellus)
Hi" steterat Priami regia "elsa senis.
#ian. Construe t!em. =7
Lu". Ha" i/at, as I told you /e%ore, Simois, I am Lu"entio, !i" est, son unto
&in"entio o% Pisa, Sigeia tellus, disguised t!us to get your loe) Hi" steterat, and t!at
Lu"entio t!at "omes a *ooing, Priami, is my man Tranio, regia, /earing my -ort,
"elsa senis, t!at *e mig!t /eguile t!e old -antaloon.
Hor. AReturning. B ,adam, my instrument1s in tune.
#ian. Let1s !ear.0 AHORTE'SIO -lays.
O %ieC t!e tre/le >ars. =9
Lu". S-it in t!e !ole, man, and tune again.
#ian. 'o* let me see i% I "an "onstrue it: Ha" i/at Simois, I kno* you not) !i" est
Sigeia tellus, I trust you not) Hi" steterat Priami, take !eed !e !ear us not, regia,
-resume not) "elsa senis, des-air not.
Hor. ,adam, 1tis no* in tune.
Lu". All /ut t!e /ase. 4;
Hor. T!e /ase is rig!t) 1tis t!e /ase knae t!at >ars.
Ho* %iery and %or*ard our -edant isC
AAside. B 'o*, %or my li%e, t!e knae dot! "ourt my loe:
Pedas"ule, I1ll *at"! you /etter yet. 44
#ian. In time I may /eliee, yet I mistrust.
Lu". ,istrust it not) %or, sure, Aa"ides
.as A>aG, "all1d so %rom !is grand%at!er.
#ian. I must /eliee my master) else, I -romise you, 45
I s!ould /e arguing still u-on t!at dou/t:
#ut let it rest. 'o*, Li"io, to you.
$ood masters, take it not unkindly, -ray,
T!at I !ae /een t!us -leasant *it! you /ot!. @7
Hor. ATo L(CE'TIO.B You may go *alk, and gie me leae a *!ile:
,y lessons make no musi" in t!ree -arts.
Lu". Are you so %ormal, sir? AAside. B .ell, I must *ait,
And *at"! *it!al) %or, /ut I /e de"ei1d, @9
Our %ine musi"ian gro*et! amorous.
Hor. ,adam, /e%ore you tou"! t!e instrument,
To learn t!e order o% my %ingering,
I must /egin *it! rudiments o% art) 9;
To tea"! you gamut in a /rie%er sort,
,ore -leasant, -it!y, and e%%e"tual,
T!an !at! /een taug!t /y any o% my trade:
And t!ere it is in *riting, %airly dra*n. 94
#ian. .!y, I am -ast my gamut long ago.
Hor. Yet read t!e gamut o% Hortensio.
#ian. J$amut1 I am, t!e ground o% all a""ord,
JA re,1 to -lead Hortensio1s -assion) 95
J# mi,1 #ian"a, take !im %or t!y lord,
JC %a ut,1 t!at loes *it! all a%%e"tion:
JD sol re,1 one "le%, t*o notes !ae I:
JE la mi,1 s!o* -ity, or I die. E7
Call you t!is gamut? tut, I like it not:
Old %as!ions -lease me /est) I am not so ni"e,
To "!ange true rules %or odd inentions.
Enter a Serant. E9
Ser. ,istress, your %at!er -rays you leae your /ooks,
And !el- to dress your sister1s "!am/er u-:
You kno* toDmorro* is t!e *eddingDday.
#ian. 8are*ell, s*eet masters /ot!: I must /e gone. AEGeunt #IA'CA and Serant.
Lu". 8ait!, mistress, t!en I !ae no "ause to stay. AEGit.
Hor. #ut I !ae "ause to -ry into t!is -edant:
,et!inks !e looks as t!oug! !e *ere in loe.
Yet i% t!y t!oug!ts, #ian"a, /e so !um/le 54
To "ast t!y *andering eyes on eery stale,
Sei6e t!ee t!at list: i% on"e I %ind t!ee ranging,
Hortensio *ill /e <uit *it! t!ee /y "!anging. AEGit.
A"t III. S"ene II.
T!e Same. #e%ore #APTISTA1S House.
#a-. ATo TRA'IO.B Signior Lu"entio, t!is is t!e 1-ointed day
T!at +at!arine and Petru"!io s!ould /e married, 4
And yet *e !ear not o% our sonDinDla*.
.!at *ill /e said? *!at mo"kery *ill it /e
To *ant t!e /ridegroom *!en t!e -riest attends
To s-eak t!e "eremonial rites o% marriageC 5
.!at says Lu"entio to t!is s!ame o% ours?
+at!. 'o s!ame /ut mine: I must, %orsoot!, /e %or"1d
To gie my !and o--os1d against my !eart
(nto a madD/rain rudes/y, %ull o% s-leen) 27
.!o *oo1d in !aste and means to *ed at leisure.
I told you, I, !e *as a %ranti" %ool,
Hiding !is /itter >ests in /lunt /e!aiour)
And to /e noted %or a merry man, 29
He1ll *oo a t!ousand, 1-oint t!e day o% marriage,
,ake %riends inite, and -ro"laim t!e /anns)
Yet neer means to *ed *!ere !e !at! *oo1d.
'o* must t!e *orld -oint at -oor +at!arine, 7;
And say, JLoC t!ere is mad Petru"!io1s *i%e,
I% it *ould -lease !im "ome and marry !er.1
Tra. Patien"e, good +at!arine, and #a-tista too.
(-on my li%e, Petru"!io means /ut *ell, 74
.!ateer %ortune stays !im %rom !is *ord:
T!oug! !e /e /lunt, I kno* !im -assing *ise)
T!oug! !e /e merry, yet *it!al !e1s !onest.
+at!. .ould +at!arine !ad neer seen !im t!oug!C AEGit *ee-ing, %ollo*ed /y
#IA'CA and ot!ers. 75
#a-. $o, girl: I "annot /lame t!ee no* to *ee-,
8or su"! an in>ury *ould eG a ery saint,
,u"! more a s!re* o% t!y im-atient !umour.
Enter #IO'DELLO. =7
#ion. ,aster, masterC ne*sC old ne*s, and su"! ne*s as you neer !eard o%C
#a-. Is it ne* and old too? !o* may t!at /e?
#ion. .!y, is it not ne*s to !ear o% Petru"!io1s "oming?
#a-. Is !e "ome? =9
#ion. .!y, no, sir.
#a-. .!at t!en?
#ion. He is "oming.
#a-. .!en *ill !e /e !ere? 4;
#ion. .!en !e stands *!ere I am and sees you t!ere.
Tra. #ut, say, *!at to t!ine old ne*s?
#ion. .!y, Petru"!io is "oming, in a ne* !at and an old >erkin) a -air o% old
/ree"!es t!ri"e turned) a -air o% /oots t!at !ae /een "andleD"ases, one /u"kled,
anot!er la"ed) an old rusty s*ord ta1en out o% t!e to*nDarmoury, *it! a /roken !ilt,
and "!a-eless) *it! t*o /roken -oints: !is !orse !i--ed *it! an old mot!y saddle
and stirru-s o% no kindred) /esides, -ossessed *it! t!e glanders and like to mose in
t!e "!ine) trou/led *it! t!e lam-ass, in%e"ted *it! t!e %as!ions, %ull o% *indgalls,
s-ed *it! s-ains, rayed *it! t!e yello*s, -ast "ure o% t!e %ies, stark s-oiled *it!
t!e staggers, /egna*n *it! t!e /ots, s*ayed in t!e /a"k, and s!oulderDs!otten) nearD
legged /e%ore, and *it! a !al%D"!e"ked /it, and a !eadDstall o% s!ee-1s leat!er, *!i"!,
/eing restrained to kee- !im %rom stum/ling, !at! /een o%ten /urst and no* re-aired
*it! knots) one girt! siG times -ie"ed, and a *oman1s "ru--er o% elure, *!i"! !at!
t*o letters %or !er name %airly set do*n in studs, and !ere and t!ere -ie"ed *it!
#a-. .!o "omes *it! !im? 44
#ion. O, sirC !is la"key, %or all t!e *orld "a-arisoned like t!e !orse) *it! a linen
sto"k on one leg and a kersey /ootD!ose on t!e ot!er, gartered *it! a red and /lue
list) an old !at, and t!e J!umour o% %orty %an"ies1 -ri"ked in1t %or a %eat!er: a monster,
a ery monster in a--arel, and not like a C!ristian %oot/oy or a gentleman1s la"key.
Tra. 1Tis some odd !umour -ri"ks !im to t!is %as!ion)
Yet o%tentimes !e goes /ut meanDa--arell1d.
#a-. I am glad !e is "ome, !o*soe1er !e "omes. 45
#ion. .!y, sir, !e "omes not.
#a-. Didst t!ou not say !e "omes?
#ion. .!o? t!at Petru"!io "ame?
#a-. Ay, t!at Petru"!io "ame. @7
#ion. 'o, sir) I say !is !orse "omes, *it! !im on !is /a"k.
#a-. .!y, t!at1s all one.
#ion. 'ay, /y Saint Iamy,
I !old you a -enny, @9
A !orse and a man
Is more t!an one,
And yet not many.
Enter PETR(CHIO and $R(,IO. 9;
Pet. Come, *!ere /e t!ese gallants? *!o is at !ome?
#a-. You are *el"ome, sir.
Pet. And yet I "ome not *ell.
#a-. And yet you !alt not. 94
Tra. 'ot so *ell a--arell1d
As I *is! you *ere.
Pet. .ere it /etter, I s!ould rus! in t!us.
#ut *!ere is +ate? *!ere is my loely /ride? 95
Ho* does my %at!er? $entles, met!inks you %ro*n:
And *!ere%ore ga6e t!is goodly "om-any,
As i% t!ey sa* some *ondrous monument,
Some "omet, or unusual -rodigy? E7
#a-. .!y, sir, you kno* t!is is your *eddingDday:
8irst *ere *e sad, %earing you *ould not "ome)
'o* sadder, t!at you "ome so un-roided.
8ieC do%% t!is !a/it, s!ame to your estate, E9
An eyeDsore to our solemn %estial.
Tra. And tell us *!at o""asion o% im-ort
Hat! all so long detain1d you %rom your *i%e,
And sent you !it!er so unlike yoursel%? 5;
Pet. Tedious it *ere to tell, and !ars! to !ear:
Su%%i"et!, I am "ome to kee- my *ord,
T!oug! in some -art en%or"ed to digress)
.!i"!, at more leisure, I *ill so eG"use 54
As you s!all *ell /e satis%ied *it!al.
#ut *!ere is +ate? I stay too long %rom !er:
T!e morning *ears, 1tis time *e *ere at "!ur"!.
Tra. See not your /ride in t!ese unreerent ro/es: 55
$o to my "!am/er) -ut on "lot!es o% mine.
Pet. 'ot I, /eliee me: t!us I1ll isit !er.
#a-. #ut t!us, I trust, you *ill not marry !er.
Pet. $ood soot!, een t!us) t!ere%ore !a1 done *it! *ords: F7
To me s!e1s married, not unto my "lot!es.
Could I re-air *!at s!e *ill *ear in me
As I "an "!ange t!ese -oor a""outrements,
1T*ere *ell %or +ate and /etter %or mysel%. F9
#ut *!at a %ool am I to "!at *it! you
.!en I s!ould /id good morro* to my /ride,
And seal t!e title *it! a loely kissC AEGeunt PETR(CHIO, $R(,IO, and
Tra. He !at! some meaning in !is mad attire. 2;;
.e *ill -ersuade !im, /e it -ossi/le,
To -ut on /etter ere !e go to "!ur"!.
#a-. I1ll a%ter !im, and see t!e eent o% t!is. AEGeunt #APTISTA, $RE,IO, and
Tra. #ut to !er loe "on"ernet! us to add 2;4
Her %at!er1s liking: *!i"! to /ring to -ass,
As I /e%ore im-arted to your *ors!i-,
I am to get a man,0*!ate1er !e /e
It skills not mu"!, *e1ll %it !im to our turn,0 2;5
And !e s!all /e &in"entio o% Pisa,
And make assuran"e !ere in Padua,
O% greater sums t!an I !ae -romised.
So s!all you <uietly en>oy your !o-e, 227
And marry s*eet #ian"a *it! "onsent.
Lu". .ere it not t!at my %ello* s"!oolDmaster
Dot! *at"! #ian"a1s ste-s so narro*ly,
1T*ere good, met!inks, to steal our marriage) 229
.!i"! on"e -er%orm1d, let all t!e *orld say no,
I1ll kee- mine o*n, des-ite o% all t!e *orld.
Tra. T!at /y degrees *e mean to look into,
And *at"! our antage in t!is /usiness. 27;
.e1ll oerDrea"! t!e grey/eard, $remio,
T!e narro*D-rying %at!er, ,inola,
T!e <uaint musi"ian, amorous Li"io)
All %or my master1s sake, Lu"entio. 274
ReDenter $RE,IO.
Signior $remio, "ame you %rom t!e "!ur"!?
$re. As *illingly as e1er I "ame %rom s"!ool.
Tra. And is t!e /ride and /ridegroom "oming !ome? 275
$re. A /ridegroom say you? 1Tis a groom indeed,
A grum/ling groom, and t!at t!e girl s!all %ind.
Tra. Curster t!an s!e? *!y, 1tis im-ossi/le.
$re. .!y, !e1s a deil, a deil, a ery %iend. 2=7
Tra. .!y, s!e1s a deil, a deil, t!e deil1s dam.
$re. TutC s!e1s a lam/, a doe, a %ool to !im.
I1ll tell you, Sir Lu"entio: *!en t!e -riest
S!ould ask, i% +at!arine s!ould /e !is *i%e, 2=9
JAy, /y gogsD*ounsC1 <uot! !e) and s*ore so loud,
T!at, all ama61d, t!e -riest let %all t!e /ook)
And, as !e stoo-1d again to take it u-,
T!e madD/rain1d /ridegroom took !im su"! a "u%% 24;
T!at do*n %ell -riest and /ook and /ook and -riest:
J'o* take t!em u-,1 <uot! !e, Ji% any list.1
Tra. .!at said t!e *en"! *!en !e arose again?
$re. Trem/led and s!ook) %or *!y !e stam-t and s*ore, 244
As i% t!e i"ar meant to "o6en !im.
#ut a%ter many "eremonies done,
He "alls %or *ine: JA !ealt!C1 <uot! !e) as i%
He !ad /een a/oard, "arousing to !is mates 245
A%ter a storm) <ua%%1d o%% t!e mus"adel,
And t!re* t!e so-s all in t!e seGton1s %a"e)
Haing no ot!er reason
#ut t!at !is /eard gre* t!in and !ungerly, 2@7
And seem1d to ask !im so-s as !e *as drinking.
T!is done, !e took t!e /ride a/out t!e ne"k,
And kiss1d !er li-s *it! su"! a "lamorous sma"k
T!at at t!e -arting all t!e "!ur"! did e"!o: 2@9
And I, seeing t!is, "ame t!en"e %or ery s!ame)
And a%ter me, I kno*, t!e rout is "oming.
Su"! a mad marriage neer *as /e%ore.
Hark, !arkC I !ear t!e minstrels -lay. A,usi". 29;
$R(,IO, and Train.
Pet. $entlemen and %riends, I t!ank you %or your -ains:
I kno* you t!ink to dine *it! me toDday,
And !ae -re-ar1d great store o% *edding "!eer) 294
#ut so it is, my !aste dot! "all me !en"e,
And t!ere%ore !ere I mean to take my leae.
#a-. Is1t -ossi/le you *ill a*ay toDnig!t?
Pet. I must a*ay toDday, /e%ore nig!t "ome. 295
,ake it no *onder: i% you kne* my /usiness,
You *ould entreat me rat!er go t!an stay.
And, !onest "om-any, I t!ank you all,
T!at !ae /e!eld me gie a*ay mysel% 2E7
To t!is most -atient, s*eet, and irtuous *i%e.
Dine *it! my %at!er, drink a !ealt! to me,
8or I must !en"e) and %are*ell to you all.
Tra. Let us entreat you stay till a%ter dinner. 2E9
Pet. It may not /e.
$re. Let me entreat you.
Pet. It "annot /e.
+at!. Let me entreat you. 25;
Pet. I am "ontent.
+at!. Are you "ontent to stay?
Pet. I am "ontent you s!all entreat me stay,
#ut yet not stay, entreat me !o* you "an. 254
+at!. 'o*, i% you loe me, stay.
Pet. $rumio, my !orseC
$ru. Ay, sir, t!ey /e ready: t!e oats !ae eaten t!e !orses.
+at!. 'ay, t!en, 255
Do *!at t!ou "anst, I *ill not go toDday)
'o, nor toDmorro*, nor till I -lease mysel%.
T!e door is o-en, sir, t!ere lies your *ay)
You may /e >ogging *!iles your /oots are green) 2F7
8or me, I1ll not /e gone till I -lease mysel%.
1Tis like you1ll -roe a >olly surly groom,
T!at take it on you at t!e %irst so roundly.
Pet. O +ateC "ontent t!ee: -rit!ee, /e not angry. 2F9
+at!. I *ill /e angry: *!at !ast t!ou to do?
8at!er, /e <uiet) !e s!all stay my leisure.
$re. Ay, marry, sir, no* it /egins to *ork.
+at!. $entlemen, %or*ard to t!e /ridal dinner: 7;;
I see a *oman may /e made a %ool,
I% s!e !ad not a s-irit to resist.
Pet. T!ey s!all go %or*ard, +ate, at t!y "ommand.
O/ey t!e /ride, you t!at attend on !er) 7;4
$o to t!e %east, reel and domineer,
Carouse %ull measure to !er maiden!ead,
#e mad and merry, or go !ang yourseles:
#ut %or my /onny +ate, s!e must *it! me. 7;5
'ay, look not /ig, nor stam-, nor stare, nor %ret)
I *ill /e master o% *!at is mine o*n.
S!e is my goods, my "!attels) s!e is my !ouse,
,y !ouse!old stu%%, my %ield, my /arn, 727
,y !orse, my oG, my ass, my anyt!ing)
And !ere s!e stands, tou"! !er *!oeer dare)
I1ll /ring mine a"tion on t!e -roudest !e
T!at sto-s my *ay in Padua. $rumio, 729
Dra* %ort! t!y *ea-on, *e1re /eset *it! t!iees)
Res"ue t!y mistress, i% t!ou /e a man.
8ear not, s*eet *en"!) t!ey s!all not tou"! t!ee, +ate:
I1ll /u"kler t!ee against a million. AEGeunt PETR(CHIO, +ATHARI'A, and
$R(,IO. 77;
#a-. 'ay, let t!em go, a "ou-le o% <uiet ones.
$re. .ent t!ey not <ui"kly I s!ould die *it! laug!ing.
Tra. O% all mad mat"!es neer *as t!e like.
Lu". ,istress, *!at1s your o-inion o% your sister? 774
#ian. T!at, /eing mad !ersel%, s!e1s madly mated.
$re. I *arrant !im, Petru"!io is +ated.
#a-. 'eig!/ours and %riends, t!oug! /ride and /ridegroom *ants
8or to su--ly t!e -la"es at t!e ta/le, 775
You kno* t!ere *ants no >unkets at t!e %east.
Lu"entio, you s!all su--ly t!e /ridegroom1s -la"e,
And let #ian"a take !er sister1s room.
Tra. S!all s*eet #ian"a -ra"tise !o* to /ride it? 7=7
#a-. S!e s!all, Lu"entio. Come, gentlemen, let1s go. AEGeunt.
A"t I&. S"ene I.
A Hall in PETR(CHIO1S Country House.
Enter $R(,IO.
$ru. 8ie, %ie, on all tired >ades, on all mad masters, and all %oul *aysC .as eer
man so /eaten? *as eer man so rayed? *as eer man so *eary? I am sent /e%ore to
make a %ire, and t!ey are "oming a%ter to *arm t!em. 'o*, *ere not I a little -ot and
soon !ot, my ery li-s mig!t %ree6e to my teet!, my tongue to t!e roo% o% my mout!,
my !eart in my /elly, ere I s!ould "ome /y a %ire to t!a* me) /ut I, *it! /lo*ing t!e
%ire, s!all *arm mysel%) %or, "onsidering t!e *eat!er, a taller man t!an I *ill take
"old. Holla, !oC Curtis.
Enter C(RTIS. 4
Curt. .!o is t!at "alls so "oldly?
$ru. A -ie"e o% i"e: i% t!ou dou/t it, t!ou mayst slide %rom my s!oulder to my !eel
*it! no greater a run /ut my !ead and my ne"k. A %ire, good Curtis.
Curt. Is my master and !is *i%e "oming, $rumio?
$ru. OC ay, Curtis, ay) and t!ere%ore %ire, %ire) "ast on no *ater. 5
Curt. Is s!e so !ot a s!re* as s!e1s re-orted?
$ru. S!e *as, good Curtis, /e%ore t!is %rost) /ut, t!ou kno*est, *inter tames man,
*oman, and /east) %or it !at! tamed my old master, and my ne* mistress, and
mysel%, %ello* Curtis.
Curt. A*ay, you t!reeDin"!D%oolC I am no /east.
$ru. Am I /ut t!ree in"!es? *!y, t!y !orn is a %oot) and so long am I at t!e least.
#ut *ilt t!ou make a %ire, or s!all I "om-lain on t!ee to our mistress, *!ose !and,0
s!e /eing no* at !and,0t!ou s!alt soon %eel, to t!y "old "om%ort, %or /eing slo* in
t!y !ot o%%i"e? 27
Curt. I -rit!ee, good $rumio, tell me, !o* goes t!e *orld?
$ru. A "old *orld, Curtis, in eery o%%i"e /ut t!ine) and t!ere%ore, %ire. Do t!y duty,
and !ae t!y duty, %or my master and mistress are almost %ro6en to deat!.
Curt. T!ere1s %ire ready) and t!ere%ore, good $rumio, t!e ne*s?
$ru. .!y, JIa"k, /oyC !o, /oyC1 and as mu"! ne*s as t!ou *ilt. 29
Curt. Come, you are so %ull o% "onyD"at"!ing.
$ru. .!y t!ere%ore %ire: %or I !ae "aug!t eGtreme "old. .!ere1s t!e "ook? is
su--er ready, t!e !ouse trimmed, rus!es stre*ed, "o/*e/s s*e-t) t!e seringDmen in
t!eir ne* %ustian, t!eir *!ite sto"kings, and eery o%%i"er !is *eddingDgarment on?
#e t!e Ia"ks %air *it!in, t!e Iills %air *it!out, and "ar-ets laid, and eeryt!ing in
Curt. All ready) and t!ere%ore, I -ray t!ee, ne*s?
$ru. 8irst, kno*, my !orse is tired) my master and mistress %allen out. 7;
Curt. Ho*?
$ru. Out o% t!eir saddles into t!e dirt) and t!ere/y !angs a tale.
Curt. Let1s !a1t, good $rumio.
$ru. Lend t!ine ear. 74
Curt. Here.
$ru. AStriking !im. B T!ere.
Curt. T!is is to %eel a tale, not to !ear a tale.
$ru. And t!ere%ore it is "alled a sensi/le tale) and t!is "u%% *as /ut to kno"k at your
ear and /esee"! listening. 'o* I /egin: Im-rimis, *e "ame do*n a %oul !ill, my
master riding /e!ind my mistress,0 75
Curt. #ot! o% one !orse?
$ru. .!at1s t!at to t!ee?
Curt. .!y, a !orse.
$ru. Tell t!ou t!e tale: /ut !adst t!ou not "rossed me t!ou s!ouldst !ae !eard !o*
!er !orse %ell, and s!e under !er !orse) t!ou s!ouldst !ae !eard in !o* miry a -la"e,
!o* s!e *as /emoiled: !o* !e le%t !er *it! t!e !orse u-on !er) !o* !e /eat me
/e"ause !er !orse stum/led) !o* s!e *aded t!roug! t!e dirt to -lu"k !im o%% me:
!o* !e s*ore) !o* s!e -rayed, t!at neer -rayed /e%ore) !o* I "ried) !o* t!e !orses
ran a*ay) !o* !er /ridle *as /urst) !o* I lost my "ru--er) *it! many t!ings o%
*ort!y memory, *!i"! no* s!all die in o/liion, and t!ou return uneG-erien"ed to
t!y grae. =7
Curt. #y t!is re"koning !e is more s!re* t!an s!e.
$ru. Ay) and t!at, t!ou and t!e -roudest o% you all s!all %ind *!en !e "omes !ome.
#ut *!at talk I o% t!is? Call %ort! 'at!aniel, Iose-!, 'i"!olas, P!ili-, .alter,
Sugarso-, and t!e rest: let t!eir !eads /e sleekly "om/ed, t!eir /lue "oats /rus!ed,
and t!eir garters o% an indi%%erent knit: let t!em "urtsy *it! t!eir le%t legs, and not
-resume to tou"! a !air o% my master1s !orsetail till t!ey kiss t!eir !ands. Are t!ey all
Curt. T!ey are.
$ru. Call t!em %ort!. =9
Curt. Do you !ear? !oC you must meet my master to "ountenan"e my mistress.
$ru. .!y, s!e !at! a %a"e o% !er o*n.
Curt. .!o kno*s not t!at?
$ru. T!ou, it seems, t!at "allest %or "om-any to "ountenan"e !er. 4;
Curt. I "all t!em %ort! to "redit !er.
$ru. .!y, s!e "omes to /orro* not!ing o% t!em.
Enter seeral Serants.
'at!. .el"ome !ome, $rumioC 44
P!il. Ho* no*, $rumio?
Ios. .!at, $rumioC
'i"!. 8ello* $rumioC
'at!. Ho* no*, old ladC 45
$ru. .el"ome, you) !o* no*, you) *!at, you) %ello*, you) and t!us mu"! %or
greeting. 'o*, my s-ru"e "om-anions, is all ready, and all t!ings neat?
'at!. All t!ings is ready. Ho* near is our master?
$ru. E1en at !and, alig!ted /y t!is) and t!ere%ore /e not,0Co"k1s -assion, silen"eC
I !ear my master.
Enter PETR(CHIO and +ATHARI'A. @7
Pet. .!ere /e t!ese knaes? .!atC no man at door
To !old my stirru- nor to take my !orse?
.!ere is 'at!aniel, $regory, P!ili-?0
All Ser. Here, !ere, sir) !ere, sir. @9
Pet. Here, sirC !ere, sirC !ere, sirC !ere, sirC
You loggerD!eaded and un-olis!1d groomsC
.!at, no attendan"e? no regard? no duty?
.!ere is t!e %oolis! knae I sent /e%ore? 9;
$ru. Here, sir) as %oolis! as I *as /e%ore.
Pet. You -easant s*ainC you *!oreson malt!orse drudgeC
Did I not /id t!ee meet me in t!e -ark,
And /ring along t!ese ras"al knaes *it! t!ee? 94
$ru. 'at!aniel1s "oat, sir, *as not %ully made,
And $a/riel1s -um-s *ere all un-ink1d i1 t!e !eel,
T!ere *as no link to "olour Peter1s !at,
And .alter1s dagger *as not "ome %rom s!eat!ing, 95
T!ere *ere none %ine /ut Adam, Ral-!, and $regory)
T!e rest *ere ragged, old, and /eggarly)
Yet, as t!ey are, !ere are t!ey "ome to meet you.
Pet. $o, ras"als, go, and %et"! my su--er in. AEGeunt some o% t!e Serants. E7
.!ere is t!e li%e t!at late I led?
.!ere are t!ose0? Sit do*n, +ate, and *el"ome.
Soud, soud, soud, soudC
ReDenter Serants *it! su--er. E9
.!y, *!en, I say?0'ay, good s*eet +ate, /e merry.0
O%% *it! my /oots, you roguesC you illainsC .!en?
It *as t!e %riar o% orders grey,
As !e %ort! *alked on !is *ay: 5;
Out, you rogueC you -lu"k my %oot a*ry: AStrikes !im.
Take t!at, and mend t!e -lu"king o%% t!e ot!er.
#e merry, +ate. Some *ater, !ere) *!at, !oC
.!ere1s my s-aniel Troilus? Sirra!, get you !en"e 54
And /id my "ousin 8erdinand "ome !it!er: AEGit Serant.
One, +ate, t!at you must kiss, and /e a"<uainted *it!.
.!ere are my sli--ers? S!all I !ae some *ater?
Come, +ate, and *as!, and *el"ome !eartily.0 ASerant lets t!e e*er %all.
PETR(CHIO strikes !im. 55
You *!oreson illainC *ill you let it %all?
+at!. Patien"e, I -ray you) 1t*as a %ault un*illing.
Pet. A *!oreson, /eetleD!eaded, %la-Dear1d knaeC
Come, +ate, sit do*n) I kno* you !ae a stoma"!. F7
.ill you gie t!anks, s*eet +ate, or else s!all I?0
.!at1s t!is? mutton?
8irst Ser. Ay.
Pet. .!o /roug!t it? F9
8irst Ser. I.
Pet. 1Tis /urnt) and so is all t!e meat.
.!at dogs are t!eseC .!ere is t!e ras"al "ook?
Ho* durst you, illains, /ring it %rom t!e dresser, 2;;
And sere it t!us to me t!at loe it not? AT!ro*s t!e meat, M". at t!em.
T!ere, take it to you, tren"!ers, "u-s, and all.
You !eedless >olt!eads and unmanner1d slaesC
.!atC do you grum/leC I1ll /e *it! you straig!t. 2;4
+at!. I -ray you, !us/and, /e not so dis<uiet:
T!e meat *as *ell i% you *ere so "ontented.
Pet. I tell t!ee, +ate, 1t*as /urnt and dried a*ay)
And I eG-ressly am %or/id to tou"! it, 2;5
8or it engenders "!oler, -lantet! anger)
And /etter 1t*ere t!at /ot! o% us did %ast,
Sin"e, o% ourseles, ourseles are "!oleri",
T!an %eed it *it! su"! oerDroasted %les!. 227
#e -atient) toDmorro*1t s!all /e mended,
And %or t!is nig!t *e1ll %ast %or "om-any:
Come, I *ill /ring t!ee to t!y /ridal "!am/er. AEGeunt PETR(CHIO, +ATHARI'A,
and C(RTIS.
'at!. Peter, didst eer see t!e like? 229
Peter. He kills !er in !er o*n !umour.
ReDenter C(RTIS.
$ru. .!ere is !e?
Curt. In !er "!am/er, making a sermon o% "ontinen"y to !er) 27;
And rails, and s*ears, and rates, t!at s!e, -oor soul,
+no*s not *!i"! *ay to stand, to look, to s-eak,
And sits as one ne*Drisen %rom a dream.
A*ay, a*ayC %or !e is "oming !it!er. AEGeunt. 274
Pet. T!us !ae I -oliti"ly /egun my reign,
And 1tis my !o-e to end su""ess%ully.
,y %al"on no* is s!ar- and -assing em-ty, 275
And till s!e stoo- s!e must not /e %ullDgorg1d,
8or t!en s!e neer looks u-on !er lure.
Anot!er *ay I !ae to man my !aggard,
To make !er "ome and kno* !er kee-er1s "all) 2=7
T!at is, to *at"! !er, as *e *at"! t!ese kites
T!at /ate and /eat and *ill not /e o/edient.
S!e eat no meat toDday, nor none s!all eat)
Last nig!t s!e sle-t not, nor toDnig!t s!e s!all not: 2=9
As *it! t!e meat, some undesered %ault
I1ll %ind a/out t!e making o% t!e /ed)
And !ere I1ll %ling t!e -illo*, t!ere t!e /olster,
T!is *ay t!e "oerlet, anot!er *ay t!e s!eets: 24;
Ay, and amid t!is !urly I intend
T!at all is done in reerend "are o% !er)
And in "on"lusion s!e s!all *at"! all nig!t:
And i% s!e "!an"e to nod I1ll rail and /ra*l, 244
And *it! t!e "lamour kee- !er still a*ake.
T!is is a *ay to kill a *i%e *it! kindness)
And t!us I1ll "ur/ !er mad and !eadstrong !umour.
He t!at kno*s /etter !o* to tame a s!re*, 245
'o* let !im s-eak: 1tis "!arity to s!o*. AEGit.
A"t I&. S"ene II.
Padua. #e%ore #APTISTA1S House.
Tra. Is1t -ossi/le, %riend Li"io, t!at ,istress #ian"a
Dot! %an"y any ot!er /ut Lu"entio? 4
I tell you, sir, s!e /ears me %air in !and.
Hor. Sir, to satis%y you in *!at I !ae said,
Stand /y, and mark t!e manner o% !is tea"!ing. AT!ey stand aside.
Enter #IA'CA and L(CE'TIO. 5
Lu". 'o*, mistress, -ro%it you in *!at you read?
#ian. .!at, master, read you? %irst resole me t!at.
Lu". I read t!at I -ro%ess, t!e Art to Loe.
#ian. And may you -roe, sir, master o% your artC 27
Lu". .!ile you, s*eet dear, -roe mistress o% my !eart. AT!ey retire.
Hor. Hui"k -ro"eeders, marryC 'o*, tell me, I -ray,
You t!at durst s*ear t!at your mistress #ian"a
Lo1d none in t!e *orld so *ell as Lu"entio. 29
Tra. O des-ite%ul loeC un"onstant *omankindC
I tell t!ee, Li"io, t!is is *onder%ul.
Hor. ,istake no more: I am not Li"io,
'or a musi"ian, as I seem to /e) 7;
#ut one t!at s"orns to lie in t!is disguise,
8or su"! a one as leaes a gentleman,
And makes a god o% su"! a "ullion:
+no*, sir, t!at I am "all1d Hortensio. 74
Tra. Signior Hortensio, I !ae o%ten !eard
O% your entire a%%e"tion to #ian"a)
And sin"e mine eyes are *itness o% !er lig!tness,
I *ill *it! you, i% you /e so "ontented, 75
8ors*ear #ian"a and !er loe %or eer.
Hor. See, !o* t!ey kiss and "ourtC Signior Lu"entio,
Here is my !and, and !ere I %irmly o*
'eer to *oo !er more) /ut I do %ors*ear !er, =7
As one un*ort!y all t!e %ormer %aours
T!at I !ae %ondly %latter1d !er *it!al.
Tra. And !ere I take t!e like un%eigned oat!,
'eer to marry *it! !er t!oug! s!e *ould entreat. =9
8ie on !erC see !o* /eastly s!e dot! "ourt !im.
Hor. .ould all t!e *orld, /ut !e !ad <uite %ors*ornC
8or me, t!at I may surely kee- mine oat!,
I *ill /e married to a *ealt!y *ido* 4;
Ere t!ree days -ass, *!i"! !at! as long lo1d me
As I !ae lo1d t!is -roud disdain%ul !aggard.
And so %are*ell, Signior Lu"entio.
+indness in *omen, not t!eir /eauteous looks, 44
S!all *in my loe: and so I take my leae,
In resolution as I s*ore /e%ore. AEGit HORTE'SIO. L(CE'TIO and #IA'CA
Tra. ,istress #ian"a, /less you *it! su"! gra"e
As 1longet! to a loer1s /lessed "aseC 45
'ay, I !ae ta1en you na--ing, gentle loe,
And !ae %ors*orn you *it! Hortensio.
#ian. Tranio, you >est. #ut !ae you /ot! %ors*orn me?
Tra. ,istress, *e !ae. @7
Lu". T!en *e are rid o% Li"io.
Tra. I1 %ait!, !e1ll !ae a lusty *ido* no*,
T!at s!all /e *oo1d and *edded in a day.
#ian. $od gie !im >oyC @9
Tra. Ay, and !e1ll tame !er.
#ian. He says so, Tranio.
Tra. 8ait!, !e is gone unto t!e tamingDs"!ool.
#ian. T!e tamingDs"!oolC *!at, is t!ere su"! a -la"e? 9;
Tra. Ay, mistress, and Petru"!io is t!e master)
T!at tea"!et! tri"ks eleen and t*enty long,
To tame a s!re*, and "!arm !er "!attering tongue.
Enter #IO'DELLO, running. 94
#ion. O master, masterC I !ae *at"!1d so long
T!at I1m dogD*eary) /ut at last I s-ied
An an"ient angel "oming do*n t!e !ill
.ill sere t!e turn. 95
Tra. .!at is !e, #iondello?
#ion. ,aster, a mer"atante, or a -edant,
I kno* not *!at) /ut %ormal in a--arel,
In gait and "ountenan"e surely like a %at!er. E7
Lu". And *!at o% !im. Tranio?
Tra. I% !e /e "redulous and trust my tale,
I1ll make !im glad to seem &in"entio,
And gie assuran"e to #a-tista ,inola, E9
As i% !e *ere t!e rig!t &in"entio.
Take in your loe, and t!en let me alone. AEGeunt L(CE'TIO and #IA'CA.
Enter a Pedant.
Ped. $od sae you, sirC 5;
Tra. And you, sirC you are *el"ome.
Trael you %ar on, or are you at t!e %urt!est?
Ped. Sir, at t!e %urt!est %or a *eek or t*o)
#ut t!en u- %urt!er, and as %ar as Rome) 54
And so to Tri-oli, i% $od lend me li%e.
Tra. .!at "ountryman, I -ray?
Ped. O% ,antua.
Tra. O% ,antua, sirC marry, $od %or/idC 55
And "ome to Padua, "areless o% your li%e?
Ped. ,y li%e, sirC !o*, I -ray? %or t!at goes !ard.
Tra. 1Tis deat! %or any one in ,antua
To "ome to Padua. +no* you not t!e "ause? F7
Your s!i-s are stay1d at &eni"e) and t!e duke,0
8or -riate <uarrel 1t*iGt your duke and !im,0
Hat! -u/lis!1d and -ro"laim1d it o-enly.
1Tis marel, /ut t!at you are /ut ne*ly "ome, F9
You mig!t !ae !eard it else -ro"laim1d a/out.
Ped. Alas, sirC it is *orse %or me t!an so)
8or I !ae /ills %or money /y eG"!ange
8rom 8loren"e, and must !ere delier t!em. 2;;
Tra. .ell, sir, to do you "ourtesy,
T!is *ill I do, and t!is I *ill adise you:
8irst, tell me, !ae you eer /een at Pisa?
Ped. Ay, sir, in Pisa !ae I o%ten /een) 2;4
Pisa, reno*ned %or grae "iti6ens.
Tra. Among t!em, kno* you one &in"entio?
Ped. I kno* !im not, /ut I !ae !eard o% !im)
A mer"!ant o% in"om-ara/le *ealt!. 2;5
Tra. He is my %at!er, sir) and, soot! to say,
In "ountenan"e some*!at dot! resem/le you.
#ion. AAside. B As mu"! as an a--le dot! an oyster, and all one.
Tra. To sae your li%e in t!is eGtremity, 227
T!is %aour *ill I do you %or !is sake)
And t!ink it not t!e *orst o% all your %ortunes
T!at you are like to Sir &in"entio.
His name and "redit s!all you undertake, 229
And in my !ouse you s!all /e %riendly lodg1d,
Look t!at you take u-on you as you s!ouldC
You understand me, sir) so s!all you stay
Till you !ae done your /usiness in t!e "ity. 27;
I% t!is /e "ourtesy, sir, a""e-t o% it.
Ped. O sir, I do) and *ill re-ute you eer
T!e -atron o% my li%e and li/erty.
Tra. T!en go *it! me to make t!e matter good. 274
T!is, /y t!e *ay, I let you understand:
,y %at!er is !ere look1d %or eery day,
To -ass assuran"e o% a do*er in marriage
1T*iGt me and one #a-tista1s daug!ter !ere: 275
In all t!ese "ir"umstan"es I1ll instru"t you.
$o *it! me to "lot!e you as /e"omes you. AEGeunt.
A"t I&. S"ene III.
A Room in PETR(CHIO1S House.
Enter +ATHARI'A and $R(,IO.
$ru. 'o, no, %orsoot!) I dare not, %or my li%e.
+at!. T!e more my *rong t!e more !is s-ite a--ears. 4
.!at, did !e marry me to %amis! me?
#eggars, t!at "ome unto my %at!er1s door,
(-on entreaty !ae a -resent alms)
I% not, else*!ere t!ey meet *it! "!arity: 5
#ut I, *!o neer kne* !o* to entreat,
'or neer needed t!at I s!ould entreat,
Am star1d %or meat, giddy %or la"k o% slee-)
.it! oat!s ke-t *aking, and *it! /ra*ling %ed. 27
And t!at *!i"! s-ites me more t!an all t!ese *ants,
He does it under name o% -er%e"t loe)
As *!o s!ould say, i% I s!ould slee- or eat
1T*ere deadly si"kness, or else -resent deat!. 29
I -rit!ee go and get me some re-ast)
I "are not *!at, so it /e *!olesome %ood.
$ru. .!at say you to a neat1s %oot?
+at!. 1Tis -assing good: I -rit!ee let me !ae it. 7;
$ru. I %ear it is too "!oleri" a meat.
Ho* say you to a %at tri-e %inely /roil1d?
+at!. I like it *ell: good $rumio, %et"! it me.
$ru. I "annot tell) I %ear 1tis "!oleri". 74
.!at say you to a -ie"e o% /ee% and mustard?
+at!. A dis! t!at I do loe to %eed u-on.
$ru. Ay, /ut t!e mustard is too !ot a little.
+at!. .!y, t!en t!e /ee%, and let t!e mustard rest. 75
$ru. 'ay, t!en I *ill not: you s!all !ae t!e mustard,
Or else you get no /ee% o% $rumio.
+at!. T!en /ot!, or one, or anyt!ing t!ou *ilt.
$ru. .!y t!en, t!e mustard *it!out t!e /ee%. =7
+at!. $o, get t!ee gone, t!ou %alse deluding slae, A#eats !im.
T!at %eed1st me *it! t!e ery name o% meat.
Sorro* on t!ee and all t!e -a"k o% you,
T!at trium-! t!us u-on my miseryC =9
$o, get t!ee gone, I say.
Enter PETR(CHIO *it! a dis! o% meat) and HORTE'SIO.
Pet. Ho* %ares my +ate? .!at, s*eeting, all amort?
Hor. ,istress, *!at "!eer? 4;
+at!. 8ait!, as "old as "an /e.
Pet. Plu"k u- t!y s-irits) look "!eer%ully u-on me.
Here, loe) t!ou seest !o* diligent I am,
To dress t!y meat mysel% and /ring it t!ee: ASets t!e dis! on a ta/le. 44
I am sure, s*eet +ate, t!is kindness merits t!anks.
.!atC not a *ord? 'ay t!en, t!ou lo1st it not,
And all my -ains is sorted to no -roo%.
Here, take a*ay t!is dis!. 45
+at!. I -ray you, let it stand.
Pet. T!e -oorest seri"e is re-aid *it! t!anks,
And so s!all mine, /e%ore you tou"! t!e meat.
+at!. I t!ank you, sir. @7
Hor. Signior Petru"!io, %ieC you are to /lame.
Come, ,istress +ate, I1ll /ear you "om-any.
Pet. AAside. B Eat it u- all, Hortensio, i% t!ou lo1st me.
,u"! good do it unto t!y gentle !eartC @9
+ate, eat a-a"e: and no*, my !oney loe,
.ill *e return unto t!y %at!er1s !ouse,
And reel it as /raely as t!e /est,
.it! silken "oats and "a-s and golden rings, 9;
.it! ru%%s and "u%%s and %art!ingales and t!ings)
.it! s"ar%s and %ans and dou/le "!ange o% /raery,
.it! am/er /ra"elets, /eads and all t!is knaery.
.!atC !ast t!ou din1d? T!e tailor stays t!y leisure, 94
To de"k t!y /ody *it! !is ru%%ling treasure.
Enter Tailor.
Come, tailor, let us see t!ese ornaments)
Lay %ort! t!e go*n.0 95
Enter Ha/erdas!er.
.!at ne*s *it! you, sir?
Ha/. Here is t!e "a- your *ors!i- did /es-eak.
Pet. .!y, t!is *as moulded on a -orringer) E7
A elet dis!: %ie, %ieC 1tis le*d and %ilt!y:
.!y, 1tis a "o"kle or a *alnutDs!ell,
A kna"k, a toy, a tri"k, a /a/y1s "a-:
A*ay *it! itC "ome, let me !ae a /igger. E9
+at!. I1ll !ae no /igger: t!is dot! %it t!e time,
And gentle*omen *ear su"! "a-s as t!ese.
Pet. .!en you are gentle, you s!all !ae one too)
And not till t!en. 5;
Hor. AAside. B T!at *ill not /e in !aste.
+at!. .!y, sir, I trust I may !ae leae to s-eak,
And s-eak I *ill) I am no "!ild, no /a/e:
Your /etters !ae endur1d me say my mind, 54
And i% you "annot, /est you sto- your ears.
,y tongue *ill tell t!e anger o% my !eart,
Or else my !eart, "on"ealing it, *ill /reak:
And rat!er t!an it s!all, I *ill /e %ree 55
Een to t!e uttermost, as I -lease, in *ords.
Pet. .!y, t!ou sayst true) it is a -altry "a-,
A "ustardD"o%%in, a /au/le, a silken -ie.
I loe t!ee *ell in t!at t!ou lik1st it not. F7
+at!. Loe me or loe me not, I like t!e "a-,
And it I *ill !ae, or I *ill !ae none. AEGit Ha/erdas!er.
Pet. T!y go*n? *!y, ay: "ome, tailor, let us see1t.
O mer"y, $odC *!at mas<uing stu%% is !ere? F9
.!at1s t!is? a sleee? 1tis like a demiD"annon:
.!atC u- and do*n, "ar1d like an a--leDtart?
Here1s sni- and ni- and "ut and slis! and slas!,
Like to a "enser in a /ar/er1s s!o-. 2;;
.!y, *!at, i1 deil1s name, tailor, "all1st t!ou t!is?
Hor. AAside. B I see, s!e1s like to !ae neit!er "a- nor go*n.
Tai. You /id me make it orderly and *ell,
A""ording to t!e %as!ion and t!e time. 2;4
Pet. ,arry, and did: /ut i% you /e remem/er1d,
I did not /id you mar it to t!e time.
$o, !o- me oer eery kennel !ome,
8or you s!all !o- *it!out my "ustom, sir. 2;5
I1ll none o% it: !en"eC make your /est o% it.
+at!. I neer sa* a /etterD%as!ion1d go*n,
,ore <uaint, more -leasing, nor more "ommenda/le.
#elike you mean to make a -u--et o% me. 227
Pet. .!y, true) !e means to make a -u--et o% t!ee.
Tai. S!e says your *ors!i- means to make a -u--et o% !er.
Pet. O monstrous arrogan"eC T!ou liest, t!ou t!read,
T!ou t!im/le, 229
T!ou yard, t!reeD<uarters, !al%Dyard, <uarter, nailC
T!ou %lea, t!ou nit, t!ou *interD"ri"ket t!ouC
#ra1d in mine o*n !ouse *it! a skein o% t!readC
A*ayC t!ou rag, t!ou <uantity, t!ou remnant, 27;
Or I s!all so /eDmete t!ee *it! t!y yard
As t!ou s!alt t!ink on -rating *!ilst t!ou li1stC
I tell t!ee, I, t!at t!ou !ast marr1d !er go*n.
Tai. Your *ors!i- is de"ei1d: t!e go*n is made 274
Iust as my master !ad dire"tion.
$rumio gae order !o* it s!ould /e done.
$ru. I gae !im no order) I gae !im t!e stu%%.
Tai. #ut !o* did you desire it s!ould /e made? 275
$ru. ,arry, sir, *it! needle and t!read.
Tai. #ut did you not re<uest to !ae it "ut?
$ru. T!ou !ast %a"ed many t!ings.
Tai. I !ae. 2=7
$ru. 8a"e not me: t!ou !ast /raed many men) /rae not me: I *ill neit!er /e
%a"ed nor /raed. I say unto t!ee, I /id t!y master "ut out t!e go*n) /ut I did not /id
!im "ut it to -ie"es: ergo, t!ou liest.
Tai. .!y, !ere is t!e note o% t!e %as!ion to testi%y.
Pet. Read it.
$ru. T!e note lies in 1s t!roat i% !e say I said so. 2=9
Tai. Im-rimis. A looseD/odied go*n.
$ru. ,aster, i% eer I said looseD/odied go*n, se* me in t!e skirts o% it, and /eat
me to deat! *it! a /ottom o% /ro*n t!read. I said, a go*n.
Pet. Pro"eed.
Tai. .it! a small "om-assed "a-e. 24;
$ru. I "on%ess t!e "a-e.
Tai. .it! a trunk sleee.
$ru. I "on%ess t*o sleees.
Tai. T!e sleees "uriously "ut. 244
Pet. Ay, t!ere1s t!e illany.
$ru. Error i1 t!e /ill, sir) error i1 t!e /ill. I "ommanded t!e sleees s!ould /e "ut out
and se*ed u- again) and t!at I1ll -roe u-on t!ee, t!oug! t!y little %inger /e armed in
a t!im/le.
Tai. T!is is true t!at I say: an I !ad t!ee in -la"e *!ere t!ou s!ouldst kno* it.
$ru. I am %or t!ee straig!t: take t!ou t!e /ill, gie me t!y meteDyard, and s-are not
me. 245
Hor. $odDaDmer"y, $rumioC t!en !e s!all !ae no odds.
Pet. .ell, sir, in /rie%, t!e go*n is not %or me.
$ru. You are i1 t!e rig!t, sir) 1tis %or my mistress.
Pet. $o, take it u- unto t!y master1s use. 2@7
$ru. &illain, not %or t!y li%eC take u- my mistress1 go*n %or t!y master1s useC
Pet. .!y, sir, *!at1s your "on"eit in t!at?
$ru. O, sir, t!e "on"eit is dee-er t!an you t!ink %or.
Take u- my mistress1 go*n to !is master1s useC 2@9
O, %ie, %ie, %ieC
Pet. AAside. B Hortensio, say t!ou *ilt see t!e tailor -aid.
ATo Tailor.B $o take it !en"e) /e gone, and say no more.
Hor. AAside to Tailor.B Tailor, I1ll -ay t!ee %or t!y go*n toDmorro*: 29;
Take no unkindness o% !is !asty *ords.
A*ayC I say) "ommend me to t!y master. AEGit Tailor.
Pet. .ell, "ome, my +ate) *e *ill unto your %at!er1s,
Een in t!ese !onest mean !a/iliments. 294
Our -urses s!all /e -roud, our garments -oor:
8or 1tis t!e mind t!at makes t!e /ody ri"!)
And as t!e sun /reaks t!roug! t!e darkest "louds,
So !onour -eeret! in t!e meanest !a/it. 295
.!at is t!e >ay more -re"ious t!an t!e lark
#e"ause !is %eat!ers are more /eauti%ul?
Or is t!e adder /etter t!an t!e eel
#e"ause !is -ainted skin "ontents t!e eye? 2E7
O, no, good +ate) neit!er art t!ou t!e *orse
8or t!is -oor %urniture and mean array.
I% t!ou a""ount1st it s!ame, lay it on me)
And t!ere%ore %roli": *e *ill !en"e %ort!*it!, 2E9
To %east and s-ort us at t!y %at!er1s !ouse.
$o, "all my men, and let us straig!t to !im)
And /ring our !orses unto LongDlane end)
T!ere *ill *e mount, and t!it!er *alk on %oot. 25;
Let1s see) I t!ink 1tis no* some seen o1"lo"k,
And *ell *e may "ome t!ere /y dinnerDtime.
+at!. I dare assure you, sir, 1tis almost t*o)
And 1t*ill /e su--erDtime ere you "ome t!ere. 254
Pet. It s!all /e seen ere I go to !orse.
Look, *!at I s-eak, or do, or t!ink to do,
You are still "rossing it. Sirs, let1t alone:
I *ill not go toDday) and ere I do, 255
It s!all /e *!at o1"lo"k I say it is.
Hor. .!y, so t!is gallant *ill "ommand t!e sun. AEGeunt.
A"t I&. S"ene I&.
Padua. #e%ore #APTISTA1S House.
Enter TRA'IO, and t!e Pedant dressed like &I'CE'TIO.
Tra. Sir, t!is is t!e !ouse: -lease it you t!at I "all?
Ped. Ay, *!at else? and, /ut I /e de"eied, 4
Signior #a-tista may remem/er me,
'ear t*enty years ago, in $enoa,
.!ere *e *ere lodgers at t!e Pegasus.
Tra. 1Tis *ell) and !old your o*n, in any "ase, 5
.it! su"! austerity as 1longet! to a %at!er.
Ped. I *arrant you. #ut, sir, !ere "omes your /oy)
1T*ere good !e *ere s"!ool1d.
Enter #IO'DELLO. 27
Tra. 8ear you not !im. Sirra! #iondello,
'o* do your duty t!roug!ly, I adise you:
Imagine 1t*ere t!e rig!t &in"entio.
#ion. TutC %ear not me. 29
Tra. #ut !ast t!ou done t!y errand to #a-tista?
#ion. I told !im t!at your %at!er *as at &eni"e,
And t!at you look1d %or !im t!is day in Padua.
Tra. T!ou1rt a tall %ello*: !old t!ee t!at to drink. 7;
Here "omes #a-tista. Set your "ountenan"e, sir.
Enter #APTISTA and L(CE'TIO.
Signior #a-tista, you are !a--ily met.
ATo t!e Pedant.B Sir, t!is is t!e gentleman I told you o%: 74
I -ray you, stand good %at!er to me no*,
$ie me #ian"a %or my -atrimony.
Ped. So%t, sonC
Sir, /y your leae: !aing "ome to Padua 75
To gat!er in some de/ts, my son Lu"entio
,ade me a"<uainted *it! a *eig!ty "ause
O% loe /et*een your daug!ter and !imsel%:
And,0%or t!e good re-ort I !ear o% you, =7
And %or t!e loe !e /earet! to your daug!ter,
And s!e to !im,0to stay !im not too long,
I am "ontent, in a good %at!er1s "are,
To !ae !im mat"!1d) and, i% you -lease to like =9
'o *orse t!an I, u-on some agreement
,e s!all you %ind ready and *illing
.it! one "onsent to !ae !er so /esto*1d)
8or "urious I "annot /e *it! you, 4;
Signior #a-tista, o% *!om I !ear so *ell.
#a-. Sir, -ardon me in *!at I !ae to say:
Your -lainness and your s!ortness -lease me *ell.
Rig!t true it is, your son Lu"entio !ere 44
Dot! loe my daug!ter and s!e loet! !im,
Or /ot! dissem/le dee-ly t!eir a%%e"tions:
And t!ere%ore, i% you say no more t!an t!is,
T!at like a %at!er you *ill deal *it! !im 45
And -ass my daug!ter a su%%i"ient do*er,
T!e mat"! is made, and all is done:
Your son s!all !ae my daug!ter *it! "onsent.
Tra. I t!ank you, sir. .!ere, t!en, do you kno* /est @7
.e /e a%%ied and su"! assuran"e ta1en
As s!all *it! eit!er -art1s agreement stand?
#a-. 'ot in my !ouse, Lu"entio) %or, you kno*,
Pit"!ers !ae ears, and I !ae many serants. @9
#esides, old $remio is !earkening still,
And !a--ily *e mig!t /e interru-ted.
Tra. T!en at my lodging an it like you:
T!ere dot! my %at!er lie, and t!ere t!is nig!t 9;
.e1ll -ass t!e /usiness -riately and *ell.
Send %or your daug!ter /y your serant !ere)
,y /oy s!all %et"! t!e s"riener -resently.
T!e *orst is t!is, t!at, at so slender *arning, 94
You1re like to !ae a t!in and slender -ittan"e.
#a-. It likes me *ell. Cam/io, !ie you !ome,
And /id #ian"a make !er ready straig!t)
And, i% you *ill, tell *!at !at! !a--ened: 95
Lu"entio1s %at!er is arri1d in Padua,
And !o* s!e1s like to /e Lu"entio1s *i%e.
Lu". I -ray t!e gods s!e may *it! all my !eartC
Tra. Dally not *it! t!e gods, /ut get t!ee gone. E7
Signior #a-tista, s!all I lead t!e *ay?
.el"omeC one mess is like to /e your "!eer.
Come, sir) *e *ill /etter it in Pisa.
#a-. I %ollo* you. AEGeunt TRA'IO, Pedant, and #APTISTA. E9
#ion. Cam/ioC
Lu". .!at sayst t!ou, #iondello?
#ion. You sa* my master *ink and laug! u-on you?
Lu". #iondello, *!at o% t!at? 5;
#ion. 8ait!, not!ing) /ut !e !as le%t me !ere /e!ind to eG-ound t!e meaning or
moral o% !is signs and tokens.
Lu". I -ray t!ee, morali6e t!em.
#ion. T!en t!us. #a-tista is sa%e, talking *it! t!e de"eiing %at!er o% a de"eit%ul
Lu". And *!at o% !im? 54
#ion. His daug!ter is to /e /roug!t /y you to t!e su--er.
Lu". And t!en?
#ion. T!e old -riest at Saint Luke1s "!ur"! is at your "ommand at all !ours.
Lu". And *!at o% all t!is? 55
#ion. I "annot tell, eG-e"t t!ey are /usied a/out a "ounter%eit assuran"e: take you
assuran"e o% !er, "um -riilegio ad im-rimendum solum. To t!e "!ur"!C take t!e
-riest, "lerk, and some su%%i"ient !onest *itnesses.
I% t!is /e not t!at you look %or, I !ae no more to say,
#ut /id #ian"a %are*ell %or eer and a day. A$oing.
Lu". Hearest t!ou, #iondello? F7
#ion. I "annot tarry: I kne* a *en"! married in an a%ternoon as s!e *ent to t!e
garden %or -arsley to stu%% a ra//it) and so may you, sir) and so, adieu, sir. ,y master
!at! a--ointed me to go to Saint Luke1s, to /id t!e -riest /e ready to "ome against
you "ome *it! your a--endiG. AEGit.
Lu". I may, and *ill, i% s!e /e so "ontented:
S!e *ill /e -leas1d) t!en *!ere%ore s!ould I dou/t?
Ha- *!at !a- may, I1ll roundly go a/out !er: F9
It s!all go !ard i% Cam/io go *it!out !er. AEGit.
A"t I&. S"ene &.
A -u/li" Road.
Enter PETR(CHIO, +ATHARI'A, HORTE'SIO, and Serants.
Pet. Come on, i1 $od1s name) on"e more to*ard our %at!er1s.
$ood Lord, !o* /rig!t and goodly s!ines t!e moonC 4
+at!. T!e moonC t!e sun: it is not moonlig!t no*.
Pet. I say it is t!e moon t!at s!ines so /rig!t.
+at!. I kno* it is t!e sun t!at s!ines so /rig!t.
Pet. 'o*, /y my mot!er1s son, and t!at1s mysel%, 5
It s!all /e moon, or star, or *!at I list,
Or ere I >ourney to your %at!er1s !ouse.
$o one and %et"! our !orses /a"k again.
Eermore "ross1d and "ross1d) not!ing /ut "ross1dC 27
Hor. Say as !e says, or *e s!all neer go.
+at!. 8or*ard, I -ray, sin"e *e !ae "ome so %ar,
And /e it moon, or sun, or *!at you -lease.
An i% you -lease to "all it a rus!D"andle, 29
Hen"e%ort! I o* it s!all /e so %or me.
Pet. I say it is t!e moon.
+at!. I kno* it is t!e moon.
Pet. 'ay, t!en you lie) it is t!e /lessed sun. 7;
+at!. T!en $od /e /less1d, it is t!e /lessed sun:
#ut sun it is not *!en you say it is not,
And t!e moon "!anges een as your mind.
.!at you *ill !ae it nam1d, een t!at it is) 74
And so, it s!all /e so %or +at!arine.
Hor. Petru"!io, go t!y *ays) t!e %ield is *on.
Pet. .ell, %or*ard, %or*ardC t!us t!e /o*l s!ould run,
And not unlu"kily against t!e /ias. 75
#ut so%tC *!at "om-any is "oming !ere?
Enter &I'CE'TIO, in a traelling dress.
ATo &I'CE'TIO.B $ood morro*, gentle mistress: *!ere a*ay?
Tell me, s*eet +ate, and tell me truly too, =7
Hast t!ou /e!eld a %res!er gentle*oman?
Su"! *ar o% *!ite and red *it!in !er "!eeksC
.!at stars do s-angle !eaen *it! su"! /eauty,
As t!ose t*o eyes /e"ome t!at !eaenly %a"e? =9
8air loely maid, on"e more good day to t!ee.
S*eet +ate, em/ra"e !er %or !er /eauty1s sake.
Hor. A1 *ill make t!e man mad, to make a *oman o% !im.
+at!. Young /udding irgin, %air and %res! and s*eet, 4;
.!it!er a*ay, or *!ere is t!y a/ode?
Ha--y t!e -arents o% so %air a "!ild)
Ha--ier t!e man, *!om %aoura/le stars
Allot t!ee %or !is loely /edD%ello*C 44
Pet. .!y, !o* no*, +ateC I !o-e t!ou art not mad:
T!is is a man, old, *rinkled, %aded, *it!er1d,
And not a maiden, as t!ou sayst !e is.
+at!. Pardon, old %at!er, my mistaking eyes, 45
T!at !ae /een so /eda66led *it! t!e sun
T!at eeryt!ing I look on seemet! green:
'o* I -er"eie t!ou art a reerend %at!er)
Pardon, I -ray t!ee, %or my mad mistaking. @7
Pet. Do, good old grandsire) and *it!al make kno*n
.!i"! *ay t!ou traellest: i% along *it! us,
.e s!all /e >oy%ul o% t!y "om-any.
&in. 8air sir, and you my merry mistress, @9
T!at *it! your strange en"ounter mu"! ama61d me,
,y name is "alled &in"entio) my d*elling, Pisa)
And /ound I am to Padua, t!ere to isit
A son o% mine, *!i"! long I !ae not seen. 9;
Pet. .!at is !is name?
&in. Lu"entio, gentle sir.
Pet. Ha--ily met) t!e !a--ier %or t!y son.
And no* /y la*, as *ell as reerend age, 94
I may entitle t!ee my loing %at!er:
T!e sister to my *i%e, t!is gentle*oman,
T!y son /y t!is !at! married. .onder not,
'or /e not grie1d: s!e is o% good esteem, 95
Her do*ry *ealt!y, and o% *ort!y /irt!)
#eside, so <uali%ied as may /eseem
T!e s-ouse o% any no/le gentleman.
Let me em/ra"e *it! old &in"entio) E7
And *ander *e to see t!y !onest son,
.!o *ill o% t!y arrial /e %ull >oyous.
&in. #ut is t!is true? or is it else your -leasure,
Like -leasant traellers, to /reak a >est E9
(-on t!e "om-any you oertake?
Hor. I do assure t!ee, %at!er, so it is.
Pet. Come, go along, and see t!e trut! !ereo%)
8or our %irst merriment !at! made t!ee >ealous. AEGeunt all /ut HORTE'SIO. 5;
Hor. .ell, Petru"!io, t!is !as -ut me in !eart.
Hae to my *ido*C and i% s!e /e %ro*ard,
T!en !ast t!ou taug!t Hortensio to /e unto*ard. AEGit.
A"t &. S"ene I.
Padua. #e%ore L(CE'TIO1S House.
Enter on one side #IO'DELLO, L(CE'TIO, and #IA'CA) $RE,IO *alking on
t!e ot!er side.
#ion. So%tly and s*i%tly, sir, %or t!e -riest is ready.
Lu". I %ly, #iondello: /ut t!ey may "!an"e to need t!ee at !ome) t!ere%ore leae us.
#ion. 'ay, %ait!, I1ll see t!e "!ur"! o1 your /a"k) and t!en "ome /a"k to my master
as soon as I "an. AEGeunt L(CE'TIO, #IA'CA, and #IO'DELLO.
$re. I marel Cam/io "omes not all t!is *!ile.
Enter PETR(CHIO, +ATHARI'A, &I'CE'TIO, and Attendants.
Pet. Sir, !ere1s t!e door, t!is is Lu"entio1s !ouse: 5
,y %at!er1s /ears more to*ard t!e marketD-la"e)
T!it!er must I, and !ere I leae you, sir.
&in. You s!all not "!oose /ut drink /e%ore you go.
I t!ink I s!all "ommand your *el"ome !ere, 27
And, /y all likeli!ood, some "!eer is to*ard. A+no"ks.
$re. T!ey1re /usy *it!in) you *ere /est kno"k louder.
Enter Pedant a/oe, at a *indo*.
Ped. .!at1s !e t!at kno"ks as !e *ould /eat do*n t!e gate? 29
&in. Is Signior Lu"entio *it!in, sir?
Ped. He1s *it!in, sir, /ut not to /e s-oken *it!al.
&in. .!at i% a man /ring !im a !undred -ound or t*o, to make merry *it!al?
Ped. +ee- your !undred -ounds to yoursel%: !e s!all need none so long as I lie. 7;
Pet. 'ay, I told you your son *as *ell /eloed in Padua. Do you !ear, sir? To leae
%riolous "ir"umstan"es, I -ray you, tell Signior Lu"entio t!at !is %at!er is "ome %rom
Pisa, and is !ere at t!e door to s-eak *it! !im.
Ped. T!ou liest: !is %at!er is "ome %rom Padua, and !ere looking out at t!e *indo*.
&in. Art t!ou !is %at!er?
Ped. Ay, sir) so !is mot!er says, i% I may /eliee !er. 74
Pet. ATo &I'CE'TIO.B .!y, !o* no*, gentlemanC *!y, t!is is %lat knaery, to
take u-on you anot!er man1s name.
Ped. Lay !ands on t!e illain: I /eliee, a1 means to "o6en some/ody in t!is "ity
under my "ountenan"e.
ReDenter #IO'DELLO.
#ion. I !ae seen t!em in t!e "!ur"! toget!er: $od send 1em good s!i--ingC #ut
*!o is !ere? mine old master, &in"entioC no* *e are undone and /roug!t to not!ing.
&in. ASeeing #IO'DELLO.B Come !it!er, "ra"kD!em-.
#ion. I !o-e I may "!oose, sir.
&in. Come !it!er, you rogue. .!at, !ae you %orgot me?
#ion. 8orgot youC no, sir: I "ould not %orget you, %or I neer sa* you /e%ore in all
my li%e. =7
&in. .!at, you notorious illainC didst t!ou neer see t!y master1s %at!er,
#ion. .!at, my old, *ors!i-%ul old master? yes, marry, sir: see *!ere !e looks out
o% t!e *indo*.
&in. Is1t so, indeed? A#eats #IO'DELLO.
#ion. Hel-, !el-, !el-C !ere1s a madman *ill murder me. AEGit. =9
Ped. Hel-, sonC !el-, Signior #a-tistaC AEGit %rom t!e *indo*.
Pet. Prit!ee, +ate, let1s stand aside, and see t!e end o% t!is "ontroersy. AT!ey
ReDenter Pedant /elo*) #APTISTA, TRA'IO, and Serants.
Tra. Sir, *!at are you t!at o%%er to /eat my serant? 4;
&in. .!at am I, sirC nay, *!at are you, sir? O immortal godsC O %ine illainC A
silken dou/letC a elet !oseC a s"arlet "loakC and a "o-atain !atC O, I am undoneC I
am undoneC *!ile I -lay t!e good !us/and at !ome, my son and my serant s-end all
at t!e uniersity.
Tra. Ho* no*C *!at1s t!e matter?
#a-. .!at, is t!e man lunati"?
Tra. Sir, you seem a so/er an"ient gentleman /y your !a/it, /ut your *ords s!o*
you a madDman. .!y, sir, *!at 1"erns it you i% I *ear -earl and gold? I t!ank my
good %at!er, I am a/le to maintain it. 44
&in. T!y %at!erC O illainC !e is a sailDmaker in #ergamo.
#a-. You mistake, sir, you mistake, sir. Pray, *!at do you t!ink is !is name?
&in. His nameC as i% I kne* not !is name: I !ae /roug!t !im u- eer sin"e !e *as
t!ree years old, and !is name is Tranio.
Ped. A*ay, a*ay, mad assC !is name is Lu"entio) and !e is mine only son, and !eir
to t!e lands o% me, Signior &in"entio. 45
&in. Lu"entioC OC !e !at! murdered !is master. Lay !old on !im, I "!arge you in
t!e duke1s name. O my son, my sonC tell me, t!ou illain, *!ere is my son Lu"entio?
Tra. Call %ort! an o%%i"er.
Enter one *it! an O%%i"er.
Carry t!is mad knae to t!e gaol. 8at!er #a-tista, I "!arge you see t!at !e /e
%ort!"oming. @7
&in. Carry me to t!e gaolC
$re. Stay, o%%i"er: !e s!all not go to -rison.
#a-. Talk not, Signior $remio: I say !e s!all go to -rison.
$re. Take !eed, Signior #a-tista, lest you /e "onyD"at"!ed in t!is /usiness: I dare
s*ear t!is is t!e rig!t &in"entio. @9
Ped. S*ear, i% t!ou darest.
$re. 'ay, I dare not s*ear it.
Tra. T!en t!ou *ert /est say, t!at I am not Lu"entio.
$re. Yes, I kno* t!ee to /e Signior Lu"entio. 9;
#a-. A*ay *it! t!e dotardC to t!e gaol *it! !imC
&in. T!us strangers may /e !aled and a/used: O monstrous illainC
ReDenter #IO'DELLO, *it! L(CE'TIO and #IA'CA.
#ion. OC *e are s-oiled) and yonder !e is: deny !im, %ors*ear !im, or else *e are
all undone. 94
Lu". A+neeling. B Pardon, s*eet %at!er.
&in. Lies my s*eetest son?
A#IO'DELLO, TRA'IO, and Pedant run out.
#ian. A+neeling. B Pardon, dear %at!er. 95
#a-. Ho* !ast t!ou o%%ended?
.!ere is Lu"entio?
Lu". Here1s Lu"entio,
Rig!t son to t!e rig!t &in"entio) E7
T!at !ae /y marriage made t!y daug!ter mine,
.!ile "ounter%eit su--oses /lear1d t!ine eyne.
$re. Here1s -a"king, *it! a *itness, to de"eie us allC
&in. .!ere is t!at damned illain Tranio, E9
T!at %a"1d and /ra1d me in t!is matter so?
#a-. .!y, tell me, is not t!is my Cam/io?
#ian. Cam/io is "!ang1d into Lu"entio.
Lu". Loe *roug!t t!ese mira"les. #ian"a1s loe 5;
,ade me eG"!ange my state *it! Tranio,
.!ile !e did /ear my "ountenan"e in t!e to*n)
And !a--ily I !ae arri1d at last
(nto t!e *is!ed !aen o% my /liss. 54
.!at Tranio did, mysel% en%or"1d !im to)
T!en -ardon !im, s*eet %at!er, %or my sake.
&in. I1ll slit t!e illain1s nose, t!at *ould !ae sent me to t!e gaol.
#a-. ATo L(CE'TIO.B #ut do you !ear, sir? Hae you married my daug!ter
*it!out asking my good *ill? 55
&in. 8ear not, #a-tista) *e *ill "ontent you, go to: /ut I *ill in, to /e reenged %or
t!is illany. AEGit.
#a-. And I, to sound t!e de-t! o% t!is knaery. AEGit.
Lu". Look not -ale, #ian"a) t!y %at!er *ill not %ro*n. AEGeunt L(CE'TIO and
$re. ,y "ake is doug!) /ut I1ll in among t!e rest, F7
Out o% !o-e o% all, /ut my s!are o% t!e %east. AEGit.
PETR(CHIO and +ATHARI'A adan"e.
+at!. Hus/and, let1s %ollo*, to see t!e end o% t!is ado.
Pet. 8irst kiss me, +ate, and *e *ill. F9
+at!. .!atC in t!e midst o% t!e street?
Pet. .!atC art t!ou as!amed o% me?
+at!. 'o, sir, $od %or/id) /ut as!amed to kiss.
Pet. .!y, t!en let1s !ome again. Come, sirra!, let1s a*ay. 2;;
+at!. 'ay, I *ill gie t!ee a kiss: no* -ray t!ee, loe, stay.
Pet. Is not t!is *ell? Come, my s*eet +ate:
#etter on"e t!an neer, %or neer too late. AEGeunt.
A"t &. S"ene II.
A Room in L(CE'TIO1S House.
A #an<uet set out. Enter #APTISTA, &I'CE'TIO, $RE,IO, t!e Pedant,
TRA'IO, #IO'DELLO, $R(,IO, and Ot!ers, attending.
Lu". At last, t!oug! long, our >arring notes agree:
And time it is, *!en raging *ar is done, 4
To smile at 1s"a-es and -erils oer/lo*n.
,y %air #ian"a, /id my %at!er *el"ome,
.!ile I *it! sel%Dsame kindness *el"ome t!ine.
#rot!er Petru"!io, sister +at!arina, 5
And t!ou, Hortensio, *it! t!y loing *ido*,
8east *it! t!e /est, and *el"ome to my !ouse:
,y /an<uet is to "lose our stoma"!s u-,
A%ter our great good "!eer. Pray you, sit do*n) 27
8or no* *e sit to "!at as *ell as eat. AT!ey sit at ta/le.
Pet. 'ot!ing /ut sit and sit, and eat and eatC
#a-. Padua a%%ords t!is kindness, son Petru"!io.
Pet. Padua a%%ords not!ing /ut *!at is kind. 29
Hor. 8or /ot! our sakes I *ould t!at *ord *ere true.
Pet. 'o*, %or my li%e, Hortensio %ears !is *ido*.
.id. T!en neer trust me, i% I /e a%eard.
Pet. You are ery sensi/le, and yet you miss my sense: 7;
I mean, Hortensio is a%eard o% you.
.id. He t!at is giddy t!inks t!e *orld turns round.
Pet. Roundly re-lied.
+at!. ,istress, !o* mean you t!at? 74
.id. T!us I "on"eie /y !im.
Pet. Con"eies /y meC Ho* likes Hortensio t!at?
Hor. ,y *ido* says, t!us s!e "on"eies !er tale.
Pet. &ery *ell mended. +iss !im %or t!at, good *ido*. 75
+at!. JHe t!at is giddy t!inks t!e *orld turns round:1
I -ray you, tell me *!at you meant /y t!at.
.id. Your !us/and, /eing trou/led *it! a s!re*,
,easures my !us/and1s sorro* /y !is *oe: =7
And no* you kno* my meaning.
+at!. A ery mean meaning.
.id. Rig!t, I mean you.
+at!. And I am mean, indeed, res-e"ting you. =9
Pet. To !er, +ateC
Hor. To !er, *ido*C
Pet. A !undred marks, my +ate does -ut !er do*n.
Hor. T!at1s my o%%i"e. 4;
Pet. S-oke like an o%%i"er: !a1 to t!ee, lad. ADrinks to HORTE'SIO.
#a-. Ho* likes $remio t!ese <ui"kD*itted %olks?
$re. #eliee me, sir, t!ey /utt toget!er *ell.
#ian. Head and /uttC a !astyD*itted /ody 44
.ould say your !ead and /utt *ere !ead and !orn.
&in. Ay, mistress /ride, !at! t!at a*aken1d you?
#ian. Ay, /ut not %rig!ted me) t!ere%ore I1ll slee- again.
Pet. 'ay, t!at you s!all not) sin"e you !ae /egun, 45
Hae at you %or a /itter >est or t*o.
#ian. Am I your /ird? I mean to s!i%t my /us!)
And t!en -ursue me as you dra* your /o*.
You are *el"ome all. AEGeunt #IA'CA, +ATHARI'A, and .ido*. @7
Pet. S!e !at! -reented me. Here, Signior Tranio)
T!is /ird you aim1d at, t!oug! you !it !er not:
T!ere%ore a !ealt! to all t!at s!ot and miss1d.
Tra. O sirC Lu"entio sli--1d me, like !is grey!ound, @9
.!i"! runs !imsel%, and "at"!es %or !is master.
Pet. A good s*i%t simile, /ut somet!ing "urris!.
Tra. 1Tis *ell, sir, t!at you !unted %or yoursel%:
1Tis t!oug!t your deer does !old you at a /ay. 9;
#a-. O !o, Petru"!ioC Tranio !its you no*.
Lu". I t!ank t!ee %or t!at gird, good Tranio.
Hor. Con%ess, "on%ess, !at! !e not !it you !ere?
Pet. A1 !as a little gall1d me, I "on%ess) 94
And, as t!e >est did glan"e a*ay %rom me,
1Tis ten to one it maim1d you t*o outrig!t.
#a-. 'o*, in good sadness, son Petru"!io,
I t!ink t!ou !ast t!e eriest s!re* o% all. 95
Pet. .ell, I say no: and t!ere%ore, %or assuran"e,
Let1s ea"! one send unto !is *i%e)
And !e *!ose *i%e is most o/edient
To "ome at %irst *!en !e dot! send %or !er, E7
S!all *in t!e *ager *!i"! *e *ill -ro-ose.
Hor. Content. .!at is t!e *ager?
Lu". T*enty "ro*ns.
Pet. T*enty "ro*nsC E9
I1ll enture so mu"! o% my !a*k or !ound,
#ut t*enty times so mu"! u-on my *i%e.
Lu". A !undred t!en.
Hor. Content. 5;
Pet. A mat"!C 1tis done.
Hor. .!o s!all /egin?
Lu". T!at *ill I.
$o, #iondello, /id your mistress "ome to me. 54
#ion. I go. AEGit.
#a-. Son, I *ill /e your !al%, #ian"a "omes.
Lu". I1ll !ae no !ales) I1ll /ear it all mysel%.
ReDenter #IO'DELLO. 55
Ho* no*C *!at ne*s?
#ion. Sir, my mistress sends you *ord
T!at s!e is /usy and s!e "annot "ome.
Pet. Ho*C s!e is /usy, and s!e "annot "omeC F7
Is t!at an ans*er?
$re. Ay, and a kind one too:
Pray $od, sir, your *i%e send you not a *orse.
Pet. I !o-e, /etter. F9
Hor. Sirra! #iondello, go and entreat my *i%e
To "ome to me %ort!*it!. AEGit #IO'DELLO.
Pet. O !oC entreat !erC
'ay, t!en s!e must needs "ome. 2;;
Hor. I am a%raid, sir,
Do *!at you "an, yours *ill not /e entreated.
ReDenter #IO'DELLO.
'o*, *!ere1s my *i%e? 2;4
#ion. S!e says you !ae some goodly >est in !and:
S!e *ill not "ome: s!e /ids you "ome to !er.
Pet. .orse and *orse) s!e *ill not "omeC O ile,
Intolera/le, not to /e endur1dC 2;5
Sirra! $rumio, go to your mistress) say,
I "ommand !er "ome to me. AEGit $R(,IO.
Hor. I kno* !er ans*er.
Pet. .!at? 227
Hor. S!e *ill not.
Pet. T!e %ouler %ortune mine, and t!ere an end.
ReDenter +ATHARI'A.
#a-. 'o*, /y my !olidame, !ere "omes +at!arinaC 229
+at!. .!at is your *ill, sir, t!at you send %or me?
Pet. .!ere is your sister, and Hortensio1s *i%e?
+at!. T!ey sit "on%erring /y t!e -arlour %ire.
Pet. $o, %et"! t!em !it!er: i% t!ey deny to "ome, 27;
S*inge me t!em soundly %ort! unto t!eir !us/ands.
A*ay, I say, and /ring t!em !it!er straig!t. AEGit +ATHARI'A.
Lu". Here is a *onder, i% you talk o% a *onder.
Hor. And so it is. I *onder *!at it /odes. 274
Pet. ,arry, -ea"e it /odes, and loe, and <uiet li%e,
An a*%ul rule and rig!t su-rema"y)
And, to /e s!ort, *!at not t!at1s s*eet and !a--y.
#a-. 'o* %air /e%all t!ee, good Petru"!ioC 275
T!e *ager t!ou !ast *on) and I *ill add
(nto t!eir losses t*enty t!ousand "ro*ns)
Anot!er do*ry to anot!er daug!ter,
8or s!e is "!ang1d, as s!e !ad neer /een. 2=7
Pet. 'ay, I *ill *in my *ager /etter yet,
And s!o* more sign o% !er o/edien"e,
Her ne*D/uilt irtue and o/edien"e.
See *!ere s!e "omes, and /rings your %ro*ard *ies 2=9
As -risoners to !er *omanly -ersuasion.
ReDenter +ATHARI'A, *it! #IA'CA and .ido*.
+at!arine, t!at "a- o% yours /e"omes you not:
O%% *it! t!at /au/le, t!ro* it under %oot. A+ATHARI'A -ulls o%% !er "a-, and
t!ro*s it do*n. 24;
.id. LordC let me neer !ae a "ause to sig!,
Till I /e /roug!t to su"! a silly -assC
#ian. 8ieC *!at a %oolis! duty "all you t!is?
Lu". I *ould your duty *ere as %oolis! too: 244
T!e *isdom o% your duty, %air #ian"a,
Hat! "ost me an !undred "ro*ns sin"e su--erDtime.
#ian. T!e more %ool you %or laying on my duty.
Pet. +at!arine, I "!arge t!ee, tell t!ese !eadstrong *omen 245
.!at duty t!ey do o*e t!eir lords and !us/ands.
.id. Come, "ome, you1re mo"king: *e *ill !ae no telling.
Pet. Come on, I say) and %irst /egin *it! !er.
.id. S!e s!all not. 2@7
Pet. I say s!e s!all: and %irst /egin *it! !er.
+at!. 8ie, %ieC unknit t!at t!reatening unkind /ro*,
And dart not s"orn%ul glan"es %rom t!ose eyes,
To *ound t!y lord, t!y king, t!y goernor: 2@9
It /lots t!y /eauty as %rosts do /ite t!e meads,
Con%ounds t!y %ame as *!irl*inds s!ake %air /uds,
And in no sense is meet or amia/le.
A *oman mo1d is like a %ountain trou/led, 29;
,uddy, illDseeming, t!i"k, /ere%t o% /eauty)
And *!ile it is so, none so dry or t!irsty
.ill deign to si- or tou"! one dro- o% it.
T!y !us/and is t!y lord, t!y li%e, t!y kee-er, 294
T!y !ead, t!y soereign) one t!at "ares %or t!ee,
And %or t!y maintenan"e "ommits !is /ody
To -ain%ul la/our /ot! /y sea and land,
To *at"! t!e nig!t in storms, t!e day in "old, 295
.!ilst t!ou liest *arm at !ome, se"ure and sa%e)
And "raes no ot!er tri/ute at t!y !ands
#ut loe, %air looks, and true o/edien"e)
Too little -ayment %or so great a de/t. 2E7
Su"! duty as t!e su/>e"t o*es t!e -rin"e,
Een su"! a *oman o*et! to !er !us/and)
And *!en s!e1s %ro*ard, -eeis!, sullen, sour,
And not o/edient to !is !onest *ill, 2E9
.!at is s!e /ut a %oul "ontending re/el,
And gra"eless traitor to !er loing lord?0
I am as!am1d t!at *omen are so sim-le
To o%%er *ar *!ere t!ey s!ould kneel %or -ea"e, 25;
Or seek %or rule, su-rema"y, and s*ay,
.!en t!ey are /ound to sere, loe, and o/ey.
.!y are our /odies so%t, and *eak, and smoot!,
(na-t to toil and trou/le in t!e *orld, 254
#ut t!at our so%t "onditions and our !earts
S!ould *ell agree *it! our eGternal -arts?
Come, "ome, you %ro*ard and una/le *ormsC
,y mind !at! /een as /ig as one o% yours, 255
,y !eart as great, my reason !a-ly more,
To /andy *ord %or *ord and %ro*n %or %ro*n)
#ut no* I see our lan"es are /ut stra*s,
Our strengt! as *eak, our *eakness -ast "om-are, 2F7
T!at seeming to /e most *!i"! *e indeed least are.
T!en ail your stoma"!s, %or it is no /oot,
And -la"e your !ands /elo* your !us/and1s %oot:
In token o% *!i"! duty, i% !e -lease, 2F9
,y !and is ready) may it do !im ease.
Pet. .!y, t!ere1s a *en"!C Come on, and kiss me, +ate.
Lu". .ell, go t!y *ays, old lad, %or t!ou s!alt !a1t.
&in. 1Tis a good !earing *!en "!ildren are to*ard. 7;;
Lu". #ut a !ars! !earing *!en *omen are %ro*ard.
Pet. Come, +ate, *e1ll to /ed.
.e t!ree are married, /ut you t*o are s-ed.
1T*as I *on t!e *ager, ATo L(CE'TIO.B t!oug! you !it t!e *!ite) 7;4
And, /eing a *inner, $od gie you good nig!tC AEGeunt PETR(CHIO and
Hor. 'o*, go t!y *ays) t!ou !ast tam1d a "urst s!re*.
Lu". 1Tis a *onder, /y your leae, s!e *ill /e tam1d so. AEGeunt.

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