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the Torah, G d's communicated instruction to humanity, not only separates between the impure and the pure,

defining the permissible and the forbidden, but also forbid s the intermixing of species and categories within the realm of the permissible itself. Torah specifies those animals whose meat and milk the Jew may eat, and t hose species whose meat and milk are forbidden; but it also prohibits milk and m eat that have been cooked together, even when each on its own is permissible. Li kewise, there are the kilayim (hybridizing) laws that prohibit the wearing of a garment that combines wool and linen, the crossbreeding of different animal spec ies, and the grafting or sowing together of different plant species. In the word s of Nachmanides, G d created the species of His world . . . commanding that they e merge `each to its kind' . . . So, one who crossbreeds two species corrupts the work ings of creation . . . Crossbreeding different species is always a negative thing, even when the object ive is a mitzvah, the ultimately unifying act of serving the Almighty. Crossbree ding creates a new, hybrid creature that is neither one nor the other of its pro genitors, a creature in whom the differences between two species are eradicated. A defining boundary of creation has been diffused, causing a breakdown, rather than a consolidation, in the universal development of peace. If the above might be enlightened truth can you envision a reason or purpose why any established religions and governments would attempt to remove borders from all countries, subvert all government to one world government and even encourage or attempt to force racial integration upon natures differen t families of humanity? Is it the wish of God or Nature...or planned design by man in the interest of co ntrol and rule over all humanity by certain members of mankind and humanity. Why did God or Nature create sub-spe cies within species? Can rule by Man bring peace before observance, cooperation and faith in God or Nature??

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