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Loss of Working Length

Loss of working length during cleaning and shaping is a common and frustrating procedural error. The problem is often only noted on the master-cone radiograph or when the master apical file (MAF) is short of the intended or initial working length. Even worse, it is often not noted until the canals are filled and a crown is placed. Too many times it is never noted (Fig. 10-1). Assuming that a clean, dry canal with proper shape has been developed, reestablishing canal length becomes time consuming, tedious, and often hopeless. Loss of working length may be secondary to other procedural errors (e.g., canal blockages, ledges, perforations, fractured instruments) which occur during the canal enlarging and shaping process and can be identified early in the procedures (Fig. 10-2).21,27,29 In most instances, however, the loss of working length is due to the packing of dentin chips in the apical third of the canal. The occurrence of this problem,

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