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Multiple Intelligences Unit Plan Unit Title: Rome and Juliet Grade Level: Nine Subject: English 9 Objectives:

1. Students will be able to analyze and discuss the play in terms of character interactions, setting, and plot elements. 2. Students will be able to understand and read Elizabethan English. 3. Students will be able to complete internet research and apply their findings. 4. Students will be able to compare and contrast the literature and film. 5. Students will be able to write a properly formatted research paper. 6. Students will be able to work constructively in groups to complete a variety of activities. Time Frame: Three Weeks Teacher:

Intelligences: Visual-Spatial Verbal/Linguistic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Bodily-Kinesthetic Logical/Mathematical Naturalist Musical/Rhythmic Technologies in the unit: iPads Web Browser app (to access websites used in the unit) Email Penultimate app SwipeSpeare app Storyboard Composer app Keynote app Pages app iMovie app Garage Band app

Visual, Kinesthetic Visual, Logical Intrapersonal Visual, Linguistic Linguistic Logical, Naturalist Musical. Visual Intrapersonal Bodily/Kinesthetic, Verbal, Interpersonal Musical/rhythmic, logical

Student Clicker-Socrative app Student Blog Document camera/Projector Computer Common Core standards: English/Language Arts
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.9-10.1 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.9-10.3 Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those with multiple or conflicting motivations) develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.9-10.1b Develop claim(s) and counterclaims fairly, supplying evidence for each while pointing out the strengths and limitations of both in a manner that anticipates the audiences knowledge level and concerns.

Intrapersonal Intrapersonal, Visual Visual

Reading Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies 612

9. Compare and contrast treatments of the same topic in several primary and secondary sources.

Technology standards:
1.Creativity and Innovation Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. Students: apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, a. products, or processes. create original works as a means of personal or b. group expression. use models and simulations to explore complex c. systems and issues. d.identify trends and forecast possibilities. 2.Communication and Collaboration Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. Students: a. interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media. b.communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats. c. develop cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of other cultures. d.contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems.

3.Research and Information Fluency Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. Students: a. plan strategies to guide inquiry. b.locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media. c. evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks. d.process data and report results.

Materials: (digital and non-digital) Instructor Materials: iPad Projector/Document Camera Netflix-Romeo and Juliet Student Materials: Poster Paper Markers iPads Web Browser app Email Penultimate app SwipeSpeare app Storyboard Composer app Keynote app Pages app iMovie app Garage Band app Student Clicker-Socrative app Student Blog


Visual, Kinesthetic Visual, Logical Intrapersonal Visual, Linguistic Linguistic Logical, Naturalist Musical. Visual Intrapersonal Bodily/Kinesthetic, Verbal, Interpersonal Musical/rhythmic, logical Intrapersonal Intrapersonal, Visual Visual

Procedures: *Before the lesson each student must have an active class blog to upload all assignments to and complete some assignments on. D1 Lesson 1: Introduction to the Text 1.Teacher will introduce William Shakespeare with this video 2.Students will then open up this link to No Fear Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet and review the character descriptions 3.Teacher will read the Elizabethan version of the Prologue 4.Students will discuss with a partner what they think it means. 5.Teacher will ask students to choose the prologue from them menu and read the modern text and compare.


Musical/Rhythmic Visual-Spatial Verbal/Linguistic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Logical/Mathematical Naturalist

6.Teacher will have students create a notebook for reading notes using the Penultimate app on their iPad. 7.The teacher will read Act I Scene I out loud in modern English while students follow along. Homework: Read Act I Scenes II and III and write a short paragraph of notes for each scene in their Penultimate notebook. D2 Lesson 2: Elizabethan Language 1.Teacher will lead a five minute recap discussion and then read aloud Act I Scenes IV and V in modern English while students follow along 2.Students will work with a partner or alone to read the Elizabethan version of the Prologue for Act II and find the meaning of at least three Elizabethan words using the SwipeSpeare app and create a short Keynote presentation to be uploaded to their blog. Homework: Read Act II Scenes I and II, complete reading note summaries for the in class reading and homework in their Penultimate notebook. D3 Lesson 3: Then and Now 1.Teacher will lead a five minute recap discussion and then read aloud Act II Scenes III and IV in modern English while students follow along. 2.Students will choose a character whom they think they are most like and create and introduction blog entry to their chosen character. Homework: Read Act II Scenes V and VI, complete reading note summaries for the in class and homework in the Penultimate notebook. D4 Lesson 4: MLA Formatting 1.Teacher will lead a five minute recap discussion and then read aloud Act III Scene I in modern English while students follow along. 2.Teacher will inform students that they will be writing a paper at the end of the unit and it will be in MLA format, students will work with a partner to research MLA formatting on the Purdue OWL website 3.They must create a citation for Romeo and Juliet in Pages and create a paper poster as an example for proper formatting of the first page of the paper to be posted around the classroom. Homework: Read Act III Scenes II and III, complete reading note summaries for the in class and homework in the Penultimate notebook. They will also play a citation game /citing/game/ D5 Housekeeping Day 1.Teacher will lead a five minute recap discussion then read aloud Act III Scenes IV and V in modern English while students follow along. 2.Students will complete reading notes for in class reading using in their Penultimate notebook. 3.Students will add two blog entries for their character. Students will have time to catch up on reading notes, work on their MLA poster, and receive clarification from the teacher. No Assigned Homework D6 Lesson 5: In Plain English Teacher will lead a five minute recap discussion then read aloud Act IV Visual-Spatial Verbal/Linguistic Interpersonal Musical/Rhythmic Verbal/Linguistic Visual-Spatial Interpersonal Intrapersonal

Musical/Rhythmic Interpersonal Logical/Mathematical

Musical/Rhythmic Verbal/Linguistic Interpersonal Bodily-Kinesthetic Logical/Mathematical

Scenes I and II in Elizabethan English while students follow along 4.Students will break up into groups of five and take turns re-reading the scenes just read in class once in modern English and then again in Elizabethan English, they may refer to their SwipeSpeare app for word clarification Homework: Read Act IV Scenes III and IV, complete reading note summaries for the in class and homework in the Penultimate notebook. D7 Lesson 5: Day Two 1.Teacher will lead a five minute recap discussion then students will take turns reading Act IV Scene V aloud in class, teacher will note words on the board which the students are still having trouble with. 2.Students will then alone or with a partner define the Elizabethan words they are having trouble with and put each word with its definition into a word cloud using, each student will then upload their word cloud to their class blog. Homework: Read Act V Scenes I and II, complete reading note summaries for the in class and homework in the Penultimate notebook. Write two blog entries for their character. D8 Lesson 6: The End 1.Teacher will lead a five minute recap discussion and then students will take turns reading Act V Scene III out loud in Elizabethan English. 2.Students will create a storyboard for the play on their iPad using the Storyboard Composer app Homework: Students complete their notes for Act V in their Penultimate notebook and create two reading quiz questions, they will be created in Keynote and submitted via email, students will create a final blog post for their character. D9 Lesson 7: On Stage, On Screen 1.Teacher will introduce Romeo and Juliet (1968) the film, each student will have film and literature notes form to fill out during the screening. 2.Students will be comparing and contrasting (similarities and differences between the film and the play 3.Students will watch 50 minutes of the movie and fill out part one of their notes form Homework: Begin essay drafting- Students must write and outline and a thesis statement for their paper (Topic- Who is responsible for the death of Romeo and Juliet), they must upload the draft to a tab in their blog D10 Lesson 7: Day Two Students will watch 50 minutes of the movie and fill out part two of their notes form Homework: Students must participate in an online discussion regarding the play and film versions of Romeo and Juliet, complete open note reading quiz (it will be emailed and should be returned by email) D11 Lesson 7: Day Three Students will complete the movie (40 minutes) and fill out part three of their notes form and upload it to their blog Homework: Students will complete a compare and contrast chart showing

Intrapersonal Bodily-Kinesthetic Logical/Mathematical Naturalist Musical/Rhythmic

Visual-Spatial Interpersonal Intrapersonal Logical/Mathematical Musical/Rhythmic

Visual-Spatial Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalist Musical/Rhythmic

an understanding of the similarities and differences between the film and movie (they can design the chart or organize it an any way they choose) using Pages on their iPad D12 Lesson 8: Time to Write 1.Teacher will instruct students that they are going to begin their final essay. 2.Students will use their paper outline and write for 40 minutes, they will then trade papers and peer edit for 10 minutes, they will then conference with each other for five minutes about how to improve their papers and the strengths already evident. Homework: Complete paper draft and upload it to their class blog. D13 Lesson 8: Part Two 1.Student work day, students must have a second peer edit for their full draft and complete the edits to the body of their paper and the formatting. Homework: Complete final paper and upload it to their class blog D14 Lesson 9: Tie it Together 1.Students will choose one of three activities to accompany their paper to be viewed in a gallery walk, they may work with a partner but may need to create two products if they support different positions. Students will be voting on which piece best supports which character is at fault for the death of Romeo and Juliet. Create a newscast video in iMovie supporting their position Create a song in Garage Band supporting their position Create a digital poster in Pages supporting their position Homework: Complete accompaniment activity and upload it to their class blog D15 Lesson 10: Take a Walk 1.Teacher will lead a 10 minute classroom discussion reviewing the lesson as a whole 2.Students will then set up their accompanying project around the room on their iPad. Students will walk the room and visit each and every iPad, they will watch the video, listen to the song, or view the poster. 3.They will then vote for which project best supports which character is most at fault for the death of Romeo and Juliet using the Students ClickerSocrative app. 4.Students will complete a short reflection/ unit wrap up using the clicker app. Product: Classroom Blog

Verbal/Linguistic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Logical/Mathematical

Visual-Spatial Verbal/Linguistic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Bodily-Kinesthetic Logical/Mathematical Naturalist Musical/Rhythmic

Visual-Spatial Verbal/Linguistic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Bodily-Kinesthetic Logical/Mathematical Naturalist Musical/Rhythmic

Intelligences: Visual-Spatial Verbal/Linguistic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Logical/Mathematical Naturalist Musical/Rhythmic

Penultimate Notebook

Verbal/Linguistic Interpersonal Intrapersonal

Paper+ Activity

Visual-Spatial Verbal/Linguistic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Bodily-Kinesthetic Logical/Mathematical Naturalist Musical/Rhythmic

Assessment (quantitative rubric): Participation 20 points 20- full effort and participation 15- good effort and participated in most activities 10- some effort and participated in some activities Classroom Blog 60 points 50- all assignments completed and uploaded (blog posts, film and lit form, paper draft and final, compare and contrast paper, keynote presentation, and word cloud) -10 points for each missing assignments -5 points for each incomplete assignment Penultimate Notebook 40 Points 40- Summaries for each act and scene are complete -3 points for each missing summary -1 point for each incomplete Summary Paper+ Activity 50 Points 25- Completed paper suite (two peer edits, rough draft, outline, and thesis statement) -5 points for any missing or incomplete piece 15- Final draft -1 point for each formatting error -1 point for each spelling grammatical error after the first two -3 points for lack of argument support 10 Completed accompanying activity -5 points for incompletion -5 points for lack of argument support - 5 points for lack of creativity/originality

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