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Scholfields First Grade January 24th, 2014

6ates to 9e e ber
0ednesday, January 2%th 9eport ,ards go ho e February 4th Ju p 9ope for :eart begins Friday, February ;th 0ear 9ed 6ay 6odgeland <ride =sse bly 9eg. <opcorn 2hursday, February 1'th >alentine ,elebration



.oo" orders #ere due today. /f you are still interested in purchasing boo"s please send it in by Monday. / #ill be closing the order on Monday.

0riting1 2his #ee" #e #ere re3uired to

produce t#o teaching boo"s #ith at least 4 pages and se5eral lines of te+t on the page. 0e are #or"ing together in groups to a"e sure our #riting

Scholastic -e#s1 0e learned ore about 6r.

Friday, February 14th -o School Monday, February 1;th -o School 2hursday, February 20th 2alent Sho# 2hursday, February 2;th <arent?2eacher ,onferences

Martin 7uther 8ing. 0e learned ho# 6r. 8ing #as for e3ual rights for all people. 0e also learned ore about ho# things #ere before 6r. 8ing fought for e3ual rights and ho# things are no#. 0e learned that 6r. 8ing #as a really s art child and had s"ipped t#o grade le5els, and he also arried and had four children of his o#n. scholfield!dodgeland." $%20&'()*4404 + 1122

0hat 0e =re 7earning

Spelling 0ords for ne+t #ee"1 7ong DaE spelled aFFe first no# la"e ca e #ho people #ay na e baseball loo"

Math1 @esterday #as our Anit 4 ath test. 2he students did an a#eso e Bob on the test. / a i pressed #ith ho# #ell all the students #ere #ith adding nu bers greater than 20. -ice Bob guysC 0e played on a ne# app today that is helping us #ith our ath fact fluency. 2his app is called Math Fight. /t is si ilar to playing around the #orld in the classroo #ith flash cards. @ou are battling #ith another student and are trying to sol5e the proble before your partner. 2he first one to ten #ins.

0hat 0e =re 7earning 6aily 41 0e are continuing to #or" on co pleting our 0inter bench ar" testing. / really hoped to be finished and starting bac" into ne# groups at the beginning of the #ee" but unfortunately it has ta"en e another #ee" to co plete all of the assess ents. -e+t #ee" Monday, #e #ill ta"e our second round of testing for the 0inter M=<S testing. Most of the students #ill be co pleting their 7anguage =rts test first and then o5e into Math.

Ju p 9ope for :eart acti5ities Stuc" for a buc" Friday,February ;th 0ear a hat for a buc" 2hursday, February 1'th 2uesday, February 1(th <ac"ets due

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