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Treatment may need to be given intermittently for months even years .. It is a chronic problem .

Treatment aims to prevent scar formation >> Treatment is only preventive not curative > Avoid manipulation of lesions it increases inflamtions >

1- Good hygiene > twice daily washing 2- More exposure to water and medications may cause overdrying and more sebum secretion . 3- Mild non medicated soap should be chosen 4- Moisture .>>> decrease irritation 5- Irritation is common side effect of treatment ( 2 weeks ) 6- Improvement occur after 4 weeks 7- Topical comedolytic >> less sebum open plug ..( benzoyl peroxide ) ( salicylic ) ( tretinin ) ( azelaic acid ..adapalene ) 8- Start at the lowest strength .Benzoyl peroxide ( antibacterial and comedolytic ) 9- Washes better for back acne 10- Start with cream >>gel >> lotion

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