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In the early 70s their beliefs were set forth by Joel B. Marangella, the third
Guardian, as follows:


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7. The first Guardian of the Faith, Shoghi Effendi Rabbani, prior to his passing,
appointed Charles Mason Remey the President of the first embryonic Universal
House of Justice (titled in this embryonic stage as the International Bah Council),
thus designating his successor, as Presidency of the universal House of Justice and
Guardianship of the Faith are synonymous. Upon the passing of Shoghi Effendi in
November 1957, this embryonic Institution came into active life and Charles Mason
Remey as its Head became the second Guardian of the Bah Faith.
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8. The second Guardian of the Bah Faith, Charles Mason Remey, appointed Joel
B. Marangella President of the second International Bah Council of 21 September
1964, a body that was activated and brought into functioning life in October 1965
with an announcement of same appearing in the official publication of the Bahs
under the Guardianship at the time (The Glad Tidings). Additionally, the second
Guardian confirmed his appointment of Joel B. Marangella as the third Guardian
in a hand-written letter under day of 5 December 1961 and directed him to tell the
Bah world of this appointment as a time to be decided by him. The third
Guardian of the Faith assumed his responsibilities as a result of a proclamatory
letter sent to the Bahs under the Guardianship on 12 November 1969.

21 8-
1964 .1965 )
( 5 .1961
. 12 1969
9. Avowed Bahs who espouse views and doctrines at variance with the above
statement are not orthodox Bahs and have placed themselves outside the true


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) Muhammad Ali Effendi (The Most Great Branch
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If anyone desires a religion other than Islaam, never will it be accepted of him; and
in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost all spiritual good.
)(Quran 3:85
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To all Muslims: Siyyid Muhammad-Ali Shirazi al-Baab is Al-Mehdi! Mirza
!Husayn-Ali Noori Bahau'llah is Al-Mawseeh
Unitarian Bahais include the Aghsan (Family) of Bahau'llah and other Believers,
and believe that Bahau'llah was the Reincarnation of Jesus Christ
Article by Muhammad-Ali Bahai Nuri
Dear Bahai/Seeker of Truth, /
We are the Unitarian Bahais, the followers of Muhammad Ali Effendi, the second
son of Bahau'llah The Aghsan (blood descendants of Bahau'llah) are ALL
Unitarian Bahais! Every last single one.
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Abdul-Baha made many changes in the Bahai Revelation, that is why all the
Aghsan opposed him; because only a Manifestation of God could make such
changes in doctrine and practice. Abdul-Baha claimed some unique station
between Prophet and human being that nobody ever had before (nor since). There is
nothing in the Bible, Quran, nor the Writings of Bahau'llah, to justify such a
unique station .
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*Deny the Aghsan (blood relatives of Bahau'llah) access to the Shrine of
*Excommunicates any Bahai who tries to contact the Aghsan (family of
*Denies Bahai scholars all requests to read and translate the full works of The Bb
and His disciples such as Quddus; instead only publishing carefully-selected
excerpts .
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The leadership of the Unitarian Bahais is the Supreme Council of Justice, which is
headed by a WOMAN as President, the direct descendant of Bahau'llah.

*The Bab was the reincarnation of the Imam Mahdi (died as a child by falling down
a well near Qom, Iran, in 260 A.H./874 A.D.) One thousand lunar years later (1260
A.H./1844 A.D.). The Writings of the Bab have been SURPRESSED by the Haifan
Bahai AO because they contain many references to return as reincarnation.
The AO only allows carefully selected excerpts from the writings of The Bab to be

260 )
. 1844 1260 ( 874
*Bahau'llah was the reincarnation of Jesus Christ and the Imaam Husayn
(martyred son of the Imaam Ali)
*Muhammad Ali Effendi (Head of the Unitarian Bahais) was the reincarnation of
The Bb.
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*Jesus performed literal miracles and literally arose from the dead, and appeared
unto many showing His wounds, but died 40 days later on the top of the Mount of
Olives (his disciples seeing His spirit ascend into Heaven in a vision).

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*There is a literal Heaven which consists of dwelling upon the Heavenly Planets.
Hell is any life outside of the Heavenly Planets (such as this one on Earthwhere
the Sun burns our skin, we suffer, feel pain, injustice, and experience death).

*Women may serve on the Supreme Council of Justice and even be President of that

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*Muhammad Ali Effendi was the true successor to Bahau'llah, who called him
The Most Great Branch (i.e. no Branch, or Aghsanblood descendant of
)Bahau'llah, was greater than himincluding Abdul-Baha

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Abdul-Baha wrote a tablet to August Forel; whom He considered to be a wise
man. Forel believed that Negroes were inherently inferior to Caucasians, and
could never ever be equal to them in intelligence. Forel was an early Western Bah
. Forel wrote: the brain of the Negro is weaker than that of the white Even
for their own good the blacks must be treated as what they are, an absolutely
subordinate, inferior, lower type of man, incapable themselves of culture. That must
once and for all be clearly and openly stated. (August Forel, quoted in Houston S.
)_Chamberlains _The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century
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Abdul-Baha, in His Tablet (Epistle) to Forel, writes: Not all the Bahais followed
Abbas Effendi (Abdul-Baha) after the death of Bahau'llah. In fact, of all the blood
relatives of Bahau'llah (the Aghsan), only the daughters of Abdul-Baha followed
him. Everyone else followed the second son of Bahau'llah: Muhammad Ali Effendi.
The Universal House of Justice and the Office of the Secretariat, headquartered in
Haifa, Israel, does NOT want YOU to know about us! Indeed, if you merely ask
them about the Aghsan (descendants of Bahau'llah) you may be declared a
Covenant-Breaker, and be shunned for life. The Haifan Organization (i.e. The
Bahai World Faith ) has changed Bahai history, and suppressed it, only publishing

those things they want YOU to know about, and suppressing all else. This is why
they do the following: Supreme Council of Justice Beliefs Jesus Christ: Afterlife:
Leadership: The Aghsan (Branches), the Family of Bahau'llah, has and will always
have a Divine Right to Head the Bahai Faith, and an Aghsan must always serve as
President of the Supreme Council of Justice. Successorship: Abdul-Baha was a
covenant-breaker and semi-secret RACIST! Please read the following: This is what
Abdul-Baha had to say about native Africans: The inhabitants of a country life
Africa are all as wandering savages and wild animals. They lack intelligence and
knowledge; all are uncivilized; not one civilized and a wise man is not to be found
among them. These are the proofs of the wise men. The prophets also acknowledge
this opinion, towit: That education hath a great effect upon the human race, but
they declare that minds and comprehensions are originally different. And this
matter is self-evident; it cannot be refuted. We see that certain children of the same
age, nativity and race, nay, from the same household, under the tutorship of one
teacher, differ in their minds and conprehensions. One advanceth rapidly, another is
slow in catching the rays of culture, still another remaineth in the lowest degree of
stupidity. No matter how much the shell is educated (or polished), it can never
become a radiant pearl. The black stone will not become the world-illumined gem.
(Tablets of Abdul-Baha p.567 vv.3-4)
O revered personage, lover of truth! ***Thy works are no doubt of great benefit,
and if published, send us a copy. (verse 6:1,7)

Abdul-Baha called Forel a lover of truth! and that his works were of great value.

Abdul-Baha also wrote this about native Africans:

It is, therefore, certain that sins such as anger, jealousy, dispute, coventouness,
avarice, ignorance, prejudice, hatred, pride, and tyranny exist in the physical world.
All these brutal qualities exist in the nature of man. A man who had not had a
spirutal education is a brute. Like the savages of Africa, whose actions, habits and
morals are purely sensual, they act according to the demands of nature to such a
degree that they rent and eat one another. (Some Answered Questions 29:5)

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As ignorance is the cause of crimes, the more knowledge and science increases, the
more crimes will diminish. Consider how often murder occurs among the
barbarians of Africa; they even kill one another to eat each others flesh and blood!
(Some Answered Questions 77:13)
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If a child is left in its natural state and deprived of education, there is no doubt that
it will grow up in ignorance and illiteracy, its mental faculties dulled and dimmed;
in fact, it will become like an animal. This is evident among the savages of central

African, who are scarcely higher than the beast in mental development. (The
Promulgation of Universal Peace, p.311)
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Abdul-Baha taught (in 1913) that black people should ever be grateful to white
The black man must ever be grateful to the white man, for he has manifested great
courage and self-sacrifice in behalf of the black race. Four years he fought their
cause, enduring severe hardships, sacrificing life, family, treasure, all for his black
brother until the great war ended in the proclamation of freedom. By this effort and
accomplishment the black race throughout the world was influenced and benefited.
Had this not been accomplished, the black man in Africa would still be bound by the
chains of slavery. Therefore, his race should everywhere be grateful, for no greater
evidence of humanism and courageous devotion could be shown than the white man
has displayed. If the blacks of the United States forget this sacrifice, zeal and
manhood on the part of the whites, no ingratitude could be greater or more
censurable. If they could see the wretched conditions and surroundings of the black
people of Africa today, the contrast would be apparent and the fact clearly evident
that the black race in America enjoys incomparable advantages. The comfort and
civilization under which they live here are due to the white mans effort and
sacrifice. Had this sacrifice not been made, they would still be in the bonds and
chains of slavery, scarcely lifted out of an aboriginal condition. Therefore, always
show forth your gratitude to the white man. (The Promulgation of Universal Peace,

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Did Abdul-Baha teach that all races were equal in intelligence? He wrote:

Ten children of the same age, with equal station of birth, taught in the same school,
partaking of the same food, in all respects subject to the same environment, their
interests equal andin common, will evidence separate and distinct degrees of
capability and advancement; some exceedingly intelligent and progressive, some of
mediocre ability, others limited and incapable. One may become a learned professor
while another under the same course of education proves dull and stupid. From all
standpoints the opportunities have been equal but the results and outcomes vary
from the highest to the lowest degree of advancement. It is evident therefore that

MANKIND DIFFERS in natal capacity and intrinsic intellectual endowment.

)(Foundation of World Unity, pp.54-5 verse 3

Abdul-Baha actually taught that the Persian race was the most innately superior
of all races:
It should not be imagined that the people of Persia are inherently deficient in
intelligence, or that for essential perceptiveness and understanding, inborn sagacity,
intuition and wisdom, or innate capacity, they are inferior to others. God forbid! On
the contrary, they have always excelled all other peoples in endowments conferred
by birth. (Secret of Divine Civilization, p.9) That Tablet is infallible Scripture to
?Bahais! How did black Americans live in 1913 when Abdul-Baha said this

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*Bahau'llah authoried that Bahai men could marry up to 2 wives in the Kitab-iAqdas. Abbas Effendi interpreted that to mean that one could only have one wife
(Had Bahau'llah wanted that to be the Law HE would have said so).

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*Bahau'llah wanted Bahais to worship as Muslims do, together in Masjids.
Abdul-Baha himself worshipped in a Masjid every Friday, but allowed Western
Bahais to merely recite prayers sitting down and faced anywhere they wished.
*Bahau'llah taught that Jesus arose from the dead, just as the Gospel relate, but
Abdul-Baha taught that Jesus never arose, but only the spirit of His disciples
arose after three days, and that the Gospels are historical until the death of Jesus
but mere parables after the death of Jesus.

*Bahau'llah taught reincarnation, as did The Bb did, under the term return .
Mullah Husayn, the first disciple of The Bb, was the return (reincarnation) of
the Prophet Muhammad. The Bb was the return of the Imaam Mahdi, who died
as a young boy in 844 A.D. Bahau'llah was the return of the Imaam Husayn

(martyred son of the Imaaam Ali) and the return of Jesus Christ; Who had
returned in His Person. But Abdul-Baha changed this, and denied the
reincaration was even possible (is anything impossible with God?)
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Shoghi Effendi, the Guardian of the Bahai Faith and successor of Abdul-Baha,
was an anti-Semite, saying that the Jews suffered for 2,000 years (he said this years
after the Holocaust) because they persecuated Christ for three years!

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In each cycle the Guardians and holy souls have been twelve. So Jacob had twelve
sons; in the time of Moses there were twelve heads or chiefs of the tribes; in the time
of Christ there were twelve Apostles; and in the time of Muhammad there were
twelve Imams. But in this glorious manifestation there are twenty-four, double the
number of all others, for the greatness of this manifestion requires it. These holy
souls are in the presence of God seated on their own thrones: meaning they reign
eternally. (Some Answered Questions, p.67) Muhammad Ali Effendi NEVER wrote
or said such things! Members of the Family of Bahau'llah claimed that Abbas
Effendi (i.e. Abdul-Baha ) poisoned the brother of Bahau'llah, Subh-i-Azal.
Many claimed that Abbas was all smiles, love and tolerance to Westerners, but as
soon as the Westerners left, he often beat Bahais whom he thought had offended
him or the Westerners. At the death of Bahau'llah, Abbas threw Muhammad-Ali
Effendi and his family out of the house that Bahau'llah gave them. This house
became the Pilgrim House where Abbas would entertain wealthy British and
American Bahai pilgrims. Abbas Effendi (Abdul-Baha) changed many of the Holy
Laws and ordinances of Bahau'llah, such as the following: Shoghi Effendi The Jews
suffered for 2,000 years for persecuting Christ, The Son of God, for 3 years.
(Haifa NotesMay 2, 1952, p.4) Shoghi Effendi personally designed a House of the
Guardianship that would include the eldest men of his descendants. But, he died in
1957, childless. Abbas Effendi (Abdul-Baha) once prophesied that the Bahai Faith
would have 24 Guardians:
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Yet, according to the Haifan Bahai leadership (Universal House of Justice and Office
of the Secretariat) there was and will only be on Guardian of the Bahai Revelation.
Yet another false prophecy by Abbas Effendi

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Shoghi Effendi even changed some of the teachings of Abdul-Baha, for example:
*Abdul-Baha wanted the Bahai Faith to be a movement, not an organization. He
The Bahai Movement is not an organization. You can never organize the Bahai
Cause. The Bahai movement is the spirit of the age. It is the essence of all the
highest ideals of this century. The Bahai Cause is an INCLUSIVE MOVEMENT:
The teachings of all the religions and societies are found here; the Christians, Jews,
Buddhists, Mohammedans, Zoroastrians, Theosophists, Freemasons, Spiritualists,
et. al. find their highest aims in this Cause. Even the Socialists and philosophers find
their theories fully developed in this Movement. (Abdul-Baha, quoted in The
Bahai Temple at Wilmette To Be Built with Money from Every Race, Clime and
Religion under the Sun, By Isabel Fraser, The North Shore Review, May 16, 1914,
in Star of the West, Vol. 25, p. 67)

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Shoghi Effendi totally reversed this, created a top-down Administrative Order
(AO) that all Bahais must adhere to and belong to or be shunned.
*Abdul-Baha wanted Bahais to call themselves Bahai-Christians and BahaiFreemasons and Bahai-Muhammadans . When a Christian man asked AbdulBaha if he should leave his church in order to become a Bahai, Abdul-Baha
You must not dissociate yourself from it [the questioner's church]. Know this; the
Kingdom of God is not in any Society; some seekers go through many Societies as a
traveller goes through many cities till he reach his destination. If you belong to a
Society already do not forsake your brothers. You can be a Bahai-Christian, a
Bahai-Freemason, a Bahai-Jew, a Bahai-Muhammadan. (from Abdul-Baha in
London Source)



The Aghsan (Family of Bahau'llah) is calling upon all Bahais to reject the false
Administrative Order in Haifa, and to use the independent investigation of truth
to investigate our claims.




Shoghi Effendi utterly reversed this, stating that one could NOT be a Bahai and a
Freemason, or a Muslim, or a Christian at the same time. All had to be members of his
Administrative Order or be shunned. . Neither The Bb nor Bahau'llah nor even
Abdul-Baha considered the Bahai Faith to be a new religion that replaced Islaam.
They believed that Jesus religion was ISLAAM! The Religion of ISLAAM was created
by Abraham, then Joseph, then Moses, then Jesus, then Muhammad, then The Bb, then
Bahau'llah; 7 Messengers of ISLAAM in total Bahau'llah believed that the Bahai Faith
was a Revelation of ISLAAM, not a replacement religion for Islaam! The Family of
Bahau'llah Are you Jewish and a Bahai? WHY are you following a man (Shoghi
Effendi) who believed that the Holocaust was Gods just punishment for your ancestors
persecuting Christ? Are you an African-American Bahai? WHY are you still following a
man (Abdul-Baha) who thought YOUR RACE WAS LOWER THAN THE ANIMAL?
Do you believe that Jesus Christ arose from the dead just as the Gospels say? Then WHY
are you still a member of a group that denies Jesus ever arose from the dead?
WHY?????? The Family of Bahau'llah is HERE! Open your eyes! Reject the false
claims of Abdul-Baha and his successors. Come to the Family of Bahau'llah and the
ONE TRUE BAHAI FAITH! For more information please contact:

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