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Scholfields First Grade January 31st, 2014

2ates to 7e!e!ber Ju! 7o e for .eart $ill begin ne+t $ee#8 9our child $ill be able to urchase a lanyard $ith a duc# on it for a :10 donation. Friday, February ;th 2odgeland /ride <sse!bly 7eg. /o corn 3hursday, February 13th 1alentines 2ay ,elebration

,lassroo! -e$s .o!e$or# for /arents0 /lease #ee an eye o en for a bro$n a er bag co!ing ho!e early ne+t $ee# $ith an assign!ent for you to do for your child before 1alentines 2ay. 3han# you for hel ing to !a#e our 1alentines 2ay a s ecial day for your child. 4riting0 4e are about half $ay through out 5nfor!ational 3e+t $riting unit. 4e ha6e been $or#ing on $riting teaching icture boo#s and $ill begin our $or# on cha ter boo#s ne+t $ee#. 3his $ee# $e tal#ed about setting goals in our $riting. 4e used the first grade chec#list for the end of the year infor!ational $riting to hel us thin# about a goal $e could !a#e for our o$n $riting. 4e $ill ic# out our o$n goal ne+t $ee#. 4e s ent so!e ti!e !a#ing redictions about Ji!!y the Groundhog co!ing out on Sunday.

Friday, February 14th -o School Monday, February 1;th -o School

Mrsscholfields.blogs! scholfield"dodgeland.#12.$ %&20'3()*4404 + 1122

/arent?3eacher ,onferences -or!ally the February conferences are scheduled for =ust those $ho need a conference. 5 $ould li#e to o en it u to all arents. 5f you are interested in a conference lease send bac# the conference sheet $ith a referred ti!e. 5 $ill atte! t to !eet your needs. <ttached is the arent?teacher re@uest for! lease send it bac# if you are interested in ha6ing a conference. 3han#s8

Since $e $ere out of school for t$o e+tra days this $ee# $e $ill ha6e the aBBe $ords ne+t $ee#0 first no$ la#e ca!e $ho eo le $ay na!e baseball loo#

1alentine ,elebration Aur class 6alentine celebration $ill be held 3hursday, February 13th due to us not ha6ing school on Friday the 14th. 5f you are interested in sending in so!ething to hel $ith our celebration on that day lease let !e #no$. 5 $ill be sending ho!e !ore infor!ation about the celebration ne+t $ee#. 3han#s for hel ing us out8

M</S 3esting0 5 =ust $anted to let e6eryone #no$ that $e ha6e not co! leted either our Math or the >anguage <rts otion of the M</S testing. 5 belie6e $e $ill begin testing again ne+t $ee#. 3han#s for your understanding.

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