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University of Puerto Rico Ro Piedras Campus College of General Studies English Department Second Semester, 2 !"#2 !$ Prof.

Don E. Walicek, PhD English 3102 #ffice $o%rs: & 11:30'12:30, 1'2:20( W 1:2:20, .:00'-:00( / 011:30'12:301 0a ointment recommended1 Email: Web: htt :!!www.3102ingl.weebl".com #ffice: )*+, 21-

2. 3o%rse Descri tion: 4his co%rse addresses readings in fiction, foc%sing on the anal"sis of short stories. 2t em hasi5es an integrated literat%re a roach that %tili5es inter' and m%ltidisci linar" ers ecti6es. 4he co%rse seeks to hel st%dents de6elo their abilit" to think logicall", read acti6el", and write clearl". 7t%dents de6elo the skills to mo6e from a literal %nderstanding of ideas and e6ents toward the more com le8 intellect%al le6els of anal"sis and critical thinking. 2n addition, the co%rse hel s st%dents %se ling%istic and research tools effecti6el", incl%ding reso%rces s%ch as online tools, writing g%ides, and t%tors. 4his co%rse f%lfills the English re9%irement for the :eneral Ed%cation com onent of the bachelor;s degree. 22. :eneral #b<ecti6es: +" the end of the se9%ence constit%ting the first "ear of English, the st%dents will demonstrate, thro%gh a 6ariet" of forms of e6al%ation and on the basis of the standards for the different le6els established b" the English De artment, that the" are able to: ). ) l" effecti6el" oral comm%nicati6e interacti6e skills in classroom disc%ssions. +. ) l" com rehension skills in the reading of fiction. 3. ) l" inter reti6e'anal"tical skills in the reading of fiction. D. E6al%ate the rele6ance and 6alidit" of information in fiction. E. 3riticall" e8amine aesthetic, ethical, h%manistic, and c%lt%ral 6al%es in re resentati6e literar" works. /. E8 ress ideas in written form with clarit", recision, coherence, %nit", and logic. :. 3ollaborate in the incl%sion of st%dents with disabilities into all class acti6ities 7 ecific #b<ecti6es: +" the end of the semester, st%dents in this co%rse sho%ld demonstrate, thro%gh a 6ariet" of forms of e6al%ation and on the basis of the standards for the le6el established b" the English De artment, that the" are able to erform in the following areas: ). #ral ! listening = ) l" oral comm%nicati6e interacti6e skills in classroom disc%ssions, th%s demonstrating their com etence in: 1. Disc%ssing ideas from assigned readings. 2. :i6ing o inions based on assigned readings. 3. E6al%ating readings in class disc%ssions. .. 3om aring and contrasting different oints of 6iew offered in the works disc%ssed in class. -. 3ontrib%ting to others> %nderstanding of readings. +. ,eading = ) l" literal and anal"tical skills in the reading of fiction. 7 ecial attention will be gi6en to the short stor" and: 1. Demonstrating com rehension of content. 2. Determining and describing str%ct%re and organi5ation. 3. ,ecogni5ing and describing different a roaches to fiction writing and its anal"sis.


.. 2dentif"ing 6ario%s literar" de6ices. -. Differentiating between literar" de6ices and elements of a short stor". 3. :rammar = ?se standard grammatical r%les and str%ct%res in oral and written work. 4hese will be reinforced thro%gh contin%o%s classroom oral artici ation and written assignments. 7t%dents sho%ld demonstrate that the" can: 1. 2m ro6e grammar o6er time. 2. 3orrect and e8 lain the @logic@ behind common errors. 3. ,ecogni5e significant grammatical differences between 7 anish and English. D. 3ritical thinking = 3riticall" e8amine aesthetic, ethical, h%manistic, and socio' c%lt%ral 6al%es in re resentati6e literar" works. 7t%dents sho%ld demonstrate that the" can: 1. Effecti6el" e8amine so%rces of information. 2. Disting%ish fact from o inion. 3. Determine and contrast 6ario%s a%thors; o inions on a single s%b<ect. .. ?se e6idence from te8ts to s% ort inter retation. -. Define critical thinking. A. Disc%ss different a roaches to critical thinking and demonstrate their a lication. E. Writing = Demonstrate rogress in e8 ressing their ideas in written form, doing so with clarit", recision, coherence, %nit", and logic. 7t%dents sho%ld demonstrate that the" can: 1. Write to ic sentences. 2. Write effecti6e thesis statements. 3. 2ntegrate effecti6e e8am les and e6idence to s% ort a gi6en thesis. .. Write s% orting sentences. -. Write aragra hs ! essa"s with %nit" and coherence. A. ?se traditional words and hrases effecti6el". B. Write aragra hs and!or essa"s %sing 6ario%s methods of aragra h de6elo ment. 2C. #%tline and 4ime Distrib%tion 0necessar" ad<%stments and !or shifts will be made according to the needs of the st%dents, holida"s and changes in the calendar1: 7ee last age. C. 2nstr%ctional 7trategies: Cario%s acti6ities will be %sed, incl%ding g%ide 9%estions, gro% work, oral resentations, o%tlining, brainstorming, rewriting, s%mmari5ing, librar" reso%rces, film, a%dio' recordings, worksho s, conferences, online disc%ssion, and g%est s eakers. C2. 3o%rse ,e9%isites: 2n order to com lete the co%rse s%ccessf%ll", st%dents are re9%ired to read the assigned selections, hand in written works and assignments, and acti6el" artici ate in class disc%ssions. )ttendance is obligator". C22. E6al%ation 7trategies: Partici ation 0attendance, consistent 6ol%ntar" disc%ssion, oral resentation1 1-D E%i55es 0a ro8imatel" A1 and homework 1-D Essa"s 03 ma<or essa"s1F 3-D E8ams: mid'term and final 3-D %Essays &ill re'uire re&riting and second versions( a &riting portfolio should )e turned in at the end of the semester* C222. :rading 7"stem: ) 100'G0 + HG'H0 3 BG'B0 D AG'A0 / -G'0

2I. Jaw -1: 2n accordance with the recommendation of the Dean of 7t%dents #ffice 0Di6ision for Persons with Disabilities1 st%dents who are clients of the #ffice of Cocational ,ehabilitation m%st contact the rofessor at the beginning of the semester in order to make arrangements for reasonable

accommodations and for an" necessar" a%8iliar" e9%i ment. #ther st%dents with s ecial needs who re9%ire an" kind of assistance or reasonable accommodations sho%ld also contact the rofessor. )lternati6e e6al%ation methods will be ro6ided to st%dents with identified s ecial needs. I. Plagiarism statement+ 7t%dents will recei6e a 5ero for lagiarism. Please reali5e that lagiarism is a serio%s
offense. 2n this co%rse lagiarism is defined as %sing someone else>s ideas and!or words as if it were one>s own. 7t%dents are res onsible for %sing ro er citation when cons%lting and incor orating so%rces into an" assignment or essa". While %nintentional %se or mis%se of another>s ideas or words can be corrected, the intentional %se of material not generated b" the st%dent is considered an e8tremel" serio%s offense. Plagiarism offenses incl%de %sing material downloaded from the 2nternet 0e.g., Wiki edia;s reso%rces1( co "ing from rinted work, borrowing an idea or sentence witho%t citing the name of the erson who originated it( and %sing writing, conce ts, or ideas form%lated b" an"one other than the writer 0in this case the st%dent1 as one;s own. 7t%dents who lagiari5e onl" cheat themsel6es o%t of intellect%al growth and self' esteem necessar" to be better learners and efficient and effecti6e writers. 2n some cases it means that a whole semester;s work is lost. )6oiding lagiarism hel s st%dents become honest and res onsible learners 0and researchers, in6estigators, writers1. ) first offense will co%nt as a @0@ K5eroL for the assignment( a second offense will res%lt in an @/@ for the co%rse. 3ontin%ed re orts of lagiarism b" a st%dent ma" res%lt in the st%dent being re orted to the Dean of )cademic )ffairs and dismissal from the ?ni6ersit" of P%erto ,ico. 7t%dents sho%ld cons%lt the ?ndergrad%ate 7t%dent &an%al to be aware of all ossible ramifications of a re ort of lagiarism: Reglamento General de Estudiantes = De la 3ond%cta 7%<eta a 7anciones Disci linarias 0)rtMc%lo 1.1 Ja obtenciNn de notas o grados acadOmicos 6aliOndose de falsas " fra%d%lentes sim%laciones, o haciOndose a sar or otra ersona, o mediante treta o engaPo, o co iando total o arcialmente la labor acadOmica de otro est %diante, o co iando total o arcialmente las res %estas de otroest%diante a las reg%nts de %n e8amen, o hacie ndo o consig%iendo 9%e otro tome en s% nombre c%al9%ier r%eba o e8amen oral o escrito. Penalidades 0)rtMc%lo 1-1: )monestaciNn, robatoria or tiem o definido d%rante el c%al otra 6iolaciNn de c%al9%ier norma tendrQ consec%encia de s%s ensiNn o se araciNn, s%s ensiNn de la ?ni6ersidad or %n tiem o definido, se araciNn definiti6a de la ?ni6ersidad.

I2. ,e9%ired 4e8ts: R 3o%rse acket of assigned short stories and critical readings R English!English Dictionar", English!7 anish dictionar", thesa%r%s I22. ,e9%irements and Sorms: ). 7t%dents m%st bring their co%rse ackets to class. 7haring co%rse ackets is not allowed. +. 7t%dents are res onsible for all the material co6ered in class and assigned e6en if absent or late. 3. 7t%dents are re9%ired to attend class reg%larl". De artment )ttendance Polic"' 3 absences, A contact ho%rs, will lower a6erage one whole letter grade. D. 4hree late arri6als are e9%i6alent to one absence. 7t%dents who arri6e late sho%ld inform the rofessor of their resence at the end of the class. E. 7t%dents will be considered absent if the" lea6e before class is dismissed. /. Work not t%rned in on the gi6en date will recei6e a fi6e oint er calendar da" red%ction. Work will not be acce ted 6ia the 2nternet %nless s ecified b" the instr%ctor. :. 3ell%lar hones m%st be t%rned off or on 6ibrating mode before entering the classroom. 4hese sho%ld be laced o%t of sight. 7t%dents who send or read te8ts ma" be asked to lea6e. $. 7t%dents are e8 ected to caref%ll" read the assigned selections, acti6el" artici ate and res ectf%ll" listen to their classmates; o inions.

2. E%i55es will be anno%nced and %nanno%nced. *. &ake'% s are not gi6en for missed 9%i55es. T. /or t" ed assignments st%dents sho%ld %se 4imes Sew ,oman, font si5e 12, and one inch margins. J. /ail%re to take the final e8am on the sched%led date and ho%r ma" res%lt in 5ero. &. Cisits to the 3entro de 3om etencias JingUMsticas will be re9%ired. I222. +ibliogra h" 3osta, 3., Ed. Reading and Thinking About Essays and Short 7tories. SV: 4homson $einle, 200B Di8son, ,obert *. Grammar Essentials. Sew Vork: Jongman, 200.. $older, Cictoria. Inside Out Outside In. $o%ghton &ifflin, Sew Vork, 2001. More Grammar Practice 2. $einle and $einle P%blishers, +oston, 200.. ,%etten, &ar" T. De elo!ing "om!osition Skills. 7econd Edition. $einle and $einle P%blishers, +oston, 200.. Winkler, )nthon" 3. and *o ,a" &c3%en. #riting Talk$ Sentences and Paragra!hs %ith Readings. Prentice $all, Sew *erse", 1GGB. I2C. 2nternet ,eso%rces: ) Jearning English as a 7econd Jang%age: htt :!!! )6oid Plagiarism htt :!!www.writing.nw%.ed% ++3 Jearning English htt :!!!worldser6ice!learningenglish! Da6e;s 3afO E7J ,eso%rces for 7t%dents htt :!!owl.english. %rd%e.ed% $ow to 7earch the 2nternet Effecti6el" htt :!!' Set Jingo = 4he 2nternet Dictionar" htt :!! Pron%nciation

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