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Dr. Faustus

JMU 2013

Preset: Backstage DSR: 2 blocks, 1 round table, 1 chair, 2 benches Backstage USR: 2 chairs, 2 blocks Backstage DSL: 2 blocks, 1 round table, 1 banquet table Backstage USL: 1 block DCL Desk and chair o Books on desk Brendan, Melissa, Rachel, Sierra, Eric, James, Stephen, Gabby, Rudi, Elizabeth PROPS ON PROP TABLE o Coals/Book o Crown and rich apparel o False head o Grapes o Cane for Aubrey o FAUSTUS NEEDS STICK ACT 1: Scene 1: Chris S makes knocking noise o CUE LINE: And tell the secrets of all foreign kings Scene 2: Rudi moves chair (enter USL exit DSR) Gabby and Sierra move desk (enter DSR exit USL) PROP: Chris has stick and chalice. Richard has wallet Scene 3: Sierra and Gabby bring on desk (exit USL) Rudi bring on chair (exit DSR) CURTAIN: Zoe and Kelsey open Meph entrance o CUE LINE: Such is the force of magic and my spells (Faustus) CURTAIN: Zoe and Kelsey open Meph exit o CUE LINE: Faustus I will (Meph.) Everyone prep for hell noises o CUE LINE: And try the uttermost magic can perform PROP: Book on desk Scene 4: Sierra and Gabby take off desk (enter DSR, exit USL) Rudi takes off chair (enter USL, exit DSR) PROP: Chris has money and stick ACT II:

2 Scene 1: Lukas takes block off (enter USL, exit USL) Stephen moves chair on (enter DSR, exit USL) Rachel and Gabby moves table (enter USL, exit DSR) CURTAIN: Kelsey and Zoe open for Meph grabbing fire from hell o CUE LINE: Ill fetch thee fire to dissolve it straight o Then returning, CUE LINE: Then write again, Faustus gives to thee his soul CURTAIN: Kelsey and Zoe open for crown dance entrance (open, close, reopen) o CUE LINE: somewhat to delight his mind CURTAIN: Zoe and Kelsey open for crown dance exit o CUE LINE: What means this show? Speak Meph. CURTAIN: Zoe and Kelsey open for contract reading exit o CUE LINE: Ay take it and the devil give thee good of it. (Faustus) Cast must be in places for Faustus contract conditions o CUE LINE: All covenants and articles between us both PROP: Dagger and paper/quill on desk, chafer of coals? ADDED SCENE: Wagner, Dick, and Robin walk through! Wagner (enter DSL, exit USR) Dick (enter DSR, exit USL) Robin (enter DSL, exit USL) Scene 2: Brendan moves chair (center DSL) Sierra and Gabby move desk (center DSL) CURTAIN: Kelsey and Zoe open for Lucifer entrance o CUE LINE: Theres none but I have interest in the same (Lucifer) CURTAIN: Kelsey and Zoe open for Seven Deadly Sins to enter (open and close and reopen) o CUE LINE: Go Mephistophilis, fetch them in (Lucifer) CURTAIN: Kelsey and Zoe open wide for Seven Deadly Sins to exit o CUE LINE: Away to hell, away! CURTAIN: Zoe and Kelsey open Lucifer exit o CUE LINE: Farewell great Lucifer Scene 3: Aubrey and Jillian move desk off (enter DSL, exit DSL) Chris moves chair off (enter DSL, exit DSL) James moves block on (enter PROP: James has book Stephen carries off block (USR) ACT III:

Scene 1: CURTAIN: Kelsey and Zoe open for dragon-human o CUE LINE: BEGINNING OF ACT o Melissa, Aubrey, Rachel, Gabby, Jillian, Sierra, Eric, Richard, Stephen, James, Brendan, Elizabeth Richard and Eric move blocks (move with dragon-human) Richard, Jillian, Aubrey move blocks for Pope scene o CUE LINE: Sweet, Mephostophilis, thou pleaseth me PROP: Chris has shackles Scene 2: James bring in chairs (enter USR, exit USR) Sierra, Rachel, Gabby, Erik, Stephen move banquet tables and bench (enter DSL, Erik and Stephen exit and others remain onstage) o CUE LINE: Drink to our late and happy victor o PROP: Must have 2 dishes and cup Scene 3: Aubrey/Jillian, Rachel/Sierra move table (exit US) Melissa, Gabby, Lucas, Chris move throne blocks and chairs (exit US) o CUE: lights out following holy dirge PROP: James has cup CURTAIN: Zoe and Kelsey open for Erik to leave o CUE LINE: Robin conjuring Mephistophilis CURTAIN: Zoe and Kelsey open for Mephistophilis exit o CUE LINE: To the Great Turks count INTERMISSION Zoe and Kelsey strike set Zoe and Kelsey set three blocks (throne) DSR offstage PROP: Zoe and Kelsey set sword and horns in balcony ACT IV: Scene 1: Rachel, Sierra, Eric, Elizabeth, Chris, James, Rudi, Aubrey, Jillian, Lukas for Chorus opening (some in balcony/audience) CURTAIN: Kelsey and Zoe open for Chorus exit o CUE LINE: your eyes shall seet performd Scene 2: Gabby, Melissa, and Rudi move blocks for throne (enter DSR, exit DSR) CURTAIN: Kelsey and Zoe open for Aubrey/Jillian fight scene o CUE LINE: Ill play Diana and send you the horns presently PROP: Jillian and Aubrey enter with swords and crown MAKE SURE PEOPLE ARE READY FOR BUILDING PITTERPATTER as Richard draws closer to the images

4 o Following fight, before My gracious Lord listen for Aubreys death CURTAIN: Kelsey and Zoe open for Aubrey/Jillian exit o CUE LINE: Away, be gone! (Faustus) Scene 3: Richard, Chris, and Rudi move blocks off DSR PROP: Make sure fake head is right behind hell mouth! CURTAIN: Kelsey and Zoe open for demons to attack Faustus foes o CUE LINE: But wherefore do I dally my revenge? Asteroth, Belimoth, Mephistophilis CURTAIN: Kelsey and Zoe open for tree demons to leave (end of scene) o CUE LINE: He must needs to go that the devil drives. (weird crouching thing) Scene 4: PROP: Jillian and Aubrey have swords Scene 5: PROP: Brendan has blanket and false leg PROP: Eric has money ($40, coins?) Scene 6: Jillian/Aubrey moves table (enter DSR, exit hell mouth), Sierra/Richard moves table (enter USL, exit USL) James gets chair, Erik gets bench, Stephen gets bench, Gabby gets chair (all remain on stage) Kelsey drops tray to make noise o CUE LINE: You shall presently PROP: Sierra has drinks (tray?) Jillian/Aubrey, Sierra/Richard, James, Erik, Stephen, and Gabby all bring off set pieces that they entered with o All exit USR, except Richard exit USL Into Scene 7: Rudi and Melissa enter with blocks (enter USR, remain onstage) PROP: Chris S. holds grapes for Mephistophilis DSL o CUE LINE: but a small matter- go Mephistophilis; away! PROP: Sierra enters with cup, Faustus exits with it ACT V: Scene 1: PROP: conjuring books set on desk at the top of scene Aubrey move block for desk (enter USL, exit DSL) Stephen move block for desk (enter DSL, exit DSL) Jillian moves chair (enter USL, exit DSL) CURTAIN: Kelsey and Zoe open for Helen of Troy enter o CUE LINE: Be silent, then, for danger is in words CURTAIN: Kelsey and Zoe open for Helen of Troy exit o CUE LINE: whom all the world admires for her majesty

5 CURTAIN: Kelsey and Zoe open for Helen of Troy enter o CUE LINE: Shall be performd in the twinkling of an eye CURTAIN: Kelsey and Zoe open for Mephistophilis exit o CUE LINE: Sweet Helen, make me immortal with a kiss CURTAIN: Kelsey and Zoe open for Helen of Troy exit o CUE LINE: And none but thee shall be my paramour CURTAIN: Kelsey and Zoe open for Mephistophilis exit, Evil Angel entrance o CUE LINE: Those who laugh on earth must weep in hell CURTAIN: Kelsey and Zoe open for desk and chair o CUE LINE: Thou hast lost celestial happiness o James, Stephen, Sierra take off desk, chairs (enter DSL, exit through hell mouth) Make sure cast is prepared to make hell noises for Evil Angel monologue CURTAIN: Kelsey and Zoe open for hell mouth opening o CUE LINE: end of creepy hell noises/ Evil Angel monologue burning forks o STAYS OPEN UNTIL: Faustus I have seen enough to torture me Open a tiny bit, make sure to have area cleared behind CURTAIN: Zoe and Kelsey open for Evil Angel exit o CUE LINE: Tumble into confusion (Evil Angel) CURTAIN: Kelsey and Zoe open for Lucifer entrance o CUE LINE: Ill burn my books CURTAIN: Kelsey and Zoe open for Faustus exit, chorus entrance o WAIT FIVE SECONDS AFTER FAUSTUS LEAVES (longer pause) o CUE LINE: AHHHH MEPHISTOPHILIS

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