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Sedimentation Calculations The ETE Station clarifiers utilizes an upflow tank design.

The rule here is for the liquid upflow (Vu) to be greater than the particles (Vp). So long as this holds true, the upflow tank will be able to effectively remove coagulated particles and remove 285mg/L per 950mg/L COD. Parameters: Vu=Liquid upflow; Vp=Particle upflow, F=Flow of the effluent (20m3/hr), A=Settlement Surface Area of tank. Calculating for particle and liquid upflow velocity: 14.35

3.55m 0.5hr = 7.1m/hr Since: Vu> Vp Substituting for Vu and Vp gives: 7.1 Calculating for required upflow tank volume: Tank Volume = Flow Retention Time Tank Volume = 20m /hr 0.5hr = 10m3 Since: actual = 11.5m > 10m
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