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Principals Message
The most special thing about the 1st Term was the way parents came together to accomplish a goal. As a Team, we recognized that we will have to do things differently if we want to give our children the best. While we all know that data is the driving force for identifying where the strengths, weaknesses and gaps exist, we also know that the essential element for a change is the implementation of the plan conceived by using that data. That clarity the collective realization that we cannot do things the way we have always done them, was one of the highlights of the 1st Term. Parent Conferences, Coffee Mornings, etc., have turned out fruitful with parents participating actively in the meeting. I appreciate those parents for sparing their valuable time and working with us to bring a change and make a difference. Open communication between home and school between parents & teachers can only help the kids in the classroom. Students who know that parents and teachers communicate are more likely to communicate too. Any activity that involves parents enhances ownership in the education process and directly contributes to the achievement of children. Openness and good communication are essential elements to a positive learning environment. Once again, I would like to thank parents who have assisted in Fee Collection and hoping that the outstanding fees are cleared. Thank you for being a part of The Westminster Family!!

U.N. Assembly Grade 5 & 6 (Girls & Boys) 17TH December 2014: On the 17th of December 2013, the students of Grade 5 & 6 (Boys & Girls) organized the U.N. Assembly. Introduction into the UN Assembly was done by singing a song, Come young citizens of the world, we are one.


FORTHCOMING EVENTS: rd Orientation Year 8 (Parent) 3 February 2014 th Islamic Parent Conference (Secondary) 6 February 2014 Coffee Morning (Parents of Grade 10 students) Feb 10 th A S Orientation Feb 12 , 2014 rd Art Exhibition Week 23 Feb 2014 th Parents Coffee Morning Grade 3 26 Feb 2014 th Interschool Basketball (G) 27 Feb 2014


1. Help your child to connect with what they are learning in school to the real world. Maths When at the checkout counter, let your child figure out how much cash to pay and how much change should be returned. English/Language Arts: Look with your child or point it out when you see spelling and vocabulary words in magazines or on the web. 2. Have high expectations and provide needed resources, but dont take over : If your children are intrinsically motivated to learn, they are more likely to apply themselves and take advantages of the resources around them. If they are motivated primarily to please you or to earn rewards for grades, they are less likely to really delve into the content and less likely to remember it for long. 3. Remember that much our future adults need to know and be able to do is taught at home. At work, kids learn and practice crucial, practical life skills. These skills include interpersonal, emotional and communication skills, the inclination to think deeply and creatively and the ability to work with a Team. Abilities in these areas will surely be more valuable in the 21st century than specific knowledge learned at school. 4. Instil in your child this belief- The harder you work, the smarter you get. Its true at school and true for all you children are learning at home including social and emotional, practical, creative & analytical skills. 5. Teach your children to lead a cognitively healthy lifestyle People of all ages need adequate exercise and sleep, a healthy diet, stimulating social connections, and new and challenging activities that use our brains. A healthy balanced lifestyle will help your children perform better at school, feel better and establish habits that can last a lifetime. Best Wishes for a year that stimulates, inspire and prepares your children for their 21st Century lives!!


Cultural Program for Boys (Housewise) 17th December 2014: The students sang the National Anthem followed by the recital of the Holy Quran and the Prayer in English. Students from different Grades/ Houses confidently performed either by singing a solo song or a group song or a solo dance or a group dance. It was amazing to see such great hidden talent amidst our students. Cultural Program for Girls (Housewise) 18th December 2014: Students from different Grades/ Houses confidently performed either by singing a solo song or a group song or a solo dance or a group dance. TWS won the Best Documentary Award organized by Our Own English School. Ms. Sabrina won the Award for the school. Assembly related to Kibera undertaken by VGF (17th December 2014): Assembly was held in the multiplus at 8.30 a.m. related to Kibera and learning Projects undertaken by VGF. In May 2013, a student delegate travelled with the Founder to Kibera to participate in the ceremony of reconstructing classrooms in Kibera. Ms. Kate Mayler, one of the students from Jumeira College who attended the same shared her experiences with the Westminster School by talking about it at our assembly. Father: How were the exam questions? Son: Easy Father: Then why look so unhappy? Son: The questions didn't give me any trouble, just the answers!

Is a Child's Behavior Always a Reflection of His/Her Parents?

We've long held a tendency to blame parents for how their children behave and develop. Though we most often fault mothers more than fathers, the idea is the same. If we're good parents, our children will turn out okay. If we're bad parents, well: They won't. Though research has proven that childhood development owes itself to many influences, we can't seem to help but assign blame to one party -- that is, us -and it's created a generation of parents who judge themselves, and each other, by how their children do. But to what extent are children really reflections of us? To some degree, they are, certainly. But not to the fullest degree. When they're acting out in the supermarket or throwing a fit on the playground or being cruel to other kids, we worry what everyone around us is thinking, fearing the worst: What sort of mother is she? Can't she control him? Even if, of course, we didn't teach him to behave in such a way. On the flip side, we celebrate how much they're like us when they're excelling in sports or on school tests, or unexpectedly considerate to a stranger. This is why we too often push our kids into activities they might not otherwise choose, or impress upon them personality traits that may not come so naturally. Figuring out how much we're motivated, as parents, to encourage our children to do things that satisfy our own needs rather than theirs. It's not easy to admit that our children's every action is anything but a direct result of something we've said, done, or taught. Nor is it easy to allow them the freedom to make some of their own choices. This can include how much time and effort they put into studying for a spelling test, how they choose to express thanks, or what they choose to wear. There will be times when they get it wrong. But it's important to remember that those failings aren't actually failings, but part of the process of learning, growing and becoming one's own self. Sometimes they may embarrass us. But they will also make us proud.

ASSEMBLY IN AID OF VICTIMS OF TYPHOON HAIYAN, PHILIPPINES ON 8TH November 2013) 12th December 2013: Omar spoke on charity and the need to send aid for the devastated people in Philippines. Seven children gave testimonials on the same, Omar Badway, Rochelle, Misha Ali, Mariam, Ismail, Ahmed and Devmini Rodrigo.

ARABIC PARENTS MEETING ON THURSDAY, 12TH DECEMBER 2013- GR 5 & 6: Ms. Samiah briefed the Parents on the Agenda. She also explained and requested Parents to put forth their suggestions and opinions on how to improve/develop Arabic language in the school.


My Daughter is studying in Class 8 & I want to give some suggestion to the teachers to get good result from the students. Also I want other parents to share their ideas how we can help our children in their study. My suggestions are as follows: 1. Teacher should inform children in Advance that which chapter they will study Next in each Subject: For Example in Science they are going to finish Chemistry chapter then teacher can inform to student that our next chapter which we will study is Biology?? What will happen with that? Parents can study to their children during Friday & Saturday that chapter before it start in the class. Also when teacher will teach in the class, then students will understand easily what teacher is teaching them because they have already read that chapter at home. 2. Test Copies for each Subject: This is highly recommended that student should have Test copies for each Subject. What will happen with this? These Test copies will helpful for them during Exam to revise their lessons. When teacher will complete study of one chapter then Teacher should take test of that chapter before to start next chapter, like that teacher will comes to know what children have learnt and what she need to do more to get good result from them. 3. Test Pattern: During Class test Teacher should follow same pattern as they are using in the Final Exam. What will happen with this practice? Student will get used to that pattern which will help them to understand the question & to solve the question. If they have any problem they can discuss with their teachers as well as teachers can clear student doubts which they will find during checking their test. 4. Children School Diary: This is very important. We think children are enough big they will write their diary. But children are not writing their diary carefully. Teacher should regularly one time in a week have to check the children diary and to see they are writing all important things in the diary which they are advised them in the class. Also Parents should check diary daily to get information what children are doing in class. In Remarks they can write if they want to write something to teacher. When teacher will check the diary she can respond. This is the best way to keep in touch with each other. And child will not make any excuse. You may heard from children today we did not have home work or we did not study today but when you will see their home work copies there must be written that work did not complete then children will say I forget to do? 5. Work sheet & Solve Worksheet: We are thankful to teachers who place children worksheet but we would request you to if you can post solve sheet also. Most of the parents studying their children at home they need time to solve the sheet first then teach the child, if solve sheet will be available then parent time will save + they will confident that what they are studying to children correctly as class teacher teach them. 6. Bright students Parents: I would request to the parents whose children are getting Grade A+ or A to share their experience, method of teaching and suggestion with other parents through this plate form which GEMS provide us. We can communicate easily with each other and can do effort to get progress in children study. Samina Rana, Parent

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