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Today, I finally finished the driving school subjects while ago ... D the paper submission deadline is what's made me a disoriented, 20 day pressure ... but eventually survived the ~ And flaunt one is Coursera have been down with this week's Homework already put Week7 done. Over Liu towering init6
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more to the upper layer protocol, the higher the degree they are fami basically do it again out; more underlying protocol, the more unfamil Weeks did not even three times get the full score, it was really a sh This blog summarizes Week3-Week5's Homework answers and explanations. out of my own, have been selected not answer a question, may have the point is still not understood right, if someone can answer questions, In this post I wrote, Week mid-term 6 and Week 7 of the exam has not answer sent to the Internet, if there together on Computer Networks f If you have any questions, please leave a message to discuss! Week3 - Retransmissions, Multiple Access and Switching - Homework Question 1 This question explores the performance of ARQ for sending messages ov approximated the RTT (round-trip time) for a long link as 2D (twice t ignores the transmission delay to send one message and to reply with k t t RTT th t i l d t i i d l

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12-Feb-14 6:16 PM

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