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My name is Farino Pyanto. In this letter, Id love to inform you about myself in the applying of AFIM scholarship.

I am a student of Padang State University majoring Teknik Sipil since 2010. Besides studying as a student in Technique Faculty, I am also actively involved in organizations. There are two organization I involved in; Formis FT UNP and PPIPM UNP. Formis FT UNP is an Islamic organization in my faculty. Meanwhile PPIPM UNP is the scientific forum in the university. I have had a research about Efektivitas Shelter Gedung Fakultas Ekonomi Sebagai Sarana Mitigasi Bencana Tsunami (The Effectiveness of Using Economy Faculty Building as A Mitigation in Tsunami Disaster. This research was supported by DIKTI 2013 in the Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa (The Creativity of College Students). In the same year, I also purposed a research proposal in the same event with the title Analisis Kekuatan Rumah Yang Direhabilitasi masyarakat Pinggir Pantai Ulakan Tapakis kabupaten padang Pariaman (The Analysis of Rehabilited House by The Sea In Ulakan tapakis Padang Pariaman). My short term is to complete taking the rest of the subjects I have not taken yet and to finish my thesis proposal. In addition, my long term plan is to continue my study to Master degree and to work as a designer in the building construction. This all my motivation letter. I do hope I would get the AFIM scholarship.

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