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Pages 1 and 3 from SY 10-11 EOY Progress Report with committee action plans.


Hainerberg Elementary School Improvement Plan (2006-2011) Heidelberg District

The mission of the Hainerberg Elementary School is to provide exemplary education programs that inspire and prepare all students for success in a global environment.

Student Performance Goal 1: All students will demonstrate improvement in analyzing text in all curricular areas. Essence: The Hainerberg Elementary School faculty defines analyzing text as the ability to identify main idea, cause and effect, story characters and setting, literary and persuasive techniques, nonfiction elements, compare and contrast and draw conclusions in all curricular areas. Data Used to Select Goal (from the School Profile) 1. Teacher Surveys 2. Environmental Scan 3. TerraNova (Total & sub-tests) 4. SRI 5. PACA Standards: Builds vocabulary through daily reading activities Recognizes high frequency words with accuracy Uses a repertoire of comprehension strategies Compares authors and genres Uses text features of informational text Responds to literature in a variety of ways Reads and comprehends informational text Uses a variety of comprehension strategies to extend meaning Demonstrates oral fluency with expression Makes connections to text, self and world Assessments Used to Measure Student Progress Norm Referenced TerraNova System-wide - SRI Local Assessment Scholastic Literacy Place Supporting Research for Interventions/Strategies: 1. Fluency for Everyone: Incorporating Fluency Instruction in the Classroom
Timothy V. Rasinski, (Scholastic red Professional Article)

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Interventions/Strategies and Implementation Year: 1. 4-blocks - SY 07-09 2. Reading Counts - SY 09-10 3. Guided Reading - SY 10-11

Pages 1 and 3 from SY 10-11 EOY Progress Report with committee action plans.pdf

Hainerberg Elementary School Improvement Plan (2006-2011) Heidelberg District

The mission of the Hainerberg Elementary School is to provide exemplary education programs that inspire and prepare all students for success in a global environment.

Student Performance Goal 2: All students will demonstrate improvement in written communication skills across the curriculum. Essence: The Hainerberg Elementary School faculty defines written communication skills as the ability to communicate in writing using topic and supporting sentences, transitional words, correct vocabulary, spelling and language, and organizing the information in order to communicate understanding across the curriculum. Data Used to Select Goal (from School Profile) 1. Teacher Survey 2. Environmental Scan 3. TerraNova (Total and sub-test results) 4. PACA Standards: Writes in a variety of genres and for a variety of purposes Uses grade appropriate writing conventions Writes to produce many kinds of writing Writes for different audiences and purposes Demonstrates use of process writing Assessments Used to Measure Student Progress 1. Norm Referenced TerraNova 2. Criterion Referenced - DoDEA 5th grade writing assessment 3. Local Assessment Scholastic Literacy Placement Test Supporting Research for Interventions/Strategies: 1. Hunter paper 2. Six traits 3. Misunderstood Minds 4. Writing Fix 5. Technical Report Step Up to Writing Interventions/Strategies and Implementation Year: 1. 4 Blocks - SY 07-09 2. 6 traits writing SY 09-10 3. Step up to writing SY 10-11

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