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The Modal Verbs are a special kind of auxiliaries , which express he !odali " of he ac ion and ha#e so!e specific fea ures$ %&The" are followed b" #arious for!s of he infini i#e$ ' must lea#e now( )shor infini i#e* +eople may be wa chin,&)con inuous infini i#e* She must ha#e heard of hi!&)perfec infini i#e* -&The" do no inflec ) here are no .ed, /in, or .s for!s* 0&1e,a i#es are for!ed b" addin, not i!!edia el" af er he !odal 2ou must not worr"& 3&4ues ions are for!ed b" pu in, he !odal in fron of he sub5ec $ Could "ou ,i#e !e an exa!ple6 7&8e use heir e9ui#alen s o express i!e rela ionships $ !us / ha#e o !a"/ be allowed o can/ be able o :&The" are used in 9ues ion a,s$ The" can; all be ri,h , can he"6 The !odals are used o express an a i ude owards he infor!a ion rans!i ed concernin, he in en ions of he speaker and he effec on he hearer& The" !a" express$ +OSS'B'L'T2$<A1, MA2, M'=>T, <O?LD S ron, possibili "$ @ well $>e may well be ri,h & +ossibili " in he pas $would @ perfec infini i#e Denial would ha#e been useless& +ROBAB'L'T2$8'LL, 8O?LD, S>O?LD, M?ST, S>ALL, O?=>T TO, <O?LD, M'=>T, MA2& 'M+OSS'B'L'T2$<A1;T, <O?LD1;T EA+RESS'1= A 8'S>$8O?LD RAT>ERBSOO1ER +ROM'SES, T>REATS, REC?SALS$' will, "ou shallD will no , would no DETERM'1AT'O1 A1D 8'LL'1=1ESS$8'LL, 8O?LD, S>ALL, S>O?LD <A+AB'L'T2$<A1, <O?LD, BE ABLE TO ORDER$S>ALL, 8'LL, 8O?LD, M?ST, M?ST1;T, 8'LL 1OT, S>A1;T RE4?EST $will, can, could, can; , !a", !i,h +ERM'SS'O1$<A1, MA2, <O?LD OBL'=AT'O1 A1D 1E<ESS'T2$M?ST, 1EED1;T,>AD TO,O?=>T TO,S>O?LD,BE TO

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