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The Ohio State University Department of Arts Administration, Education and Policy


(Revised 2 !!" Teacher Candidate: Jamie Fry School: Tremont Elementary

UNIT TITLE: What is art? An exploration of epic PROPORTIONS! Pa er !ache Clae" Olden#er$ in" ired "c%l t%re"
Grade Level: Length of Class Period: Approximate # of Students per Class: Beginning Date: End Date: 5 60 25 1/31 2/28

Unit &oal'"( ')hat academic content "tandard" and learnin$ o%tcome" )ill thi" %nit addre""*(:
1PE Understand that the context of an art object has an effect on how that object is perceived. 2PE Identify and communicate how historical and cultural contexts influence ideas that inform artists. 1PR Inte rate observational and technical s!ills to stren then artma!in "PR #urin collaborative artma!in experiences$ demonstrate respect and support for peer ideas and creativity.

1RE %pply reasonin s!ills to analy&e and interpret the meanin in artwor!s. 'RE (ommunicate how personal artistic decisions are influenced by social$ environmental and political views.


I! I"EA:

Rationale: The value #e place on art #or$s is personal and sometimes #e do not all a%ree& Throu%h the e'ploration of the Pop Art movement and the #or$s of (laes Olden)er%, students #ill )e%in to understand that the su)*ect of #or$s of art can )e controversial and chan%e our vie# on #hat can )e considered art& Students #ill also )e e'plorin% #hat art means to them and )e%innin% to form a personal opinion a)out #hat art is and #hat they thin$ can )e considered art& +e #ill also )e addressin% scale and proportion& ,y ta$in% a small o)*ect and )lo#in% up the scale to )e much lar%er than actual si-e students #ill have to $eep proportion in mind to create an accurate sculpture& Po""i#le inte$ration: ,asic math s$illed involved in scalin%. ruler and multiplication E""ential +%e"tion" ' ro,ocati,e- en$a$in$- critical(: +hat is art/ +hat does it mean to me/ +hat can )e considered art/ +hat can0t )e/ 1o# does chan%in% the scale affect the meanin% of our o)*ect/ .e"cri tion o/ the e""ential ed%cational content o/ thi" %nit: Title o/ each le""on and le""on de"cri tion: Le""on One Title: Art hi"tory le""on: What i" art* Le""on de"cri tion: Students #ill )e e'aminin% #hat art #as 2popular3 or 2in demand3 throu%hout history and ho# that has chan%ed over time& +e #ill )e loo$in% at 2radical3 artists that chan%ed the #ay #e thin$ a)out art such as Da 4inci, Picasso, 5ichtenstein, and (laes Olden)er%& Le""on T)o Title: Plannin$ and armat%re 1

Le""on de"cri tion: 6o# that #e have a )it more of an understandin% for ho# art has chan%ed over time and focused more on (laes Olden)er%, #e #ill start plannin% our o#n Olden)er% inspired sculptures& Students #ill select an item either from the )o' of items supplied or one of their o#n and do s$etches of that o)*ect to understand its proportions& The armature #ill need to )e made once the dra#in%s are completed and approved& Le""on Three Title: Pa er !ache and Paintin$ Le""on de"cri tion: once the armature is complete, students #ill )e%in to apply paper mache to their piece& Once this process is finished #e #ill )e paintin% them #ith tempera paint& Le""on Fo%r Title: Paintin$ "c%l t%re" Le""on de"cri tion: Students #ill )e furtherin% the impact of the enlar%ements )y paintin% that sculptures #ith realistic colorin% and as much detail as possi)le& Students #ill )e loo$in% at (laes Olden)er% sculptures and ho# he used color to create a more dramatic impact&

Title: Art hi"tory le""on2)hat i" art* Teacher Candidate: 7amie 8ry School: Tremont &rade Le,el: 3 Len$th o/ Cla"" Period: 45 min A ro6imate N%m#er o/ St%dent" in Each Cla"" Period: 29 7e$innin$ .ate /or Le""on: 1891 Endin$ .ate /or Le""on: 1891

Lesson Co#ponents:


Critical I""%e87i$ Idea: The value #e place on art #or$s is personal and sometimes #e do not all a%ree& Throu%h the e'ploration of the Pop Art movement and the #or$s of (laes Olden)er%, students #ill )e%in to understand that the su)*ect of #or$s of art can )e controversial and chan%e our vie# on #hat can )e considered art& Students #ill also )e e'plorin% #hat art means to them and )e%innin% to form a personal opinion a)out #hat art is and #hat they thin$ can )e considered art& Content Standard'"( Addre""ed:
1PE Understand that the context of an art object has an effect on how that object is perceived. 2PE Identify and communicate how historical and cultural contexts influence ideas that inform artists.

1RE %pply reasonin s!ills to analy&e and interpret the meanin in artwor!s. 'RE (ommunicate how personal artistic decisions are influenced by social$ environmental and political views.

Per/ormance:#a"ed O#;ecti,e": St%dent" )ill< :#rite a)out #hat their vie#s on art are )y fillin% out the Pre;2To me, art is:3 statement :ver)ali-e #hat they o)serve in lar%e %roup discussion Per/ormance:#a"ed A""e""ment Strate$ie": Pre;2To me, art is:3 statement 5ar%e %roup discussion A$e:a ro riate Voca#%lary: Contro%ersial: Something that causes disagreement &'n(ane: ordinary, boring or everyday Ironic: the opposite of or simply not what is expected Accommodation" /or S ecial Po %lation": <ultiple e'amples of possi)le o)*ects #ill )e provided to %et students thin$in% Students may use o)*ects that are provided if they are una)le=un#illin% to )ein% in their o#n >EPs #ill )e ta$en into account and para;professionals #ill )e in the classroom to assist these students if re?uired )y >EP Art8Vi"%al C%lt%re E6am le": Power Point of images Teacher example Mona Lisa Poster to begin discussion

Pre aration":
!aterial"8Re"o%rce" /or Teacher Teacher example: half complete half not so we can see the different stages and drawing from multiple sides Power Point presentation To me, art is ! Statement sheets Mona Lisa Poster !aterial" /or St%dent" Pre"To me, art is##! statement sheet $rt %ournals 3

Manila Paper

Learnin$ Acti,ity
&ettin$ the Cla""room En,ironment Ready: 7e/ore cla"" "tart" 1ave po#er point ready to %o (opy 2To me, art is:3 statement sheets Put voca)ulary terms on )oard. controversial, mundane, and ironic 1ave e'amples of mundane o)*ects that #ould )e appropriate o)*ects to use 1ave manila paper for each student 1ave a place to store students o)*ects Proced%re" /or the Teachin$8Learnin$ Str%ct%re: Ta"=8In"tr%ction8Proced%re Prior to introd%ction: T>E CLASS TI!E 7EFORE WE START: Introd%ce the idea o/ the ro;ect and ha,e "t%dent" #rin$ in an o#;ect o/ their choo"in$ /rom home?
)&'st *e an e%er+(a+ o*,ect -so#ethin. +o' not thin/ 0o'l( E1ER *e a s'*,ect for art0or/2 )&'st *e EIT3ER s#all eno'.h to fit in +o'r pal# OR than 45 inches -s#aller o*,ects 0ill 0or/ *etter *eca'se the+ 0ill *e easier to transport2 )&'st *e allo0e( in school: no 0eapons of an+ /in( -e%en fa/e or to+26 no *anne( to+s or ite#s no allo0e( in +o'r re.'lar classroo#7 8o' all are 9th .ra(ers so +o' /no0 *+ no0 0hat is allo0e( an( 0hat:s not7 Use +o'r .oo( ,'(.#ent7 I ha%e the final sa+ if the o*,ect is appropriate or not7

ro6imate Time Allotted While "t%dent" are /ini"hin$ % their re,io%" ro;ect

Students come in 8ill out the pre 2To me, art is:3 statement
"&efore we get started, ' want us to record what our ideas are at the start of this pro%ect# (e will be filling out another one of these same statements after we do this pro%ect and see if our ideas or feelings have changes# This is going to show me and yourself what you have learned)

2 min 9 min

>ntroduction. 1o# art has chan%ed over time (po#er point and posters presentation"
"Portraits throughout time "Landscapes throughout time "(hat do you thin* was important to artists and those that bought art bac* then+ (hat about as we move forward in time+ (hat is important to artists and buyers now+ This ,uestion is really getting at why we ma*e art and this is the big ,uestion we will be trying to examine throughout this pro%ect, so be thin*ing about this)

! min

(laes Olden)er% presentation

"(hat is the point+ (hy does he ma*e art li*e this+ (hat does he want us to thin* about+

9 min ! min @ min @ min As students )e%in #or$in% 2A min

,ac$ to seats 7ournal #or$. copy voca)ulary from the )oard Sho# e'amples of o)*ects that are possi)le 2%ood3 o)*ects that #ould #or$ #ell
"(hy do these things wor* well+ 'nteresting shape, recogni-able shape, extra common ob%ect that would be really surprising .ironic/, humorous "0ave students volunteer their ideas and ob%ects they have brought in

Plannin% on manila paper. #al$ around and chec$ dra#in%s and consult on ideas (approval of o)*ect"& Students must have o)*ect in class or )e a)le to )rin% o)*ect into class easily (fits in their )ac$pac$ and is allo#ed in school"
"Students will be drawing ob%ects from all sides "'f they don1t have an ob%ect they may pic* an ob%ect from my bin of ob%ects

(lean up and closure

"2eminder of what we will be wor*ing on next time .armatures/ and it will be important to have your ob%ect again in class "3ou may leave your ob%ect in class

@ min

S% lemental acti,ity: (reative #ritin%. #rite a story (!;2 para%raphs" a)out the ima%e sho#n on the #or$sheet& ;+here is the ima%e ta$en/ >s it ta$en from a different planet/ ;+hat is happenin% ri%ht )efore the ima%e #as ta$en/ ;+hen is the ima%e ta$enB ! , 2 , C years in the past or future/ Teacher re/lection /oc%"ed on the le""on a/ter it ha" #een ta%$ht: 4

,riefly meet #ith students at their ta)les as small %roups to ma$e sure they are understandin% #hat types of o)*ects that #ill #or$ )est and ma$e sure they are on trac$ #ith their plannin% so that #e can start the armatures first thin% ne't class& Ima$e So%rce": Recorded on each "lide o/ the Po)er Point

Title. Plannin$ and armat%re Teacher Candidate: 7amie 8ry School: Tremont &rade Le,el: 3 Len$th o/ Cla"" Period: 45 min A ro6imate N%m#er o/ St%dent" in Each Cla"" Period: 29 7e$innin$ .ate /or Le""on: @8A Endin$ .ate /or Le""on: @8A

Lesson Co#ponents:


Critical I""%e87i$ Idea: ,y ta$in% a small o)*ect and )lo#in% up the scale to )e much lar%er than actual si-e students #ill have to $eep proportion in mind to create an accurate sculpture& Content Standard'"( Addre""ed:
1PE Understand that the context of an art object has an effect on how that object is perceived. 1PR Inte rate observational and technical s!ills to stren then artma!in "PR #urin collaborative artma!in experiences$ demonstrate respect and support for peer ideas and creativity.

Per/ormance:#a"ed O#;ecti,e": St%dent" )ill< :select their o)*ect and defend #hy they chose it :complete s$etches of their o)*ect from at least three different sides Per/ormance:#a"ed A""e""ment Strate$ie": >nformal chec$;ins a ta)le (mar$ off on class list #hat o)*ect they #ill )e #or$in% on" S$etches of o)*ects from at least three sides A$e:a ro riate Voca#%lary:
RE1IEW) Contro%ersial: Something that causes disagreement &'n(ane: ordinary, boring or everyday Ironic: the opposite of what is expected

NEW) Proportion: the si-e of something in relation to other things around it Scale: the measurable aspect of something4length, width, depth ;or#: a 5 dimensional ob%ect that has volume .review from a previous lesson/ Accommodation" /or S ecial Po %lation": ;Student para;professionals #ill )e availa)le if=#hen needed ;Students may #or$ to%ether #hile tapin% their armatures to%ether (i&e one student holds the crumpled ne#s paper #hile the other places the tape" ;Remind students to pre cut some tape strips and have them on their des$ if they are havin% trou)le holdin% their form and tapin% at the same time Art8Vi"%al C%lt%re E6am le": (laes Olden)er% ima%es from po#er point for revie# on concept Teacher e'ample

Pre aration":
!aterial"8Re"o%rce" /or Teacher 5

Teacher example 6ewspaper Mas*ing tape 7b%ect for enlargement !aterial" /or St%dent" 6ewspaper Mas*ing tape 7b%ect for enlargement 2uler Sa/ety Proced%re" Only o)*ects that are allo#ed on school %rounds #ill )e allo#ed to use for this pro*ect (no #eapons, replica #eapons, or fa$e #eapons, nerf= dart, #ater %uns etc& allo#ed"

Learnin$ Acti,ity
&ettin$ the Cla""room En,ironment Ready: 7e/ore cla"" 6e#spaper and mas$in% tape set out on ta)les Small trays for o)*ects to sit in to $eep them from fallin% off the ta)les and for easier vie#in% #hile #or$in% 1ave rulers for each student to $eep in mind ho# lar%e #e are #or$in%. constantly )e measurin% to ma$e sure #e $eep the ri%ht si-e Proced%re" /or the Teachin$8Learnin$ Str%ct%re: Ta"=8In"tr%ction8Proced%re Students come in Revie# from last time. previously learned voca)ulary Presentation on proportion and ho# to 2measure3 your o)*ect
"The top is twice as long as the bottom in the real ob%ect8 therefore in the enlarged piece this proportion must be the same, etc# "'ntro# new vocabulary terms

ro6imate Time Allotted 2 min 9 min @ min

Add ne# voca)ulary to *ournal. scale, proportion and form Demo. Armature
"9veryone around the violet table ":rumpling techni,ues and shaping the newspaper "0ow much tape do we use+ ;ust enough to hold our pieces together .the entire thing does not really need to be covered in tape, that1s wasteful/ "3ou may pre"cut a few tape strips at a time and hang them off the table for ,uic* access# <o not pre"cut a ton incase you need less then you thin*# 5 or = is enough at a time "3ou can help each other hold their newspaper crumples>forms while they place tape "7ur final pieces should be between ? and @ inches no larger because we have to be able to fit them all in the room somewhere

9 min 9 min

Students )ac$ to seats +or$ time (lean up. ne#spaper in a pile on your ta)le #ith the tape and all of your pieces )rou%ht over to the #indo# sill S% lemental acti,ity: (reative #ritin%. #rite a story (!;2 para%raphs" a)out the ima%e sho#n on the #or$sheet& ;+here is the ima%e ta$en/ >s it ta$en from a different planet/ ;+hat is happenin% ri%ht )efore the ima%e #as ta$en/ ;+hen is the ima%e ta$enB ! , 2 , C years in the past or future/ Teacher re/lection /oc%"ed on the le""on a/ter it ha" #een ta%$ht: Ima$e So%rce": 'mage sources are listed on each slide

2 min @@ min 9 min

Title. Pa er !ache Teacher Candidate: 7amie 8ry School: Tremont &rade Le,el: 3 Len$th o/ Cla"" Period: 45 min A ro6imate N%m#er o/ St%dent" in Each Cla"" Period: 29 7e$innin$ .ate /or Le""on: @81B Endin$ .ate /or Le""on: @81B

Lesson Co#ponents:


Critical I""%e87i$ Idea: ,y ta$in% a small o)*ect and )lo#in% up the scale to )e much lar%er than actual si-e students #ill have to $eep proportion in mind to create an accurate sculpture& Content Standard'"( Addre""ed:
1PE Understand that the context of an art object has an effect on how that object is perceived. 1PR Inte rate observational and technical s!ills to stren then artma!in "PR #urin collaborative artma!in experiences$ demonstrate respect and support for peer ideas and creativity.

Per/ormance:#a"ed O#;ecti,e": St%dent" )ill< :complete a D;A inch paper mache sculpture )y ma$in% the armature and coverin% it complete #ith paper mache :#rite a)out #hat their vie#s on art are )y fillin% out the Post;2To me, art is:3 statement Per/ormance:#a"ed A""e""ment Strate$ie": >nformal chec$;ins #ith students as they #or$ Post; 2to me, art is:3 statement A$e:a ro riate Voca#%lary: Revie# from t#o previous lessons Accommodation" /or S ecial Po %lation": Ru))er %loves if students have sensory issues that #ould inhi)it them from #or$in% #ith the paste Students may assist one another in placin% or dippin% their strips Art8Vi"%al C%lt%re E6am le": Teacher examples Aisuals up on the Smart &oard

Pre aration"
!aterial"8Re"o%rce" /or Teacher Paper mache paste Paper strips 9xample sculpture: armature only so ' can demo placing paper mache strips !aterial" /or St%dent" pre To me, art is ! statement sheet .passed out $BT92 they do the post statement/ post To me, art is ! statement sheet Paper mache paste Paper strips Sculpture

Learnin$ Acti,ity
&ettin$ the Cla""room En,ironment Ready: (over #indo#sill #ith paper for #hen they are finished <i' paste in lar%e )uc$et to )e distri)uted into smaller containers on each ta)le as students are ready and have their o)*ects approved& 6e#spaper coverin% ta)les Trays to hold items on each ta)le Proced%re" /or the Teachin$8Learnin$ Str%ct%re: Ta"=8In"tr%ction8Proced%re Students come in Students complete Post;2To me, art is:3 statements
"(hy are we doing another one+ ' want you to see and ' want to see what>if your opinions have changed since we have gone over how much art has really changed over time

ro6imate Time Allotted 2 min 9 min @ min 9 min

Revie# proportion=scale and ho# to measure your item

":hec* your forms or complete your forms before the next step

Demo. paper mache techni?ues

"9xplain the consistence of the paste "Tearing strips of paper: si-e4C" D inches wide .one or two finger widths/ "<ipping: doesn1t ta*e much) lay your paper in the paste and %ust tap a bit .<7 67T <E6F T09 96T'29 ST2'P)/ Pull it out and, using your pointer and middle finger create a s,uidgy# 2un your finger s,uidgy down one side, turn the paper strip around and go down the other side &9B729 you wipe your fingers on the edge of the buc*et to get the ma%ority of the paste off# "3ou should have one dry hand! and one wet hand! "Place on your pieces but laying it lightly over the portion your want to cover and smooth it over all the curves, noo*s and crannies) "29P9$T) Entil you have covered the entire pieces# <7 67T L9$A9 $63 $2M$TE29 9GP7S9< "6ext layer will be paper towel "Same procedure: tear strips, dun* in past and s,uidgy off excess

Student #or$ time (lean up.

"7ne person from your table pour all of the paste in the large buc*et at the front "$ll paper scraps with glue get recycled "$ll useable paper gathered up and put in a pile at the end of your table "Sculptures go on the windowsill coved with newspaper

C min 9 min

S% lemental acti,ity: (reative #ritin%. #rite a story (!;2 para%raphs" a)out the ima%e sho#n on the #or$sheet& ;+here is the ima%e ta$en/ >s it ta$en from a different planet/ ;+hat is happenin% ri%ht )efore the ima%e #as ta$en/ ;+hen is the ima%e ta$enB ! , 2 , C years in the past or future/ Teacher re/lection /oc%"ed on the le""on a/ter it ha" #een ta%$ht: Revie# pre vs& post 2To me, art is:3 statements Ima$e So%rce": Li"ted on e,ery "lide

Title. Paintin$ Teacher Candidate: 7amie 8ry School: Tremont &rade Le,el: 3 Len$th o/ Cla"" Period: 45 min A ro6imate N%m#er o/ St%dent" in Each Cla"" Period: 29 7e$innin$ .ate /or Le""on: @8@C Endin$ .ate /or Le""on: @8@C

Lesson Co#ponents:


Critical I""%e87i$ Idea: ,y paintin% their sculptures as realistic as possi)le, it #ill add to the impact of the enlar%ements and create a deeper understandin% of ho# ma$in% these enlar%ements can impact the meanin% of the piece& Students #ill )e loo$in% at (laes Olden)er% sculptures and ho# he uses color to create a more dramatic impact& Content Standard'"( Addre""ed:
1PE Understand that the context of an art object has an effect on how that object is perceived. 1PR Inte rate observational and technical s!ills to stren then artma!in

Per/ormance:#a"ed O#;ecti,e": St%dent" )ill< :paint their sculpture as realistically as possi)le :#rite a)out their o#n art#or$ in creative #ritin% e'ercise Per/ormance:#a"ed A""e""ment Strate$ie": Discussion of the pre and post;2To me, art is:3 statements (riti?ue of final pieces (volunteer creative #ritin% story" A$e:a ro riate Voca#%lary: Revie# from previous lessons Accommodation" /or S ecial Po %lation": 4arious si-e )rushes #ill )e availa)le for students to use >EPs #ill )e ta$en into account and para;professionals #ill )e availa)le if=#hen needed Art8Vi"%al C%lt%re E6am le": Teacher example :laes 7ldenberg images

Pre aration"
!aterial"8Re"o%rce" /or Teacher Power Point !aterial" /or St%dent" Sculpture completely covered in paper mache Tempera Paint .including metallic colors for metal ob%ects/ Aarious si-e brushes for all levels of detail

Learnin$ Acti,ity
&ettin$ the Cla""room En,ironment Ready: 6e#spaper on the ta)le +ater cans ready ,rushes out and ready 1ave pre and post 2to me, art is:3 statement sheets to pass )ac$ 1ave creative #ritin% activity sheets ready Proced%re" /or the Teachin$8Learnin$ Str%ct%re: Ta"=8In"tr%ction8Proced%re Students come in Revie# process up to that point
":ontroversial art and how the definition of art has changed over time: what is art to you+ "0ave some students volunteer to share their before and after! to me, art is statements "Planning: proportions and scale, form building>construction, paper mache

ro6imate Time Allotted 2 min 9 min

Thin%s to thin$ a)out.

"<9T$'LS) "Study your ob%ect carefully loo*ing at the details "Li*e with our card extension pro%ect before, test color mixing on test sheets to ma*e it loo* at realistic as possible)

@ min

Student #or$ time

"$s students wor*, continue to remind them about the details and ta*ing their time to match their sculpture to their ob%ect# The more detail you include and the more accurate your colors are, the more of an impact your sculpture will have .li*e :laes 7ldenberg/

C@ min

(lean up and closure

"&y table numbers: C4brushes in water cans to the sin*, H4paint pallets paper cutter, 54toss out unusable newspaper and fold up any clean paper, =4sponge tables "$ll sculptures on the windowsill covered in newspaper

E min

S% lemental acti,ity: (reative #ritin%. #rite a story (!;2 para%raphs" a)out the ima%e sho#n on the #or$sheet& ;+here is the ima%e ta$en/ >s it ta$en from a different planet/ ;+hat is happenin% ri%ht )efore the ima%e #as ta$en/ ;+hen is the ima%e ta$enB ! , 2 , C years in the past or future/ Teacher re/lection /oc%"ed on the le""on a/ter it ha" #een ta%$ht: Timin%Fho# much time does it really ta$e for each student to complete each step of the process/ <onitor the success of the creative #ritin% activity and ad*ust the challen%e accordin%ly Ima$e So%rce": Li"ted )ith each ima$e on Po)er Point and )or= "heet"


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