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<a href="/addons/biscal/images/5-calendar-tab/" class="project-d efault-image"><img src=" cal.jpg.-m1.png" data-full-src=" l.jpg" data-full-width="692px" data-full-height="463px" alt="Calendar Tab" title ="Calendar Tab"></a> <h2 id="w-bis-calendar">BiS Calendar</h2> <p>BiS Calendar is an ingame guild calendar addon for RIFT that is seemlessly in tegrated into your existing guild window.</p> <p>It'll allow your guild to set up events, and optionally post them to the guil d wall so those not using it can be aware of incoming events too. Your guildies will be able to see the events, adjusted to their local timezone, and join / lea ve them at will, indicating which roles they can fulfill.</p> <p>Whether you're a serious raiding guild, a bunch of bloodthirsty pvpers or jus t a group of friends having fun together, this addon will help your guild to pla n and organize better your group activities.</p> <h3 id="w-rank-permissions-cheatsheet">Rank Permissions Cheatsheet</h3> <p> <strong> PLEASE NOTE MOST OF THE RANKS BELOW ASSUME YOUR ALREADY A SQUAD M EMBER </strong></p> <p><strong>Set guild settings / Assign squads:</strong> Requires "Officer chat", "Write to Guild Addon Storage", "Delete from Guild Addon Storage"</p> <p><strong>Create events:</strong> Requires "Write to Guild Addon Storage" and " Post to Guild Wall"</p> <p><strong>Modify own events:</strong> Requires "Write to Guild Addon Storage", "Delete from Guild Addon Storage" and "Post to Guild Wall"</p> <p><strong>Modify others' events:</strong> Requires "Write to Guild Addon Storag e", "Delete from Guild Addon Storage", "Post to Guild Wall" and "Delete Guild Wa lls Posts"</p> <p><strong>Delete own events:</strong> Requires "Delete from Guild Addon Storage "</p> <p><strong>Delete others' events:</strong> Requires "Delete from Guild Addon Sto rage" and "Delete Guild Walls Posts"</p> <p><strong>Join / Decline events:</strong> Requires "Write to Guild Addon Storag e", "Delete from Guild Addon Storage" <strong><u>and being assigned to a squad</ u></strong>.</p> </div></div>

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<div class="listing-pagination listing-pagination-top"><ul class="listin g-pagination-pages"> <li class="listing-pagination-pages-total">4 comments</li> </ul> </div> <ul id="comments" class="comment-list"> <li class="comment small-comment odd" id="c5" data-id="2050824"> <div class="comment-inner small-comment-inner"> <div class="comment-info"> <a href="" clas s="avatar avatar-normal"><img src=" 3531861ab27a5d1633?s=48&amp; w%2F48x48%2Fmypaladin.png" alt="Avatar of mypaladin" style="width:48px;height:48 px" /></a> <ul class="action-buttons"> <li class="action-button action-button-comment-reply "><a href="#" title="Reply to comment"><span>Reply</span></a></li> <li class="action-button action-button-anchor"><a hr ef="" title="Link to comment #5"><span>#5</span></a></li> </ul> <a href="" clas s="user user-normal">mypaladin</a> <span class="date-info"> <span class="standard-datetime" title="Feb 26, 2014 at 11:31 UTC" data-epoch="1393414302">Feb 26, 2014 at 11:31 UTC</span> <span data-upvote-display="2050824">0 likes</span> </span>

</div> <div class="comment-body"> <p>I would like to start off that this is a great job you al l have done and well appreciated. I am sure you put a lot of work into the code and i think it is great that you share this fine addon. I am not sure if you hav e a suggestion spot i looked around but did not see one. I think in the config y ou should allow the creation of custom drop down events. I see the misc drop dow n but i mean for instance say the guild would like to schedule weekly expert eve

nts or some thing to this nature. i can use a misc but it will show as one of th e misc cats instead of weekly experts</p> </div>

</div> </li> <li class="comment small-comment even" id="c4" data-id="2038507"> <div class="comment-inner small-comment-inner"> <div class="comment-info"> <a href="" class= "avatar avatar-normal"><img src=" 8f1859a370f6c9b3?s=48&amp; 2F48x48%2FTLC2012.png" alt="Avatar of TLC2012" style="width:48px;height:48px" /> </a> <ul class="action-buttons"> <li class="action-button action-button-comment-reply "><a href="#" title="Reply to comment"><span>Reply</span></a></li> <li class="action-button action-button-anchor"><a hr ef="" title="Link to comment #4"><span>#4</span></a></li> </ul> <a href="" class= "user user-normal">TLC2012</a> <span class="date-info"> <span class="standard-datetime" title="Feb 19, 2014 at 23:09 UTC" data-epoch="1392851392">Feb 19, 2014 at 23:09 UTC</span> <span data-upvote-display="2038507">0 likes</span> </span>

</div> <div class="comment-body"> <p>Is there a way to add or customize events? I.E. we're do ing some raid testing on PTS and I'd like to put that on the calendar, but the e xisting descriptions don't really fit and I don't see a way to add/edit the even ts.</p> <p>Thanks!</p> </div>

</div> </li> <li class="comment small-comment by-author odd" id="c2" data-id="1188134"> <div class="comment-inner small-comment-inner"> <div class="comment-info"> <a href="" class="a vatar avatar-author"><img src=" /48x48/Mage.png.-m0.png" alt="Avatar of odine" style="width:48px;height:48px" /> </a> <ul class="action-buttons"> <li class="action-button action-button-comment-reply "><a href="#" title="Reply to comment"><span>Reply</span></a></li> <li class="action-button action-button-anchor"><a hr ef="" title="Link to comment #2"><span>#2</span></a></li> </ul> <a href="" class="u ser user-author">odine</a> <span class="date-info"> <span class="standard-datetime" title="Jan 13, 2013 at 03:51 UTC" data-epoch="1358049078">Jan 13, 2013 at 03:51 UTC</span> <span data-upvote-display="1188134">1 like</span> </span>

</div> <div class="comment-body"> <p>We cant wait to get it out to everyone! <span class="emot e emote-smile" title="Smile">:)</span></p> </div>

</div> </li> <li class="comment small-comment even" id="c1" data-id="1187485"> <div class="comment-inner small-comment-inner"> <div class="comment-info">

<a href="" class ="avatar avatar-normal"><img src=" 72/48x48/avatar2.jpg.-m0.png" alt="Avatar of Nerva3x0" style="width:48px;height: 48px" /></a> <ul class="action-buttons"> <li class="action-button action-button-comment-reply "><a href="#" title="Reply to comment"><span>Reply</span></a></li> <li class="action-button action-button-anchor"><a hr ef="" title="Link to comment #1"><span>#1</span></a></li> </ul> <a href="" class ="user user-normal">Nerva3x0</a> <span class="date-info"> <span class="standard-datetime" title="Jan 12, 2013 at 21:42 UTC" data-epoch="1358026921">Jan 12, 2013 at 21:42 UTC</span> <span data-upvote-display="1187485">0 likes</span> </span>

</div> <div class="comment-body"> <p>This sounds amazing. Cant wait to try it out.</p> </div>

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<div class="content-box"><div class="content-box-inner"><h3> Facts</h3> <dl> <dt>Date created</dt> <dd><span class="standard-date" title="Jan 12, 2013 at 16:27 UTC" data-e poch="1358008061" data-shortdate="true">Jan 12, 2013</span></dd> <dt>Category</dt> <dd><ul class="category-list"><li><a class="category" style="height:32px ;width:32px;background:url( 8/32x32/Box.png.-m1.png)" href="/addons/?category=miscellaneous" title="Miscella neous - Everything can be filed under Miscellaneous.">Miscellaneous</a></li></ul ></dd> <dt>Last update</dt> <dd><span class="standard-date" title="Feb 18, 2014 at 23:21 UTC" data-e poch="1392765671" data-shortdate="true">Feb 18, 2014</span></dd> <dt>Development stage</dt> <dd><span class="project-stage project-stage-b">Beta</span></dd>

<dt>Language</dt> <dd><ul class="language-list"><li class="language language-enUS" title=" English (enUS)">enUS</li><li class="language language-frFR" title="French (frFR) ">frFR</li><li class="language language-ruRU" title="Russian (ruRU)">ruRU</li></ ul></dd> <dt>License</dt> <dd><a class="license license-osd" href="/licenses/2-public-domain/">Pub lic Domain</a></dd> <dt>Curse link</dt> <dd><a href="">BiS Calendar</a></ dd> <dt>Downloads</dt> <dd><span data-value="28798">28,798</span></dd> <dt>Recent files</dt> <dd><ul><li><span class="file-type file-type-b" title="Beta">B</span>: < a href="/addons/biscal/files/19-v0-5-137-beta/">v0.5.137 Beta</a> for 2.5 <span class="standard-date" title="Feb 18, 2014 at 23:21 UTC" data-epoch="1392765671" data-shortdate="true" data-prefix="true">Feb 18, 2014</span></li><li><span class ="file-type file-type-b" title="Beta">B</span>: <a href="/addons/biscal/files/18 -v0-5-136-beta/">v0.5.136 Beta</a> for 2.4 <span class="standard-date" title="Se p 28, 2013 at 16:34 UTC" data-epoch="1380386066" data-shortdate="true" data-pref ix="true">Sep 28, 2013</span></li><li><span class="file-type file-type-b" title= "Beta">B</span>: <a href="/addons/biscal/files/16-v0-5-130-beta/">v0.5.130 Beta< /a> for 2.2.4 <span class="standard-date" title="Apr 10, 2013 at 17:23 UTC" data -epoch="1365614621" data-shortdate="true" data-prefix="true">Apr 10, 2013</span> </li><li><span class="file-type file-type-b" title="Beta">B</span>: <a href="/ad dons/biscal/files/15-v0-5-129-beta/">v0.5.129 Beta</a> for 2.0 <span class="stan dard-date" title="Mar 17, 2013 at 05:21 UTC" data-epoch="1363497679" data-shortd ate="true" data-prefix="true">Mar 17, 2013</span></li><li><span class="file-type file-type-b" title="Beta">B</span>: <a href="/addons/biscal/files/14-v0-5-126-b eta/">v0.5.126 Beta</a> for 2.0 <span class="standard-date" title="Mar 14, 2013 at 02:48 UTC" data-epoch="1363229283" data-shortdate="true" data-prefix="true">M ar 14, 2013</span></li></ul></dd> </dl> </div></div>

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