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Gasland Video Response

38.) John Hanger, Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection describes the natural gas drilling and extraction as a trade-off. Explain what the trade-off is. Do you believe this is a good trade? Natural gas is often described as a transition fuel and a cleaner-burning fossil fuel. Explain how these claims are incomplete. Given what you learned from this movie, is natural gas a fuel that we should explore and extract more of? A trade-off is when you exchange something to have another. I think that natural gas drilling and extraction is not a good trade-off. It is a cleaner-burning fossil fuel, but the extraction process of it is actually more harmful the people than other fuels. People should stop extracting more of this fuel because it is going to affect thousands of lives. Big companies knows what they are doing, but since it does not affect their daily lives, they do not care about it. 39.) The Fracturing Responsibility and Awareness of Chemicals (FRAC) Act proposes to include hydraulic fracturing as an activity regulated under the Safe Drinking Water Act. This law would require the industry to disclose all chemicals used in fracking. Do you think this law is fair and justified? Why might the gas drilling companies oppose this law? Explain your answer. That law is fair and justified. The gas drilling companies might oppose to this law because it would cost them more money. if they were to follow this law, then a lot of things have to change, which will not benefit them, so they would not want this law to go into action. 40.) This is a map of Pennsylvania, showing the major rivers and the towns of Dimock and Milanvile. How would contamination of the water supply have consequences for the entire eastern part of the state, including Philadelphia? The water from those areas would flow south, and they are located on the northeast of the state, which means that all that polluted water would flow south affecting the rest of the east coast of Philadelphia. 41.) The Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission has released a statement explaining several inaccuracies it feels that the documentary portrays. The statement is available here: Briefly describe their statement on the following: The Weld County Wells: the Markham and McClure waster was actually had sustains of biogenic gas that have nothing to do with fracturing The West Divide Creek Seeps: the gas found in that area was from thermogenic activities and not fracking.

42.) If you owned a large parcel of land in the shale area, and were offered several thousand dollars per acre to lease the land for gas drilling, would you take the money? Explain your decision. I would not take that money because by the time I have money that several thousands of dollars would be like just be like pocket money for me; therefore I would not need it. Besides it is not good for the environment if I allow them to frack on my land.

This video is a real eye opener for me and probably for many others. Before watching this video I thought that natural gas would be better than oil. Indeed it is better for the environment when it is being burnt, but during the extraction process, it is actually causes more harm to the environment. I think that people should stop fracking because not only does it cause harm to the people who do not know what kind of mess they are getting into, but it is also causing harm to other life forms, and causing the water to be unsuitable for drinking. I think companies can be pretty harsh sometimes. They tend to just do what benefits them, but I think that if more people are aware for this issue, then the government would do something that would cause the companies to be more careful.

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