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This week, in our 6th grade math class, we are studying rates.

In this assignment, we were calculating the percent of calories from fat from various items in a chart. The chart was showing total calories and calories from fat. First, we chose four food items, one beverage, and then added up the total calories, then calories from fat. Last, we divided the calories from fat by the total calories to find the percent of calories from fat. My results from this assignment were surprising to me. On our study link 8.5, the calorie from fat percentage was zero. In our Math Journal, my results were 30% and 14% from fat. That was from two different lunches. What I learned from this task, was that I should look into what I eat if I want to stay as healthy as I am. I got my desired results because I don't usually eat that bad anyway. One thing though, from all I have learned from this unit, I would still like to know if an actual calorie weighs anything. In the end, the rates unit in math is something I find very interesting and can use later on in life as an adult.

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