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Rofiqoh Laili, Wahidiyah Khoirunnisa SMA Negeri 27, Jakarta, Indonesia Abstract Home for Street Childrens Hope

Street children is one of social problems in the scope of International society, especially in developing countries. Most of street children come from poor families. They are threatened of losing the right for gaining education and being target of sexual violence victim in the street. The problems of street children are related with three aspects of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), namely reduction of poverty, achieving primary education for all, and fight against HIV/AIDS. Related to MDGs aspects, Indonesian government runs the shelter homes program as a shelter for street children from the violence that they experienced. Shelter homes play a role in restoring the rights of street children to get education, as well as in conducting skills training with the goal of reducing the activity of children in the street; improving the knowledge and skills also change their attitude towards a positive direction. This study focused on analyzing the effectiveness and the factors that influence the effectiveness of skills training. Effectiveness is the achievement standard of a specific goal in terms of results and business (Rofai, 2006). Based on that statement, skills training for street children are effective if the purpose of the training is achieved. The data that used in this study are secondary data and primary data. Secondary data were sourced from various references such as journals, Ministry of Socials data, and websites. The primary data obtained by observation and in-depth interviews to street children, management shelters, and skills trainer. The interview results showed that 25 street children who have followed skills training experienced changes, those are 100% of children experienced enhancement knowledge and skills; 88% of children had reduction of their activity on the street, and 84% of children experienced a positive change in attitude. Thus skills training program for street children that conducted in 5 shelters in East Jakarta have been running effectively. Factors that influence the effectiveness of skills training those are, the availability of trainers; sources of funding; facilities training support, and educational background of street children. Key words: street children, shelter, skills training, effectiveness

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