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Constitutional Convention Research Day 2 Objectives: - I can describe the major issues discussed during the Constitutional Convention

n and take a position on those issues. (U3.3.2, U3.3.3, U3.3.4, U3.3.5) - I can explain how different peoples identities shaped their viewpoints in the Constitutional Convention.

Name ______________________________ Class ____________ Date _______________ A letter from Jupiter Hammon
Dear Fellow Delegates, Welcome to New York City! As you know, you have been selected as a delegate to represent your home state during these proceedings. Our purpose is to discuss the defects found in our current government under the Articles of Confederation. Your input is not only desired, but necessary so that we can guarantee "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" to ALL Americans. I ask you to remember that whatever is said in these meetings is to be held in the strictest of confidence. Again, welcome to NYC and thank you for helping to secure the best possible government for our country. Sincerely, Jupiter Hammon What state do you represent? _______________________________ What is your name (you can make up a name!)? ______________________________________ Assigned Actors: Enslaved African-American man, Delaware:__________________________________ Wealthy white man, Connecticut:__________________________________ Native American man, Georgia:__________________________________ Jupiter Hammon, African-American man, New York:______________________________ Free African-American woman, New Jersey:________________________________ Working-class German immigrant man, Pennsylvania:_________________________________ Enslaved African-American woman, Virginia:____________________________________ Wealthy white woman, North Carolina:__________________________________ Native American woman, Maryland:____________________________________ White youth (under 18), South Carolina:____________________________________ African-American youth (under 18), New Hampshire:____________________________________ Working-class white woman, Massachussetts: ___________________________

Part I: Background Information Where You Stand Directions: Working with the delegate(s) from your state, answer the following questions. TODAY, YOU ARE ACTING FROM THE POINT-OF-VIEW OF THE DELEGATES TO A WHAT IF? CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION meaning that you have to be thinking from the perspective of the specific character you received. While many of these groups were not included in making decisions in the actual Constitutional Convention, we will do work today to see how the Constitution would have been different if their voices were heard.

1. Do we need a stronger government than the Articles of Confederation provided? Why?

2. Is your state considered a large or small state? Explain how you came to this determination. (Hint: States with populations over 250,000 were considered large states.)

3. As a delegate from your state, do you prefer the Virginia Plan or the New Jersey Plan? 4. Why do you prefer this plan? 5. How should the US Constitution address the issue of slavery? 6. Should enslaved people be counted for representation? 7. Should women get to vote? 8. Should Native Americans get to vote? 9. Should youth get to vote? 10. Should our new constitution list out rights that people should have (Bill of Rights), or should we say that any right not listed in the Constitution is given to the people? Part II Constitutional Debate Prep Assigned Debates: - Issue of strong vs. weak government - Issue of Representation: Virginia Plan (presented by Virginia group) and New Jersey Plan (presented by New Jersey group) o One small state (Delaware) and large state (New York) debate - Issue of Slavery (North Carolina v. New Hampshire) - Issue of a Bill of Rights, to possibly be added to the Constitution (all debate) - Issue of Voting Rights o Who should be included? Women? Native Americans? Working class white people? (all affected debate) - Final vote and remarks

Directions: 1. Look at what issue your group will asked to speak about during this weeks Constitutional Convention. Make sure you understand what your character would have argued in that debate. 2. Prepare speaking remarks where you explain your characters point of view on that issue, and prepare for rebuttals from the other viewpoint.

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