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Solar spray are the ultimate cost effective solution at the locations where spraying is required. This solar-powered spray pump system uses solar energy as source. Solar energy is first used to charge a storage battery. The solar energy stored in the battery is utilized to operate motor which functions as pump. As the name of the paper suggests, it deals with the constant discharge of pesticide, compress air control system, solar power, battery charging, monitoring as well as timer and non-conventional power controlling techniques. As far as controlling is concerned, it include the parameters such as pressure, pesticide level, battery voltage, current, solar cell and discharge condition. In this paper we are trying to ma e unique equipment for cultivation users. !ostly in the forming process pesticide spray is ta ing a critical role due to poison properties of chemical. So, in this paper we have committed to do something unique and useful equipment with nonconventional source technique. Also reduce the weight of unique solar spray "et as compare to diesel spray "et.

1.1 Storage of solar energy

Solar energy can be stored to utilize at night and when there is a cloudy conditions. Storage is an important issue in the development of solar energy because continuous availability is a vital requirement of modern energy use. Solar energy is only available in the hours of daylight. Solar energy is stored in form of heat or electrical energy. Solar energy is also stored as !echanical energy in the form of flywheel.

1.2 Working of solar anel

A solar panel is a device that collects and converts solar energy into electricity or heat. It transfers energy from the sun into electricity or heat which can be used by #for e$ample% nearby buildings. Solar panels can be made so that the sun&s energy e$cites the atoms a silicon layer between two protector panels. The atoms split up and the electrons travel down wires into the home for electricity. Solar panels were in use over one hundred years ago for hot water heating in homes. Solar panels can also be made with a specially shaped mirror that concentrates light

onto a tube of oil. The oil then heats up, and travels through a vat of water, instantly boiling it. The steam created turns a turbine for power. 'hotovoltaic panels, used to generate renewable electricity directly from sunlight. Solar thermal energy collection systems, used to generate electricity through a system of mirrors and fluid-filled tubes. Solar thermal collector, used to generate heat. Solar hot water panel, used to heat water, often in homes and other private housing estates.

1.! Solar Cookers

Two different types of solar coo ers i.e. indirect and direct focusing type have beendeveloped in the country. The indirect type solar coo ers consisting of an insulated bo$ with transparent window through which sunlight enters into the bo$ have been satisfactorily developed and commercially e$ploited for domestic coo ing. Such solar coo ers are being mar eted on commercial scale in most of the states through State (nergy )evelopment *orporations or other nodal agencies of the !inistry of +on-conventional (nergy Sources #!+(S%, ,overnment of India.

1." Solar Dryers

-pen sun drying of various agricultural produce is the most common application of solar energy. .ith the ob"ective of increasing the drying rate and improving quality of the produce, natural convection and forced convection type solar dryers have been developed for various commodities. The movement of air in the forced convection solar dryer is through a power blower whereas in natural convection solar dryer air moves through the produce due to natural thermal gradient.

1.# Solar Water Heater

.ater heating is one of the most common applications of solar energy for domestic and industrial applications. Similar to solar dryers, water heating systems are also available in natural convection and forced convection designs. +atural convection water heating system also nown as thermo syphon water heating system consist of a flat plate solar collector, insulated water storage tan and necessary insulated pipe fittings.

1.$ Solar P%oto&oltai' Syste(s

In solar photovoltaic #S'/% technology the solar radiation falling on a device called solar cellis converted directly into electricity without any environmental pollution. Spy pumping systems are ideal for lifting water for drin ing and irrigation without harming the environment. These pumps can be installed in boreholes, tan s, cisterns or rivers. )* surface pumps are designed for high flow rates at low heads. )* floating pumps are suitable for wide range of flow and head situations.

1.) A*&antages of Solar Energy

Solar power is low-emission. Solar power is suitable for remote areas. Solar power provides green "obs. Solar panels contain no moving parts and thus produce no noise. .ind turbines, by contrast, require noisy gearbo$es and blades. In the long run, solar power is economical. Solar panels and installation involve high initial e$penses, but this cost is soon offset by savings on energy bills. (ventually, they may even produce a profit on their use. Solar power ta es advantage of net metering, which is the practice of crediting homeowners for electricity they produce and return to the power grid.

To e$tend the concept of Solar '/-Technology on 0Solar Sprayers1 as 0(nergy Alternate )evices1. To *onvert the 02uel -perating System1 as 02ree (nergy -perating System1 for agriculture implementation.



'ower Sprayers are used to discharge pesticides and fertilizers in the liquid form. It is Two Stro e 'etrol (ngine. It needs fuel and -il for its operation. The !echanical parts of the engine operates with this 2uel (nergy. The Two Stro e 'etrol (ngine mounted on a power sprayer is as shown in 2igure #3%. The overall view of the power sprayer e$isting in the mar et with its components and parts are shown in 2igure #4%.

.ig. !.1

.ig. !.2

!.1.1 Te'%ni'al S e'ifi'ations Of Po1er S rayers0

The capacity, running cost and economic analysis of the e$isting model in the mar et are as below 5 *apacity of 2uel Tan 2uel *onsumption for one hour continuous operation 7unning *ost per 8our -perating *ost !aintenance *ost of the (ngine )urability of the (ngine .eight of the (ngine Speed 7ange 'ower output Ta2le !.1 7s.9: to 96 7s.3.;: per minute #appro$% 7s.6::<- #appro$% = to 6 years ;.> g ;::: - >::: rpm :.?4 w 4.6 ltr 3.46 ltr

!.1.2 3aintenan'e An* Care0


To eep the efficiency of the machine, care must be ta en in the following areas. !aintenance of air filter must be strictly observed. Through cleaning is necessary after three hour operation of the engine. *arburetor has been ad"usted correctly, service and maintenance of the carburetor should be adopted strictly as per the Instruction of the company. The spar plug has to remain clean and always free from oil and deposits. 'ipes and *arburetor should always be ept clean. Servicing and repair of the ignition system shall be done by an e$pert only. If the engine is to be put out of service for a longer time, then the corrosion preventive oil should be added.



To overcome the above difficulties in the ($isting models and to reduce the operating cost of the 'ower Sprayer, a modified model has been designed and introduced for effective operation without fossil fuel. In this modified model the two stro e petrol engine is replaced by a single motor. This can be operated by the electrical energy stored in the 34/ battery attached in the @nit. The 34/ battery can be charged by the Solar 'anels. The overall view of the modified model with motor and charging battery is as shown in 2igure A;, =B.

.ig. !.!

!.2.1 S e'ifi'ations Of 3otor


.eight of the motor -perating /oltage -perating current 2low !otor *ost Ta2le !.2

3 g #appro$% 34/ 4.3 A 4.> C'! 7s.;6: D =::

.ig !."

!.2.2 S e'ifi'ations Of +attery


.eight of the battery *ost of the battery -utput power -perating voltage *urrent Ta2le !.!

4 g 7s.6:: D >:: ?>.= watt 34 / 9.4 A

.ig !.#

!.2.! S e'ifi'ations of solar anel0


'anel Size *ost of the 'anel .eight of the 'anel /oltage *urrent 'ower Ta2le !."

3 E 0 $ 31 7s.9:: - 7s.3,:::<3 g 36 volt 6A 96 watt

.ig !.$

!.2." Testing of '%arging ti(e0

Instrument used to measure Sun 7adiation 5 Sun !eter

The Sun 7adiation are measured in 5 m.<*!4 7equired voltage for charging the Fattery 5 34 volt.

!.2.# Ti(e (eas6re(ent0

.hen the Solar radiation is between 4:: to ;:: m.<*!4 5 ; to = hrs. .hen the Solar radiation is between ;:: to =:: m.<*!4 5 4 to ; hrs. .hen the Solar radiation is between =:: to >:: m.<*!4 5 3 hour. 7unning period 5 ; to = hours.



Solar radiation can be converted directly into electricity using semiconductor devices, which are nown as 'hotovoltaic #'/% cells. .hen Sunlight falls upon the Solar cell a part of the light is absorbed and it is converted into (lectrical (nergy by means of (lectron !ovements. This Solar 'anel is connected to 34/ lead acid battery for storing the electrical energy. A 34/ )* motor is connected to the lead acid battery to convert the electrical energy into mechanical energy. Then the pesticide is made to flow through the spray gun at 4.> litres per minute.

.ig ".1



*harging can be done using a solar banal. Fattery can be charged continuously during discharge itself, by attaching the banal on the sprayers. .ithout Fanal on the sprayers, discharge can be done for a minimum period of = to 6 hours. Fy changing the battery, discharge can be continued for further more hours. *harging can be done by separate Solar Fanal attachment. +ote5 )uring 7ainy Season charging can be done by electrical devices.


The Solar cell 'ower *onversion (fficiency can be calculated by using the relation, 'out *onversion efficiency G .here, ' G Incident Solar radiation $ Area of the Solar *ell in G IT $ A The output power #'out % G / $ I It is the power delivered from the ,enerator. -----'in -utput 'ower G ------------------Input 'ower



The cost of the fuel increases day by day. It should be reduced by the modified model which wor s on the principle of solar energy. The operating cost of power sprayer for one hour operation is calculated and its value is compared with the operating cost of solar sprayer. Its seems that there is no need of operating cost but, the initial investment towards the charging unit is a one time investment with a life period of Twenty years which is almost equal to the unit cost of the power sprayer with twist of petrol engine.

O erating syste( 1it% f6el

O erating syste( 1it%o6t f6el 8Solar energy9

Two Stro e 'etrol (ngine with fuel

7otating motor by the mechanical energy derived from the Solar *ell without fuel.

@nit cost of power sprayer with engine 7s. =,::: - 6,:::<-

@nit cost of power sprayer without engine 7s. 3,6:: *ost for !otor =:: *ost of Fattery 9:: Solar 'anel 3,::: Switches H other Service charges ;:: =,::: #appro$%

-perating *ost per hour5 7s.9:<- to 7s.96< (ffective !aintenance should be adopted

+il -perating cost.

!aintenance 2ree.

Ta2le #.1



.ig $.1

.ig $.2


.ig $.!

.ig $."

CHAPTER ) CONC4USION This Technology is most suitable for (nergy Alternate )evice for power sprayers. The farming community is more dynamic and they can accept the proved technology for implementation. !oreover the same technique and technology can also be e$tended for all types of power sprayers.


a. Sootha, ,.). and S.I. ,upta, 3JJ3. Kugal Iishor #(d.%L Solar (nergy *entre. 'roceedings of the .or shop on Technology Transfer. b. 7ao, ,.)., ::::. Solar (nergy, Solar 'hoto-/oltaic5 (lectric 'ower ,eneration, 365 =;==?=. c. 7a"esh, Iumar and -.S. Sastry, 3JJ?. 'roceedings of 4nd .orld *onference on 'hotovoltaic Solar (nergy *onversion held at /ienna, Austria, pp5 >-3:. 'erformance, evaluation and development of Solar 'hotovoltaic Cighting Systems in India. d. Sastry, -.S., 7a"esh Iumar and '.*. 'ant, 3JJJ. 'hotovoltaic Test 2acility at Solar (nergy *entre, Indo-Kapan *o-operation on ScienceHTechnology Seminar 0'hotovoltaic Technology in India H Kapan1, 4 +ew )elhi. e. Sharma, 7.S., 3JJ6. (nvironmental (conomics and )esign *onsideration to commercialize Solar Thermal 'ower ,eneration in !egawatt#!.% 7ange, 'ublished in the transactions of International Symposium on (nergy, (nvironment H (conomics organized by the @niversity of !elbourne, Australia. f. Sharma, 7.S., 3JJ>. Sustainable Solar Thermal 'ower ,eneration #ST',% Technologies in Indian *onte$t, published in the proceedings of International *onference on 7enewable (nergy, organized by American Society of !echanical (ngineer, AS!(, 3-; at San Antanio, @SA. g. 7. Koshua, /. /asu and '. /incent 4:3:, Solar Sprayer - An Agriculture Implement, International Kournal of Sustainable Agriculture 4 #3%5 3>-3J, 4:3: h. Fho"ra" +. Iale, )r. S. /. 'rayagi, !. '. +im ar, Solar (nergy Availability and @tilization in +agpur, !aharashtra, International Kournal of (ngineering and Innovative Technology #IK(IT% /olume 4, Issue 34, Kune 4:3;. i. Tyler ,. 8ic s, 'umps -peration and maintenance #Tata !c,raw 8ill edition, 4::3% ". 7avis Fradford, Solar 7evolution5 The (conomic Transformation of the ,lobal (nergy Industry #!IT 'ress, 4::>% . ,. ). 7ai,+on-*onventional (nergy Sources #Ihanna 'ublishers, 4::J%

l. Su hatme S.'., Solar (nergy #'rinciple of Thermal *ollection and Storage%, Third edition, !c,raw D8ill 'ublication, +ew )elhi, 'age +o. ;9-4?9


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