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Motors & Generators

The Motor Effect

A current carrying conductor is a magnetic field will experience a force. That is the motor effect.

Finding the size of the force

F = BIlSin

F = Force (N) B = Magnetic Field Strength (T) I= Current ( ) ! = !ength of the conductor (M) = ngle #et$een the conductor and %agnetic field

Tor&ue on a coil
The turning effect of a force is called the torque.
= nBIACos

= Tor&ue (N'%) = Nu%#er of turns = Magnetic field strength (T) = Current = rea of the coil = ngle #et$een the %agnetic field lines and the (lane of the coil'

Unless we change the direction of the current pass through the coil when the plan is particular to the magnetic field. The coil

wont experience the same direction of the torque.

S(lit )ings co%%entators

Their purpose in DC motors is to maintain the same direction of the torque and the plane of the coil.

!iner Magnetic Field

= nBIACos

)adical Magnetic Field



Magnetic Flu* (+)

It is the total magnetic field lines over a region.

Magnetic Flu* Intensit, (B)

= BACos

Eg' Find the strength of %agnetic field if the %agnetic flu* of -./ (assing through a s&uared are of 0c%' 10 = B* (3/100)2 10 = 0.0009B B= 11111.1111T

Farada,1s !a$
When there is a relative motion between a conductor and a magnetic field, an electromoti e force !"#$) between the ends of the conductor is ro ortional to the rate of the change of flu! carried b" the conductor#
$%F = n * t

N = number of turns = rate of the change of flu


Self2regulation of a 3C %otor
When a motor is s inning faster the net current through the coil is less. When a load is a lied on a coil, it will slow and the net current will increase. &hat will increase the tor'ue acting on the coil. &his is called the self regulation of a motor.#

Edd, Currents

When a metal ob(ect is moving through a magnetic field, it will generate small loo currents called $dd" currents to o ose the change of magnetic field to o ose the movement according to len) law.

!enz !a$
An induced current flows in a direction to create a magnetic field which will counteract the change in magnetic flu!.

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