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Assignment #2 Social Studies Grade 7 Lesson Plan Ancient Egypt Geography and the Environment

ETEC !"#$ % &arch !' 2"'! (iane )anes &ichael Singh # *+2"*$*

Grade 7 Social Studies Ancient Egypt Geography and the Environment Background : This is an introductory lesson ,or the Ancient Egypt -nit. to help students ,amiliari/e themselves 0ith Egypt. using 0hat they already 1no0 and 0hat they 0ould li1e to investigate2 3t also serves as a 0ay to develop interest and enthusiasm in the topic area moving ,or0ard in the unit2 Audience: !" grade 7 students. sitting in ta4le groups o, 5. 0or1ing in pairs2 Materials: iPads 0ith a 6i#7i connection. e8uipped 0ith the app 9eynote. and a 0e4 4ro0ser Sa,ari or Google Chrome. LC( pro:ector 0ith doc1 connector. S&A;T 4oard or Apple T<. paper and a pencil2 Ob ectives: PL=>s apply critical thin1ing s1ills. classi,ying. in,erring. veri,ying. summari/ing. and dra0ing conclusions to a range o, pro4lems and issues2 compile a 4ody o, in,ormation ,rom a 0ide range o, sources deliver a ,ormal presentation on a selected issue or in8uiry using t0o or more ,orms o, representation assess ho0 physical environments a,,ected ancient civili/ations ?%ritish Colum4ia &inistry o, Education 3ntegrated ;esource Pac1age 2""$@ S6%AT ?Students 0ill 4e a4le to@ identi,y on a 0orld map 0here Egypt is and its geographical ,eatures 0or1 0ith a partner to investigate an area o, interest use the internet and availa4le re,erence tools to ans0er a critical 8uestion 0or1 colla4oratively to put together a multimedia presentation develop pu4lic spea1ing s1ills 4y giving a presentation

!ormat: This lesson 0ill 4e primarily done in the classroom in a ,ace to ,ace ,ormat 0ith the ma:ority o, 0or1 done on the iPad2 All research and creation o, the multimedia presentation 0ill 4e done on the ta4let2 Some notes 0ill 4e ta1en 0ith pencil and paper2 The ,inished product 0ill 4e presented using a S&A;T %oard 0ith Apple T<2 "re#re$uisites: Students should have a 0or1ing 1no0ledge o, the app 9eynote. and ,amiliarity 0ith using iPads2

%esson "lan Outline: Learning Activity Teaching Activity ;esources 7ormat

Students 0ill select one (irect students to 8uestion out o, '" given 0e4site. 8uestions to investigate2 clari,y 0hat 8uestions are as1ing2 Students 0ill ,ill out a 96L chart on the iPad 4ased on chosen 8uestion ;evie0 0hat a 96L chart is2 &odel ho0 to ,ill one out2 &onitor and assist students 0ith 9eynote

httpABB0002civili/ation2 iPad caBcmcBeChi4itionsBcivilB egyptBpd,DengBc#*+"2# c2pd, App 9eynote S&A;T 4oard iPad

Students 0ill share 0ith Encourage participation 9eynote ta4le group ?5 students@ and discussion their 96L chart Students 0ill go 4ac1 into pairs and then read through 4ac1ground in,ormation provided. and ta1e notes on selected 8uestion2 Students 0ill then ,urther research online using at least 2 0e4sites. ta1ing notes =nce students have su,,icient in,ormation. they 0ill create a script ,or the presentation. ,ocusing on ans0ering the 8uestion under investigation Students 0ill create a multimedia presentation highlighting main points o, their 8uestion . including revised 96L chart &onitor student interactions. ensure pairs are supporting each other2

iPad. ,ace to ,ace discussion

httpABB0002civili/ation2 Pencil and paper. iPad caBcmcBeChi4itionsBcivilB egyptBpd,DengBc#*+"2# c2pd,

&onitor student activity. Sa,ari. Google Chrome ans0er 8uestions. ensure students 1eep trac1 o, 0e4sites used Ensure even division o, 9eynote 0or1. su,,icient in,ormation ,or presentation

Pencil and paper. iPad

Pencil and paper. iPad

;evie0 ho0 to create an e,,ective slidesho0 presentation Assist students 0ith 9eynote ho0 to add teCt. photos. change 4ac1grounds. etc2

httpABB4log2gc,learn,ree2 S&A;T 4oard. iPad orgB2"''B"'B2 Bsimple# dos#and#donts#,or# 4etter#po0erpoint# presentationsB 9eynote httpABBimet2csus2eduBimet S&A;T 4oard. Apple $BcanetBclassesBcsusBiDm T<. iPad etB2+5BPP;u4ric#'2pd, 9eynote

Students 0ill present Assess presentations their ,indings through 4ased on ru4ric multimedia presentation

%esson Evaluation &ubric: Please indicate in the ,ollo0ing ta4le i, this lesson plan incorporated the ,ollo0ing elements o, the lesson and to 0hat degree2 '# not at all 2#minimally !#moderately 5#strongly incorporated in the lesson Constructivist Criteria (egree o, application none min mod strong ' Lesson activated prior 1no0ledge Lesson ,ocused on a pro4lem or 8uestion Learners 0ere a4le to access in,ormation and resources to assist in pro4lem solving Euestion presented 0as challenging and engaging Su,,icient 4ac1ground in,ormation 0as provided to help interpret 8uestion Learners 0ere a4le to ma1e decisions and 0ere given choices Learners 0ere provided 0ith opportunities to colla4orate 0ith others Learners 0ere given opportunities to discuss and de,end vie0points Learners 0ere a4le to use multimedia to construct a product Participation 0as encouraged Students 0ere encouraged to use time e,,ectively Support 0as given 0here needed to improve per,ormance Support 0as given to help complete tas1s =pportunities 0ere given to ma1e decisions in colla4oration 0ith others =pportunities 0ere given to re,lect on learning 2 ! 5

&e'lection: This assignment is 4ased on a lesson that 3 have used 0ith my grade seven class2 3 have modi,ied this lesson in several 0ays in order to meet the re8uirements ,or this assignment2 =riginally. 3 had the grade seven students pic1 ,rom various topic areas. not :ust limiting them to geography o, Ancient Egypt2 They 0ere also as1ed to investigate 5 or 8uestions2 This original assignment too1

several 0ee1s to complete2 7or this assignment.due to the suggested length 0hich 0as an hour . 3 decided to ma1e a ,e0 modi,ications2 =ne 0as limiting the topic area to the geography and secondly ans0ering only one o, the suggested 8uestions instead o, several2 As it stands no0. the lesson 0ould still pro4a4ly ta1e more than one hour most li1ely 2#! hours2 The goal o, this lesson is to get a0ay ,rom traditional research pro:ects 0here students ,ill out 0or1sheets2 This activity is a learner lead activity 0here the teacher acts as the ,acilitator. 4y helping to promote 1no0ledge construction2 The learner is actively see1ing the ans0er to the 8uestion that they have chosen2 %ac1ground in,ormation is given 4y the instructor to ensure that the learner ,ully understands the 8uestion at hand and is a4le to complete the tas12 The teacher provides thought provo1ing 8uestions that the learner goes on to eCplore2 %y com4ining previous 1no0ledge 0ith ne0 ,ound 1no0ledge. the learner is then a4le to discover meaning on their o0n2 %y 0or1ing colla4oratively 0ith another learner they are a4le to create a visual representation o, their learning and eventually present their ,indings to the class2 This lesson incorporates the Constructivist 3nstructional &odel ?C3&@ ?&atthe0s. '**5@ and contains elements o, the Predict =4serve ECplain ?P=E@ ?6hite and Gunstone '*+2@ and Conceptual Change &odel ?CC&@ ?Posner et al2 '*+2@2 This lesson incorporates the C3& model in many 0ays2 %y ,illing out the 96L chart at the 4eginning o, the activity . the learner is a4le to access prior 1no0ledge2 The learner is a4le to eCpress 0hat they 1no0. 0hat they 0ant to 1no0. and 0hat they have learned at the conclusion o, the activity2 The guiding 8uestion helps provide the stimuli ,or the students to develop and eCplore their prior ideas

and ma1e changes as they 4ecome more 1no0ledgea4le a4out the topic area2 %y 0or1ing in partners and through discussing their 96L charts in their ta4le groups. learners are a4le to construct and reconstruct their ideas and vie0points2 The 96L chart also ties into the P=E aspects o, the activity. as learners have eCpressed 0hat they thin1 they 1no0 a4out the given topic area2 Through their research the learners 0ill either ,ind in,ormation to support their initial thoughts on the topic or ,ind in,ormation that is inconsistent to their original ideas2 This 0ill encourage learners to search ,or eCplanations and create a ne0 understanding2 Learners 0ill then incorporate these ne0 understandings into their presentations and continue to add and modi,y their 96L chart2 The CC& aspects o, this activity come into play as the learners 0or1 together in pairs to assess 0hat they 1no0 collectively and create a multimedia presentation together2 As they move ,or0ard in their research and 4egin to see1 ne0 understandings. they are a4le to ma1e sense o, the ne0 in,ormation collectively2 %y using visuals and teCt . learners are a4le to ma1e a reasona4le . and ,ruit,ul end product that displays their ne0 learning2

&e'erences %ritish Colum4ia &inistry o, Education 3ntegrated ;esource Pac1age Social Studies 9#7. 2""$ Canet. 7ranco ?2""5@ Grading ;u4ric ,or a Po0er Point Pro:ect2 ;etrieved ,rom httpABBimet2csus2eduBimet$BcanetBclassesBcsusBiDmetB2+5BPP;u4ric#'2pd, GC7Eli/a4eth. ?2"''@ Simple-dos-and-donts-for-better-powerpoint-presentations2 Good0ill Learning Community 3nternational2 ;etrieved ,rom httpABB4log2gc,learn,ree2orgB2"''B"'B2 Bsimple#dos# and#donts#,or#4etter#po0erpoint#presentationsB )onassen. (2 F2 ?'***@2 Designing constructivist learning environments2 3n C&;eigeluth ?Ed2@. 3nstructional design theories and modelsA A ne0 paradigm o, instructional theory ?2nd ed. pp22' #2!*@2 &atthe0s. &2;2 ?'**5@2 Science Teaching2 Ge0 Hor1A;outledge. Chapter 72 Posner. G2). Stri1e. 92A. Fe0son. P2 6 I Gert/og. 62A ?'*+2@2 Accommodation of a scientific

conception:Toward a theory of conceptual change. Science Education2 $$?2@. 2''#227 ;uddell. Gancy ?'**+@ Mysteries of Egypt2 Canadian &useum o, Civili/ation2 ;etrieved ,rom httpABB0002civili/ation2caBcmcBeChi4itionsBcivilBegyptBpd,DengBc#*+"2#c2pd, 6hite. ;2 I Gunstone. ;2 72 ?'**2@2 robing !nderstanding.LondonA The 7almer Press. chapter 2 I !2

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