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Letter A

Word Alpha

Meaning I have a Diver down; keep well clear at slow speed I am taking in, or discharging, or carrying dangerous goods "es or !hange o# !ourse $%ailing &egatta' (eep clear o# me; I am manoeuvering with di##iculty





I am altering my course to star*oard I am disa*led; communicate with me or $,n aircra#t carriers' Flight ,perations underway . I re/uire a pilot ,& 0 When made *y #ishing vessels operating in close pro+imity on the #ishing grounds it means1 2I am hauling nets2 I have a pilot on *oard I am altering my course to port or !oming alongside $4avy' or &ound the )nds %tarting &ule $%ailing &egatta' I am on #ire and have dangerous cargo on *oard1 keep well clear o# me, or I am leaking dangerous cargo I wish to communicate with you "ou should stop your vessel instantly or !ome Within 3ail or Follow Me $%ailing &egatta'









My vessel is stopped and making no way through the water 4oor A*andonment and &e6sail $%ailing &egatta'



Man ,ver*oard In har*or 89:;<:;; All persons should report on *oard as the vessel is a*out to proceed to sea At sea 89:;<:;; It may *e used *y #ishing vessels to mean1 2My nets have come #ast upon an o*struction2 It may also *e used as a sound to mean1 2I re/uire a pilot2 My vessel is healthy and I re/uest #ree prati/ue orBoat recall; all *oats return to ship $4avy' 7reparing to replenish $At sea' &eady duty ship $In port' $4avy' I am operating astern propulsion or !onducting #lag hoist drill $4avy' or %horten !ourse $%ailing &egatta' (eep clear o# me; I am engaged in pair trawling or Do not pass ahead o# me $4avy' "ou are going into danger










I re/uire assistance


Whisky A6&ay

I re/uire medical assistance %top carrying out your intentions and watch #or my signals ,& I am per#orming an e+ercise $the

accompanying #lag designates the type' or Individual &ecall $%ailing &egatta' " "ankee I am dragging my anchor or %hip has visual communications duty $4avy' or Wear Li#e 5ackets $%ailing &egatta' I re/uire a tug or When made *y #ishing vessels operating in close pro+imity on the #ishing grounds it means1 2I am shooting nets2 or 0CD %coring 7enalty $%ailing &egatta'


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