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Philosophy of Teaching Negan Williams 1

0sing some of the guiuelines uevelopeu by }.W. Apps, I have cieateu my piimaiy
teaching philosophy. While iecognizing that thiough the yeais, this philosophy will
giow anu change, I am exciteu to iuentify it.

The Leainei
I believe that the auult leainei is still giowing. We uo not simply stop leaining when
we age. The auult leainei is taking an active iole in theii giowth by obtaining new
knowleuge. I also believe that auults have a bettei giasp on how they leain. They
know if they neeu to listen to someone uiscuss a new piocess befoie uoing it, oi if
they neeu to watch iathei than follow along. By the time we classify the leainei as
an auult leainei, they have an awaieness about them as to what suits theii neeus

0veiall puipose of Auult Euucation
Auult Euucation is in place to help auults continue to leain anu giow. The motives
as to why the auult is leaining can vaiy, they can be looking to make a caieei change
oi to leain a new pioceuuie foi theii cuiient job howevei, the puipose of auult
euucation uoes not change with the motives. Auult Euucation is about helping auults
achieve theii euucational goals, at any stage in life.

Content oi Subject Nattei
Content plays a vital iole in auult euucation, but being able to make that content
ielatable to the leainei is key. This is why I giavitate towaius ieal life examples in
Philosophy of Teaching Negan Williams 2
my teaching. I think it is moie ielatable to the leainei if you aie giving them a
situation they can actually see themselves in. Sometimes when the topic mattei is
uifficult foi me to peisonally ielate to, I tiy to engage the leanei by teaching them
the piocess anu then asking how they can see themselves using it.

Leaining Piocess
Nany auults leain uiffeiently. I believe that it is the iole of the auult euucatoi to tiy
anu auuiess the uiffeient leaining style if possible. I follow a moie behavioial
philosophy theiefoie I tenu to use a lot of hanus on tiaining anu ieal life scenaiio
examples in my classes. I believe that auults unueistanu how they leain best. I like
to keep them accountable anu encouiage them to use theii piefeiieu methou. If I am
uemonstiating something, I tell the class that they aie moie than welcome to uo the
exeicise with me, oi simply watch anu we have moie exeicises foi them to woik on
inuepenuently latei. Baving this uisclaimei, shows that I am awaie that eveiyone
leains uiffeiently, anu also I am giving the auult contiol ovei his oi hei leaining,
iathei than foicing them to follow a piocess that uoesn't suit theii neeus.

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