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Height adjustable horiz push bar (I'll let you think of a solution for the rings)

Std 'fitness' plate horrn (?) is adjustable too...

That's the pretties outta the way... ow the details (there's no !" by the way# uh$%)

&ownload and print at '"

ote the T(joint is designed to pi)ot# if re*d# for storage+tra)el. ,or the tube(in(tube stuff you $ay need to file down the sea$sbut it isn't too big of a job. If you only plan to use this only on solid+well .o$pa.ted soil then you .ould $ake the skis out of SHS+/HS bo0 se.tion ( if you .an't get the plates bent.(they generally ha)e well radiused .orners) 'gain ( non of the abo)e di$s are set in stone- any .o$petent S$ithy should be able to take the drgs and fashion so$ething ser)i.eable up%

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