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Running head: Assignment Week 3

Cross Cultural Communication Matrix Response COM/285

Cross Cultural Communication Response

echnolog! could "e used to #acilitate cross cultural communication$ since the internet and modern technolog! has spread across the nation allo%ing "usiness&s to "e a"le to market and promote their companies to ne% geographic locations and cultures' (i)en no% it is easier to %ork %ith people through electronic de)ices instead o# #ace to #ace$ electronic communicating can

Week 3 "e do%n %ith someone in another countr! as it is to %ork %ith them in the next cit! o)er' *mailing is another great source to use %hen dealing %ith cross cultural communicates "ecause not e)er!one speaks clear per#ect *nglish so "! communicating through emails it can help eliminate the language "arriers' When dealing %ith people in a di##erent culture$ courtes! and

good%ill can go a long %a!s in ensuring success#ul communication' When %e communicate keep in mind that e)en though *nglish is considered the international language o# "usiness$ it is %rong to assume that all "usinesspeople speak good *nglish' +n e##orts to speak cross culturall! keep !our communication clear simple and unam"iguous' Another technical de)ice that can "e used %hile communicating culturall! is the use o# a )ideo con#erence de)ice$ this is a great %a! o# conducting con#erences calls internationall! and in case o# a language "arrier con#lict !ou can al%a!s use a translator %ho can help recogni,e cultural and communication di##erences and ensure that all parties in)ol)ed has a clear understanding o# the in#ormation spoken o#' -i##iculties that can arise #rom using technolog! %ould "e i# the computer net%ork happens to #ail or stop %orking properl! then this %ould create a pro"lem and inter#ere %ith the communicating across the countr! until in#ormation ser)ices could trou"le shoot the pro"lem and get it resol)ed this matte can take hours or da!s to correct'

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Week 3

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