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Math 4 Test Review (4.5 and 4.6) Things to Know: General form of a trig graph is f(x) = A*trigfunction(Bx + C) + D 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

The base period of sine, cosine, secant, and cosecant is 2. To find changes in the base period of the four functions listed above, use 2/b. The base period of tangent and cotangent is . To find changes in the base period of tangent and cotangent, use /b. The value of A represents changes in amplitude. The value of B represents changes in period and phase shift. The value of C contributes to the phase shift. To find phase shift, use the formula C/B. The value of D represents a change in center/equilibrium line.

9. When graphing the sine and cosine waves, start with finding your new center/equilibrium line (y = D). Then, find the new maximums and minimums by adding and subtracting the A value to D. Remember to pay attention to whether A is positive or negative (This will change where the wave starts and ends). Determine your phase shift and place a vertical line there. Add and subtract the period to the phase shift and sketch vertical lines at those points. One period of your graph fits into the one of the boxes you have drawn. 10. To sketch tangent, cotangent, secant and cosecant, you should first graph the reciprocal function. Tangent and secant should start with a cosine graph. Cotangent and cosecant start with a sine graph. Vertical asymptotes go wherever the sine/cosine graphs have zeroes. Remember that sine and cosine do NOT have vertical asymptotes! 11. Damping factors of f(x) = g(x)trigfunction(stuff) are found at g(x) and +g(x). The damped function fits within the two damping factors.

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