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RUNNING HEAD: Nutrition Care Plan: Pediatric 1

Nutrition Care Plan: Pediatric Laura Ewoldt The Universit o! "outhern #ississi$$i

Nutrition Care Plan: Pediatric % Evidence and A&stract 'ualit Ratin( "heet Citation: "us)ind* R+ #+* ,lec)er* U+* Udall -r* -+ N+* von Al.en* T+/+* "chu.acher* H+ D+* Carlisle* L+* 0 "othern* #+ "+ 1%2223+ Recent advances in the treat.ent o! childhood o&esit + Pediatric Diabetes, 1, %4544+ Retrieved 16 Nove.&er %214* !ro. htt$:77ehis+e&scohost+co.+lo(on+l n8+li&+us.+edu7ehost7$d!viewer7$d!viewer 9vid:1;0sid:ce;<<%=!5>a645<ee45=&425>?<!c=dad<!c Study Design: Class: Quality Rating: Research Purpose: Inclusion Criteria: Exclusion Criteria: Descripti on of Study Protocol @<2session.(r11%0hid:> This stud was a clinical outco.e trial+ D No Aualit ratin( was availa&le !or this article+ The $ur$ose o! this stud was to .easure anthro$o.etric* .eta&olic* and &ioche.ical &e!ore and a!ter a clinical intervention on overwei(ht children+ The inclusion criteria were an children that &eca.e enrolled in a wei(ht reduction $ro(ra. at the ChildrenBs Hos$ital o! New Crleans or the General Clinical Research Center at the #edical Center o! Louisiana+ No e8clusion criteria were a$$lied to $artici$ants o! the wei(ht loss $ro(ra.+

The Co..itted to /ids Pediatric Dei(ht #ana(e.ent Pro(ra. was used as an intervention !or this stud + The $ro(ra. was develo$ed & the Louisiana "tate Universit and ChildrenBs Hos$ital o! New Crleans De$art.ent o! Pediatrics and consists o! a one ear (rou$ settin(* individualiEed intervention $ro(ra.+ Each child receives an individualiEed diet and e8ercise $lan alon( with nutrition and !itness education* and &ehavioral .odi!ication instruction that are $rovided & a $ediatrician* re(istered dietitian* e8ercise $h siolo(ist* and a $s cholo(ist+ Each child .eets with the .edical tea. once $er wee)+ Partici$ants were (iven a (oal o! losin( wei(ht to &e 1%2@ o! their ideal &od wei(ht 1I,D3+ The stud used a $rotein s$arin( .odi!ied !ast diet !or each $artici$ant !or the !irst ten wee)s o! the $ro(ra.* and then the were (iven the o$tion o! continuin( that diet or adherin( to a 1%22 calorie diet u$ to 4? wee)s+ Each wee)* the $artici$ants co.$leted e8ercise sessions and were instructed to continue the wor)outs at ho.e+ Data At &aseline* ten wee)s* and ever three .onths a!ter* $artici$ants wei(ht* hei(ht* Collectio s)in!old thic)ness* volu.e o! o8 (en consu.ed at e!!ort* li$id and n &ioche.ical $ro!iles were .easured+ In addition* urine sa.$les were chec)ed Summary wee)l !or )etones+ : Descripti Partici$ants &etween ; and 1; ears o! a(e were divided into three (rou$s &ased on on of their &od wei(ht: severel o&ese F%22@ I,D* .oderatel o&ese* 1>25166@ I,D* Actual or .ildl o&ese* 1%251<6@ I,D+ The stud &e(an with >2 $artici$ants and dro$$ed Data to <2 at the 12 wee) data .easure.ent+ At %? wee)s* %2 $artici$ants re.ained in Sample: the stud * and at 4? wee)s* 12 su&Gects re.ained in the stud + Summary In the initial 12 wee)s o! the stud * the avera(e wei(ht loss in all (rou$s was nine of Results $ounds+ In the !irst (rou$* a!ter 4? wee)s* there was a si(ni!icant decrease in &od !at $ercenta(e 1$H2+2>3 and a si(ni!icant increase in !at !ree &od .ass 1$H2+2>3+ In addition* aero&ic ca$acit si(ni!icantl increased 1PH2+2>3+ Cholesterol 1$H2+22213* tri(l ceride 1$H2+22213* and LDL 1$H2+2>3 levels were si(ni!icantl decreased at ten wee)s+ Iinall * wei(ht was si(ni!icantl decreased at the end o! the $ro(ra. in the !irst two (rou$s 1$H2+22213+ Author The authors concluded that the $ro(ra. used was success!ul in treatin( childhood Conclusio o&esit that was .ild to severe and that the $ro(ra. can &e used with a $rotein n: s$arin( .odi!ied !ast diet !or a short $eriod o! ti.e with $h sician .onitorin(+

Nutrition Care Plan: Pediatric 4 Revie One limitation of this study was that it was a very small sample size. In addition, Comment fewer participants than started the study were used for data analysis; however, the s: study was completed in Louisiana, so the results could be applicable for ississippi, especially since they are related to childhood obesity.

Nutrition Care Plan: Pediatric < Evidence " The Acade. o! Nutrition and Dietetics stated that a reduced calorie diet over 1%22 calories can &e used to treat adolescent overwei(ht+ Additionall * "us)ind et al+* 1%2223 !ound that a wei(ht loss $ro(ra. with a low calorie diet and .ultidisci$linar tea. intervention was &ene!icial in reducin( wei(ht in adolescents+ Ior the current $atient* I reco..ended a 1?22 to 1=22 calorie diet &ased on his se8 and a(e in order to $rovide a low calorie diet intervention &ased on the stated research+ I also reco..ended that he see a $h sical thera$ist to increase his $h sical activit in order to hel$ hi. lose wei(ht+

Nutrition Care Plan: Pediatric > Re!erences Acade. o! Nutrition and Dietetics Evidence Anal sis Li&rar + JIn adolescents* what &alanced .icronutrient dietar interventions are e!!ective in treatin( overwei(ht9K !cademy of "utrition and Dietetics* accessed 16 Nove.&er* %214 !ro. htt$:77andevidenceli&rar +co.7conclusion+c!.9conclusionLstate.entLid:%>2<<4 "us)ind* R+ #+* ,lec)er* U+* Udall -r* -+ N+* von Al.en* T+/+* "chu.acher* H+ D+* Carlisle* L+* 0 "othern* #+ "+ 1%2223+ Recent advances in the treat.ent o! childhood o&esit + Pediatric Diabetes, 1, %4544+ Retrieved 16 Nove.&er %214* !ro. htt$:77ehis+e&scohost+co.+lo(on+l n8+li&+us.+edu7ehost7$d!viewer7$d!viewer9 vid:1;0sid:ce;<<%=!5>a645<ee45=&425>?<!c=dad<!c@<2session.(r11%0hid:>

Nutrition Care Plan: Pediatric

Nutrition Prescri$tion #$he patient%s&client%s individualized recommended dietary inta'e of ener(y and&or selected foods or nutrients based on current reference standards and dietary (uidelines and the patient%s&client%s health condition and nutrition dia(nosis): Reco..ended dietar inta)e: Nutrient needs are 1?2251=22)cal* =25122( $rotein* %<22.L !luidM Patient7clientBs health condition: "ic)le cell disease* o&esit Nutrition dia(nosis:

"ee &elow+
Assess Inter$ret data needed to identi! nutrition related $ro&le.s* their causes* and si(ni!icance Priorit 1 Dia(nosis 1PE" "tate.ent3 LLLLLLRTLLLLLL AE,LLLLLLL C&esit RT sedentar li!est le and lac) o! nutrition )nowled(e AE , F6>th $ercentile o! wei(ht !or a(e and F6>th $ercentile o! ,#I !or a(e+ Intervention Dhat are ou (oin( to do to !i8 the $ro&le.9 Nutrition education: Provide nutrition education on a 1?22251=22)cal diet and i.$ortance o! health eatin( !or $ediatrics+ Reco..end re!erral to $h sical thera$ist !or $h sical activit reco..endations+ !onitorin( Dhat data do ou need to assess our intervention9 Pt7! co.$rehension o! education Dei(ht Ph sical activit Evaluation 'uanti!ia&le (oal1s3 Pt7! will state understandin( o! education and will &e a&le to list three wa s the will i.$le.ent a 1?2251=22)cal diet+ Pt wei(ht will decrease to &e H=>th $ercentile o! $t wei(ht !or a(e and ,#I !or a(e+ Pt will increase $h sical activit to at least ?2 .inutes 48 $er wee)+

Pt is 14 ear old A!rican A.erican #ale+ Su"#ective: Pt has a sedentar li!est le and states that his a$$etite is !air+ $"#ective%Assessment: Dia(nosis #D*): "ic)le cell disease crisis P#H includes sic)le cell disease* avascular necrosis o! &one o! hi$* and asth.a+ .edical histor includes: Iather: HTN #other: HTN Grand$arent: HTN* D# t $e %* con(enital heart disease Anthro$o.etrics Dt: %%2l& Ht: ?<in F6>th $ercentile wei(ht !or a(e* classi!ied as o&ese

Nutrition Care Plan: Pediatric F6>th $ercentile ,#I !or a(e* classi!ied as o&ese 1,#I: 4=3 I,D: 142l&7>6)( @I,D: 16?@ I,D A,D: 1>4l&7?6)( ,ioche.ical Glu: 111 R,C: <+1%L HG,: 6+>L HCT: %6+%L All other $ertinent la&s DNL+ Clinical Physical: Pt is o&ese &ut does not a$$ear to &e e8$eriencin( ede.a+ +ocial: Pt does not s.o)e or drin) alcohol+ He is cared !or at his &edside & his .other who see.s uninterested in . visit+ edication: Iolic acid Acetea.ino$hen5h drocodone Al&uterol I&u$ro!en a.o8icillin Dietar Pt is on a re(ular diet+ Ph sician ordered nutritional education on health eatin( !or $ediatrics as well as hi(h iron diet+ "utrient "eeds:

Nutrition Care Plan: Pediatric 1?2251=22)cal 1&ased on )cal !or a(e7se83 122( $ro 11(7)(7da 3 %+<L !lu 1&ased on L !or a(e7se83

Nutrition Care Plan: Pediatric

Nutrition Care Plan: Pediatric


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