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My Physical Fitness Plan

NAME: _Christopher Mayes____ SMART Goals

Area of Fitness Fitness Test Activity that will be used to measure Activities that will be Goal used to improve this (score you hope to area of fitness achieve on the next (choose 2-3 different round of fitness activities) testing) running 60 laps

3 Week Period: ____________________


12 min run BEEP Test Upper body Mid saection


Abb workouts Upper body workouts

35 pushups 75 situps

Fitness Plan Week 1 Feb 15-Feb 21 (You should plan for at least 30, but
preferably 60, minutes of physical activity each day; this is the daily physical activity part of the fitness plan)


Area of Fitness

Activity /Exercise

Length or Amount

Activity Goal

End Goal

Did you complete? Result? No No No no No no No

Sat Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri

Cardio strength strength break cardio strength strength

Reflection Week 1

1. What parts of your Fitness Plan worked well? Explain. I stretch as part of my morning routine, which is a habit now, so this worked well. I did do some walking and have been doing some off & on as a regular activity.

2. What parts of your Fitness Plan did not go the way you thought? Explain. I was sick for all of this week, so I did not do any XC skiing. The temperature was also cold most of this week. Also, I have not XC skied for many years, so it will take some time to make this a regular habit.

3. Briefly explain how you will adjust your Fitness Plan for the next week?
Depending upon how I feel and depending upon the temperature outside , I may or may not XC ski. Instead I will walk, curl, or skip instead of XC skiing.

Fitness Plan Week 2 Feb 22-Feb 28 (You should plan for at least 30, but
preferably 60, minutes of physical activity each day; this is the daily physical activity part of the fitness plan)


Area of Fitness

Activity /Exercise

Length or Amount

Activity Goal

End Goal

Did you complete? Result? No no

Sat Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri nothing

No no No no No

Reflection Week 2 1. What parts of your Fitness Plan worked well? Explain. Morning Stretch and Curling at bonspiel worked well, b/c former is a habit and second was social.

2. What parts of your Fitness Plan did not go the way you thought? Explain. Fri Feb 28 was a cold weather day, so we did not have our PE day. I didnt have a skipping rope at home

3. Briefly explain how you will adjust your Fitness Plan for the next week? Take skipping rope home.

Fitness Plan Week 3 March 1 March 7 (You should plan for at least 30, but
preferably 60, minutes of physical activity each day; this is the daily physical activity part of the fitness plan)


Area of Fitness

Activity /Exercise

Length or Amount

Activity Goal

End Goal

Did you complete? Result?

No No no no No N0 no

Sat Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri

Reflection Week 3 1. What parts of your Fitness Plan worked well? Explain.

2. What parts of your Fitness Plan did not go the way you thought? Explain.

3. Briefly explain how you will adjust your Fitness Plan for the next week?

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