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Indentification: I have a friend her name Fhirny. She was my best friend when in elementary school.

Fhirny good student, good and friendly. other than that she was also good at drawing. each following the drawing competition he always gets the champion. Fhirny kendari born on 3 March 2001. She is now 13 years old. Fhirny attended SMPN1 kendari and he is still a class 1 junior. Fhirny has a brother - the man who named Fathur. Fhirny Torada stay on the road.

Description: Fhirny has blonde hair and long. His eyes were brown. Her face was beautiful. Hidungya sharp and a little brown skin. Fhirny has a height of about 138 cm. he likes the color white and blue. Fhirny hobbies swimming and drawing.

saya mempunyai seorang teman namanya Fhirny. Dia adalah teman baik ku ketika di SD. Fhirny murid yang pintar, baik dan ramah. selain itu dia juga pintar menggambar. setiap mengikuti lomba menggambar dia selalu mendapat juara. Fhirny lahir di kendari pada tanggal 3 maret 2001. dia sekarang berusia 13 tahun. Fhirny bersekolah di SMPN 1 kendari dan dia sekarang masih kelas 1 SMP. Fhirny mempunyai seorang kakak laki - laki yang bernama Fathur. fhirny tinggal di jalan Torada Fhirny mempunyai rambut pirang dan panjang. Matanya berwarna coklat. Wajahnya cantik. Hidungya mancung dan kulitnya agak coklat. Fhirny memiliki tinggi sekitar 138 cm. dia suka pada warna putih dan biru. Fhirny mempunyai hobi berenang dan menggambar.

How to Make Gulai Tempe

Material: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tempe Lemong Ras Coconout Milk Lime Leaves Tamarind.

Seasoning: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Red pepper Onion Garlic Kemir Pepper Ginger Turmeric Salt Sugar to taste.

How to Make: 1. 2. 3. 4. Puree marinade All materials incorporated into the skillet and cook until boiling Reduce heat and continue cooking until the sauce thickens fully mature and Lift and serve

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