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Indonesia populations reached 237 million people, not all covered by health insurance.

Details of coverage on multiple coverages scheme 2011, stating that JAMKESMAS covers 76.4 million people (32.27%), JAMSOSTEK covers 5.56816 million people (2.36%), civil servants and military Police ASKES 17,205,516 people (7.29% ), insurance by company 15,351,532 (6.51%), and other private insurance 5,844,789 (2.48%), JAMKESDA 32,983,318 (13.98%), not having insurance 87,055,320 (36.88 %). From the above data it can be seen that in 2011 the number of people who do not have health insurance that is equal to 36.88%.(KEMENKES RI, 2012). Act No. 40 of 2004 on Social Security , mandates that SJSN starting from 1st January 2014. As a government -owned hospitals , Surakarta District Hospitals should immediately prepare to face JKN 2014. For it is made research about the analysis of strategies hospitals face Surakarta JKN 2014. Analysis using swot analysis both qualitative and quantitative to know the actual position of the hospital itself. The results of the analysis puts hospital on qudran III, which means that hospitals are at the positive or negative and must make strategic changes . Changes made to pursue a great opportunity , because the hospital is still hampered by internal problems . Thus, in the analysis of 17 strategies that appeared the least you can do to immediately prepare for JKN 2014. The main priority is to complete the requirements kredentialing and rekredentialing of BPJS . Keywords : swot analysis , hospital strategy , Social Security , JKN , BPJS

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