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Topic = CAHSEE Test Skills and REVIEW

CAHSEE Test REVIEW Whats on the Test?

Commonly Asked Questions Test-Taking Strategies

English Language Arts Review

More Test-Taking Strategies Words of Wisdom and Closing Thoughts

The CAHSEE - ELA Whats on the test?

What will I be tested on?

Topic = CAHSEE
Whats on the test? What will I be tested on?
Word Analysis - Vocabulary (7 Questions) Reading Comprehension Informational text (18 Questions) Literary Response and Analysis stories, drama, and poetry with figurative language (20 Questions) Writing Strategies correct errors within rough draft passages (12 Questions) Written English Language Conventions - grammar (15 Questions) **THIS COMES TO A TOTAL OF MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS AND ONE ESSAY QUESTION Essay selections can fall under these categories: *Response to literature * Expository
*Business letter *Biographical * Persuasive **A combination of Expository/Persuasive


More commonly asked questions regarding the CAHSEE.

How well are we expected to do on the test?

You need a score of at least 350 to pass and a score of 380 to be considered proficient. If you have been learning English for the past 7 years or longer, it is expected that you should be able to demonstrate proficiency in English and reach a score of 380 or better! The perfect score is 450 soGo for it!!

Why do we spend so much time reading and reviewing the directions?

If you do not understand how to take the test, YOU could make a major mistake that could negatively affect your score. *Ask for clarification if you dont understand the directions. If you read and follow the directions carefully for each question, your score will be higher than if you do not read the directions. **This is a test-taking strategy!

Why do we spend so much time reviewing the directions?

Can my test score be lowered if I do not

o YES! Make sure you are bubbling in the answer completely, and not outside the lines. o Use a dark, #2 pencil. o *Keep track of answers you skip . Make sure your questions and answers match up on the answer sheet. o Stop after a few questions (5,10, 15, so on) and check to make sure your test booklet and answer sheet match up. o Also make sure on the essay you write neatly and you proof-read what you write!!!

More commonly asked questions:

bubble in my answer the right way?

Word Analysis
Determine another word choice for the underlined word in the sentence.

*Try to answer the question first, without looking at the choices. *Look at the choices, chances are the right answer will be obvious. *Pay attention to key words in the sentence that will give clues (context clues) as to what the underlined word means. **Pay attention to whether the word they are looking for has a (+) charge or a (-) charge. This is another context clue in selecting the correct word choice.

Word Analysis Sentence Completion

The Civil War documentary did a good job of showing the ___________ of the battlefield. a) stellar b) aqueduct c) carnage d) recapitulate e) asteroid

This is the literal, informational reading questions on the CAHSEE. These passages would include text like, but not limited to: News article Nonfiction, historical documents Advertisement A brochure/catalogue describing informative material on a place of business, product or service A warranty for a product Employee job application/manual

Reading Comprehension

Reading Comprehension
Some of these features are found in informational instructional/nonfiction documents: Headings Numbers Bullets Graphics diagrams, pictures

Special Type Treatment: boldface, italic, underlined or other types of fonts/graphics used to designate a separate part of the text.

Response to Literature
Elements of Literature Types of GENRES in Writing:
Nonfiction An actual or real account of events such as: memoirs, biographies, essays, narrative nonfiction.

Fiction Man-created works such as: Drama, short stories (narratives), novels.
Science Fiction Some element of science is involved usually involves the supernatural, future and/or fantasy. Poetry This includes epics, odes and sonnets but can also be free verse, blank verse or have a rhyme scheme

TEST TIP: *Pay close attention to what type of genre you are reading. This can help provide an authors meaning and message and help you answer the questions about the passage effectively.

Response to Literature
Elements of Literature in story-telling:

A. Exposition: Introduces characters and setting

B.Introduction of conflict: The major problem/conflict of the story is introduced. Man vs. Man Man vs. Self Man vs. Society Man vs. Nature Man vs. Technology
(Rising Action: Builds the conflict and helps develop characters)

C.Climax: Highest or most exciting point in the action

(Falling Action: After the climax, plot slows and moves towards resolution) D. Resolution: The conclusion to the story in which the major conflicts are solved.

Response to Literature
Literary Devices Authors Use:
Voice 1st person I
3rd person perspective (Omniscient Narrator)

Tone and Mood the way the story teller sounds and the way it makes you feel Sequence of events how the plot unfolds. Flashback flashing back to another time. Foreshadowing hints of events to come Dialogue interactions with characters (or self) Sensory details/imagery creating a visual. Irony an unexpected occurrence. Symbolism a representation of
something other than itself.

Allusion alluding to something


Figurative language creative methods of using Allegory a story with a hidden language.

Theme the message, and/or moral to the story.


Test Taking Strategy for Response to Literature: For CAHSEE Prep - Analyze each answer option to discern why you chose your answer! Sample Question: From the poem Early Spring which line from the poem looks MOST to the future? A Signs of growth. Signs of rebirth. (could be the future) B just below me, young seedlings start (talks about birth not the future) C Not to be seen until spring. (will be in the future) D For this generation and many more to come.

*Confirm/ Discern Method

(D is the answer! This one best explains the future!)

Figurative Language!
In order to fully understand literature, you need to be able to identify figurative language and literary devices within the text! Once you can identify it, you will be more likely to interpret the authors meanings and messages throughout the story, play or poem! This is what you will be tested on the CAHSEE! So the more you know The better you will do in selecting the correct answer choice!

What is the PURPOSE for writing? To communicate an idea To express emotions To entertain To explain/describe

To persuade (convince)
To inform to educate To respond to literature Any others??

A more creative, non-literal meaning in the use of language.

Figure of speech
Connotative meaning

Figurative Language:
(other terms used)

Using figurative language in a phrase or saying A secondary, emotional meaning of a word that is implied (The denotative meaning is the dictionary, more literal meaning of a word). Comparing two unlike things Comparing two unlike things using like or as

The early bird catches the worm A penny saved is a penny earned
The place was not a house, it was a home. The connotation is that a Home represents a loving place, whereas a house can just be any ordinary dwelling with no emotional connection.

Secondary more meaningful word choice

Metaphor Simile

You are the apple of my eye The car is a refrigerator

Your smile is as bright as the sun

Im so hungry I could eat a horse! If he doesnt call me Im going to die! The book spoke to me. The stars were dancing at night
Verbal, situational and dramatic


an exaggeration; ex: she was as tall as a skyscraper

gives life to non-living things



a discrepancy between expected & unexpected occurrences Words or phrases that sound moronic or idiotic

The firefighter who does not have smoke alarms installed in his house. Icy Hot Pretty Ugly - Civil War Living Dead Biggie Smalls - Expensive Money


Words that sound like what they mean

Sensory details

This is often used to help create imagery! SNAP CRACKLE POP BAM POWKAZAM -


Rough Draft: (CAHSEE RTQ copyright 2008)

Writing Strategies: a sample question

My Brain

Sometimes I think I am probably more right-brained, but other times I feel more left-brained. I love to play music and I specially like to make it up as I go along. For anybody else to hear my music, they might think it sounds like noise. My brother for one, always complains about it. I also like write poetry. It is a way for me to put down on paper how I am really feeling. I write things in my poetry I would probably never tell anyone else. I am also pretty good at giving prepared speeches in my English class. Because I really like to do these things, I feel that I must be rightbrained.

But there are other times I am not so sure about it. For example, I am really pretty good at math and other things that require me to be logical. I also think I am pretty good at writing essays about technical things, like explaining how things work. And I am good at remembering things too.
Though I guess I prefer right-brained activities and can do them more easily, I can do left-brained things pretty well if I have to. I like doing math problems. So Im not sure what that makes me! Question: Which of the following sentences does NOT fit well in the paragraph in which it is found? A I love to play music and I especially like to make it up as I go along. (first paragraph) B I also like to write poetry. (second paragraph) C I like doing math problems. (fourth paragraph) D For example, I am really pretty good at math and other things that require me to be logical. (third paragraph)

Step 1: look at you 4 answer choices. Go back through the text and ask yourself if each sentence works in the paragraph it was found. Step 2: look at answer C I like doing math problems. Why does that not fit? Look at which paragraph it is found? The fourth paragraph is the conclusion. The conclusion needs to restate the point of the essay, and so if the writer makes a statement about math, the writer must also state the part about being creative and using right-brained talents like writing or music. For that reason alone, answer C does not fit well in the paragraph it is found.

Grammar Writing Conventions

Active vs. Passive Voice The active voice is a sentence that has the SUBJECT first then the action. For Example:
Sally rode her bike down the street. The Artist painted the picture.

The passive voice is when the subject is named after the action!
For Example:

Down the street rode Sally on her bike. The picture was painted by the artist.

Grammar Writing Conventions

Parallel Structure
Verb-tense agreement Punctuation
Sentence construction

Example: The colon (:) is used to add information including listing (She is a great dancer: she practices ballet, salsa and hip-hop.)
Combining sentences

Example: The semi-colon (;) is used to connect clauses (She is beautiful; her eyes shine like diamonds.) *It can also be used to connect clauses
together with special linking words such as however, moreover, therefore.

Grammar Writing Conventions

Sample Question: Choose the answer that is the most effective substitute for each underlined part of the sentence. If no substitution is necessary, choose Leave as is.

I expect you to finish the work by three, however, if it takes longer, call me.

(A) three however, if it takes longer, call me. (B) three: however, if it takes longer, call me. (C) three; however, if it takes longer, call me. (D) Leave as is. The answer:

(C) three; however, if it takes longer, call me.

The essay portion accounts for between 20-30% of your overall English Language Arts Score. You MUST put a response on the paper in order to receive a passing score. Remember the various techniques your teachers have taught you and try to put them into practice. Start with brainstorming and a Thinking map. The better you plan out your ideas, the better your writing will be! The actual writing prompt itself is very helpful in writing a successful response to the question. The actual question in the prompt is literally the last few sentences of the prompt. Make sure you use the words they ask as a part of your answer! Have a strong thesis and stay organized and you will do fine!

Read the description of the task carefully. Map, cluster, or outline the main points you want to make before you begin your essay. Use specific details and examples to fully support your ideas. Make it interesting!!! Organize your writing with a strong introduction (thesis), body, and conclusion. Choose specific words that are appropriate for your audience and purpose.

Checklist for Writing

Check for mistakes in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence construction. Also make sure it is easy to

Develop a strong THESIS. Your thesis is what your position is, it is what you will be supporting throughout your essay. A thesis statement is usually at the end of the first paragraph, that controls the entire essay. In other words, the thesis statement is the point you are trying to prove in your essay. Example thesis statement: Most students dislike writing essays because they would rather be doing exciting science experiments, reading poetry, or playing sports.

Checklist for Writing

Checklist for Writing

Remember that good writing: Is good thinking first To think well, one must plan out and carefully think through the task. Good writing is interesting and full of details and examples. If it is boring for you to write, just imagine how the reader would feel? Use academic language. Show them what you know with your language and vocabulary!


Some parts of the test are easy, some questions are so-so and some are hard! As you move along in reading and answering questions, if you spend too much time on one question leave it and come back to it later. You want to keep a steady pace so as to keep positive and motivated. 2. You should read the passages carefully and thoroughly. Do not rush, take your time. The test is untimed so there is no need to go fast. This way, when you do come to selecting the best answer, you are confident the choice you made is correct. Studies show that going with your first answer is usually the best choice so dont allow yourself to be wishy-washy on answers!

How to take the test; test taking strategies -


When you read the questions first you prepare your mind for reading the selection. Study TITLES, pictures, or any graphic symbols (i.e., bold print headers, footers Get an idea of what the passage will be about. Pay attention to any vocabulary words they give. Write them on your scratch paper. You may mark-up the test booklet! Make sure you understand what each question is asking you.

Tip #1-Read the question first!

Test Tip # 2 Read the passage carefully!

Pay close attention to the TITLE the title may also be
the theme or main idea

Read the selection carefully, reading it twice is using best practices.

Use your test booklet to write down any important words. Use your test booklet (in the margins or wherever there is room - to take notes and annotate important ideas.

Tip #3-Mark up the test if you need to!

Test Tricks: BEWARE!!

Some Questions are meant to trick you! Think very carefully on questions with never and always. Many questions have the word not, for example, which of the above is not an example Be sure not to miss the word not. Also on the grammar, they may ask you to correct what is underlined so dont focus on the other parts of the sentence.

Test Tricks: BEWARE!!

On the reading passages: They may ask a question using a quote from the passage. Remember the correct answer must be related to the specific question asked. The trick they use is that some of the other answer choices are related to the passagenot the question they are specifically asking!!!!

What if there is a question we havent covered in class?

What if there is a question we havent covered in class?

That is expected. The CAHSEE is designed to test state standards and there is a lot to remember. It is always possible that you may see a question that is unfamiliar to you, just do your best! Just stay focused and positive and have confidence on what you do know.
ALSO there may be approximately 7 random questions on the test that are NOT counted so just do your best. ( The actual test may have 79 multiple choice questions of which only 72 are counted.) One of the reasons for these random/extra questions is for the test creators to evaluate the rigor and validity to some questions. These questions may be there for other reasons, but just know that if a question is incredibly difficult or not well written, it may very well not count! This is why you should not spend too much time on any one question!!!!

Getting Stuck:
What should I do if I get stuck on a question? Should I work at it for a while, or should I skip it?

Remember, when you get stuck, skip it and come back to the question later. When finishing the exam, go back and double check that you have answered every question on your answer document. If you really dont know the answer to a question, make an educated guess! Remember the test is untimed; you have as much time as you need to complete the test. Remember this is your test and your score so do your best!

Look for Clues!

Check the text and question for clues to the meaning. Look for relationships between words in definition questions. Break down large words to figure out their meaning. Use the reading strategies you learned in class.

Answer the Questions!

Eliminate any obviously wrong answers. Choose the best answer from the remaining choices. Bubble in the answer on your answer sheet; make sure you bubble in the correct space.

If you can eliminate wrong answers or if you dont have a clue...Guess!

If you can eliminate two obviously wrong answers you have a 50-50 chance of guessing the right onedo you feel lucky?

Remember, this test is used to measure what you do know, so show them what youve got and prove to them you are worthy of earning a high school diploma.

What about test anxiety?

Test anxiety!
Get a good night sleep and eat a good breakfast. It is normal to be nervous. Just slow down and relax. Think of something peaceful. Remember you are not alone. Remember: No one, that we know of, has ever died from taking the CAHSEE. Take the tests one day at a time. Concentrate on one part at a time and stay positive and focused.

Fight Test Anxiety!

If you have a positive attitude going into the test, chances are you will do better. Having a positive attitude will only make you feel better, it cant make you do worse. Just imagine that all your hard work will pay off! YOU WILL PASS; YOU DESERVE IT!!!!

What can I do to be physically ready?

What can I do to be physically ready?

Sleep! You need to be rested and ready for the challenge of the new day. This does not mean sleep in and get to school late, it means go to bed earlier. Eat a good breakfast (not one full of empty calories). Stay away from soda, candy and too much caffeine. They will make you too hyper to take the test.


Pay attention in class Carefully work through the CAHSEE booklets your teachers have been going over with you. Take a practice test using the Released Items and become familiar with the format of the CAHSEE.

CAHSEE OVERVIEW: and Reminders!

The CAHSEE is untimed, so relax and enjoy! Take a deep breath, go back, and do your best. The results affect your future, your school and your community.

Double check and re-check your work! Feel confident, but dont be overly confident! I know many of you have heard the test is easy But remember the story of the Tortoise and the Hare
Dont be too sure of anything Just do your best and wait until after you receive your score to say How easy or hard it was

Other Strategies Closing Thoughts

Coachella Valley High Schools Goal for You is to Achieve Proficiency on the CAHSEE the 1st Time You Take It !
All 10th graders will take the CAHSEE on March 18th (ELA) and March 19th (Math). If we begin preparing for it now, you are sure to succeed.

Do Your Best!
If you want: To have the option to choose an elective like music, theater, or dance, To have more equipment in the school, To have teachers that are happy (or at least less grumpy), To graduate with a high school diploma, To have more fun days and school trips, Then you need to . . .

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