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APES- Carbon Cycle and the Greenhouse Effect Go to:

html Influential Greenhouse Gases: For each of the following, list WHAT they are, WHERE they are found and HOW they affect climate Carbon Dioxide (CO2): What- a colorless, odorless gas consisting of molecules made up of two oxygen atoms and one carbon atom. Where- Carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere by carbon dioxide "sinks", such as absorption by seawater and photosynthesis. How- one of the gasses that cause global warming and it also makes the ocean more acidic. Methane (CH4): What- a colorless, odorless non-toxic gas consisting of molecules made up of four hydrogen atoms and one carbon atom. Where- naturally occurring in organic compounds on earth. How- Methane traps heat in the atmosphere making the plant hotter. Nitrous Oxide (N2O): What- a colorless, non-flammable gas with a sweetish odor, commonly known as "laughing gas", and sometimes used as an anesthetic. Where- naturally produced in the oceans and in rainforest, man-made sources of nitrous oxide include the use of fertilizers in agriculture, nylon and nitric acid production, cars with catalytic converters and the burning of organic matter. How- Ground-level Ozone (Smog), Acid Rain, Water Quality Deterioration, Particles, Global Warming, Toxic Chemicals, and Visibility Impairment. Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6): What- is an extremely potent greenhouse gas SF6 is very persistent, with an atmospheric lifetime of more than a thousand years. Where- It is used as electrical insulator, etchant in the semiconductor industry but also as tracer in experimental set-ups and for medical diagnostic purposes. HOW- sulfur hexafluoride has no toxic effect on aquatic or terrestrial organisms.

Draw a diagram and label to EXPLAIN the greenhouse effect:

Explain how the Carbon Cycle is involved in global climate change: It is an essential component of the climate system because of the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere which is the primary driver of current global warming. It is basically controlled by the flow of carbon between it and the ocean and biosphere. What are Carbon SOURCES and SINKS? Carbon Sources - A carbon source is any activity that emits Carbon Dioxide. Sources can be stationary
emitters such as power plants or refineries. EX: Factories and power plants

Carbon Sinks - a forest, ocean, or other natural environment viewed in terms of its ability to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. EX: the ocean which is absorbing more than half of the worlds carbon dioxide and is becoming more acidic How does deforestation increase the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere? Explain. Tress absorb Carbon dioxide they need it to survive it like water and sunlight you need those things to have a healthy growing tree and what trees and all plants do they absorb carbon dioxide and put back oxygen which we need to breath to survive. Deforestation cuts down a lot of trees and with more tress getting cut down that means less of our carbon dioxide being absorbed by them and less oxygen we are getting back to us How do the oceans absorb excess CO2 from the atmosphere and how does this affect the oceans? Because the ocean is cold and needs to equilibrium so the ocean takes in a lot of carbon dioxide which makes the ocean more acidic and when it gets acidic it gets warmer and starts to take in less and less carbon dioxide until it cant no more. With the ocean warmer and acidic it starts to break down sea shells and crab/lobster shells making them decompose and become smaller and smaller which makes their size smaller and it becomes harder for them to defend against predators

Explain how the industrial revolution has increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. That was when the burning of fossil fuels starts and the releasing of carbon begins and the start of global warming According to the graph, which country is the biggest contributor to global carbon emissions worldwide? The United States but china is a close second

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