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1 0NF Biive, }acksonville, FL S2224

/"#0,+-#12 34 53+1. 673+#8% - }acksonville, FL Expecteu uiauuation 2u1S
! Begiee: Bacheloi of Science in Bealth
! Concentiation: Community Bealth, Ninoi: Psychology anu Bealth Euucation
! Bean's List

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Bianueu oui office by ueveloping an official name, website anu logo.
Bevelops maiketing mateiial by cieating high quality euucational viueos, web piesence anu cieating a stiong
bonu with oui clients while on a stiict buuget.
Nanages all expenses foi the office, investments, payioll, inventoiy anu accounting.
Bevelops anu manageu a human iesouice system to builu a stiongei team anu business enviionment.
Stays cuiient in healthcaie anu manages the clinic anu business uepaitments.

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Buugeteu uaily expenses by cieating connections with othei uistiibuteis that offei high quality mateiials at a
bettei piice. Reuuceu the clinical monthly expenses by Su%. The clinical expenses totaleu $1uk pei month;
Bowevei, I ieuuceu this by $Sk by analyzing piouuct usage anu ieseaiching competing uistiibuteis.
Implementeu new systems to ieuuce the woikloau of oui uental team.
Coiiecteu all clinical chaits anu iepoits foi each patient befoie senuing oui finuings to geneial uentists. All
coiiections weie given to the uental team so they coulu gain bettei peispective on ueveloping theii skills anu
ieuuce chaiting eiiois.
Assisteu the 0ffice Nanagei in business management uuties anu supeiviseu the clinical uepaitment.

1%,2 '%+),- 344#4),+) IJKI
Seiveu as a team leauei to a gioup of uental assistants. Ny iesponsibility was to make suie that all jobs weie
being peifoimeu efficiently anu effectively so that the uentist was comfoitable.
Naintain the clinical uepaitment foi uaily, weekly anu monthly seivice anu iepaiis.
Contiolleu inventoiy to ensuie that oui office was equippeu with the iight tools to succeeu eveiyuay.
Woikeu in close liaison with the uentist to ensuie quality woik with clinical chaiting anu tieatment iepoits.

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Peifoimeu uuties anu ueliveieu excellent seivices in assisting the uentist anu team leaueis.
Naintaineu high stanuaius of infection contiol.
Chaiteu clinical notes anu ielayeu coiiect infoimation iegaiuing patient tieatment plans to the business team
to ensuie that the billing piocess woulu be completeu effoitlessly anu eiioi fiee.

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Tianslate 0iuu to English
Ameiican Association of Bental 0ffice Nanageis 2u1S- Piesent
S.N.I.L.E. Stuuy Club of Noitheast Floiiua 2u1S- Piesent
Caiuiopulmonaiy Resuscitation (CPR) anu 0SBA Safety Tiaining 2u1S
Floiiua National Bental Convention 8 CBE Cieuits
The 0niveisity of Texas Bealth Science Centei at San Antonio 12 CBE Cieuits
English anu 0iuu

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