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EQ: - How did the development of the Empires in America relate and how did they develop differently?

Monday April 21st, 2014

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was nice? What was bad?

Course Indians Charts 20 minutes Notes - Natives

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Crash Course: AMERICA: Stop @





Why do historians generalize? Why is this bad? What dominated the lives of most American Tribes? What was religion like in Americans? How was the role of women different in America? How did Europeans view Americans? Both beauty and savagery?

Complex Societies in the West

Regional Differences

North American cultures less complex than other American cultures

People rely on both sea and land resources for food Plentiful resources lead to society with differences in wealth Hohokam of central Arizona use irrigation to grow corn, beans, squash Use of pottery shows contact with Mesoamerica Anasazi, to the north, build pueblos villages of stone, adobe, clay

Cultures of Abundance

Accomplished Builders

Mound Builders and Other Woodland Cultures

The Mound Builders

Peoples who live east of Mississippi River in woodland areas Adena and Hopewell peoples build mounds for burials, ceremonies

Northeastern Tribes Build Alliances

Iroquoisfive allied tribes of eastern Great Lakes Goals of Iroquois League: joint defense and cooperation

Cultural Connections

Trading Networks Tie Tribes Together

Mississippian trade network: Rockies to Atlantic, Great Lakes to Gulf

Religion Shapes Views of Life

Most Native Americans believe in many sacred spirits Beliefs also include respect for land as source of life

Shared Social Patterns

Family is basis for social organization; some organize into clans Totemsnatural object that person, family, or clan identifies with; Totem

Essential Question




Thursday May 2nd, 2013

Grab the 1/3 sheet! CHARTS!


them up



Mayans, Aztecs, Incas

Breakin it Down

Essential Question - How were the Mayans, Incas and Aztecs similar and dissimilar? Why it matters now The civilizations discussed in this chapter have long withstanding roots in the Americas.

Chapter 16 Section 2

Mayan Create City-States

The Land of the Maya

Maya live in southern Mexico and northern Central America Mesoamerica Maya culture influenced by Olmec civilization
In Classic Period (250 to 900) Maya build spectacular cities Cities, like Tikal, have pyramids, temples, palaces, stone carvings

Urban Centers

Agriculture and Trade Support Cities

Cities linked by alliances, trade

Me at Chichen Itza!

Religion Shapes Maya Life

The Importance of Religion

Maya believe in many gods, who could be good, evil, or both Each day is a god whose behavior could be predicted with calendars

Religious Practices

Many ways of worshiping: prayer, offerings, giving blood Maya also make human sacrifices to please gods and balance world
Religion leads to advances in calendar, math, astronomy

Math and Religion

The End of the Maya

In late 800s, Maya abandon cities; cause for abandonment unknown Signs of social problems:

700s, fighting among many Maya city-states Population growth, over-farming might have hurt environment By 1500s, Maya live in small, weak city-states

Chapter 16 Section 3

Mountain basin 7,500 feet above sea level, large lakes, fertile soil Teotihuacn and Toltec settle in valley, develop civilizations

An Early City-State
Teotihuacn city-state rises in first century A.D. At peak, in 500s, city has up to 200,000 people Serves as center of trade, especially of obsidian volcanic glass City quickly declines; by 750 is abandoned

The Aztec Empire

Arrival of the Aztecs

Aztecs (or Mexica) arrive around 1200, begin working as soldiers By own legend, a god leads them to found city of Tenochtitln Triple Alliance1428 agreement of Aztec and two other city-states By early 1500s, Aztecs have large empire and rule 515 million people Causeways connect island city to mainland areas Canals enable people to carry goods to city and its huge main market

Aztecs Grow Stronger

Extraordinary Urban Center

Nobles Rule Aztec Society

Noble classmilitary leaders, officials, priests rules Aztec society Nobles own vast estates, live life of wealth and luxury Commoners: merchants, artisans, soldiers, farmers Lowest class: enslaved people Emperors power is absolute, lives in palace, is revered

Religion Rules Aztec Life

Many Gods

Religion includes 1,000 gods, many adopted from other peoples

Many religious festivals throughout year

Sacrifices for the Sun God

Most important rituals are for sun god, Huitzilopochtli He needs human sacrifices to be strong

Use tributes captured slaves

Aztecs engage in war to provide captives for these sacrifices

Problems in the Aztec Empire

A New Ruler
In 1502, Montezuma II becomes emperor; he calls for more tribute These sacrifices lead to revolt in outlying areas Montezuma II tries to make life easier, but Aztecs worry about future Soon after, Spanish arrive

The Incas
Chapter 16 Section 4

The Inca Build an Empire

Incan Beginnings

Inca live first in high plateau of Andes Mountains in Peru By 1200s, they have a kingdom in Valley of Cuzco Inca believe that their ruler is descended from sun god, Inti Pachacuti, a powerful and ambitious emperor, takes control in 1438 Under Pachacuti, Inca conquer lands holding 16 million people Inca use diplomacy and military force to achieve conquests

Pachacuti Builds an Empire

Incan Government Creates Unity

Organized Rule

Inca divide conquered lands into smaller units to govern easily Make Quechua official language of entire empire Inca build cities with same architecture for government buildings Government creates public works, including 14,000-mile road network Runners carry messages along the roads to different places Inca do not develop system of writing Might also have had elaborate twocalendar system

Public Works Projects

Government Record-Keeping

Religion Supports the State

Inca Gods
Inca have fewer gods than Aztecs Creator god and sun god are most important

Great Cities
Cuzco has magnificent Temple of the Sun decorated in gold Other cities might have had religious importance as well

Discord in the Empire

Problems Arise

1520s, Atahualpa and Huascar split empire Atahualpa wants control of whole empire and begins civil war This war weakens Inca state just before Spanish arrive

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