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"#$%&%' )*#*"+"%*, Reseaicheis use tiusteu online souices to ueepen theii

knowleuge of a topic so that they can foim moie specific "neeu to know" questions.
1. Stuuents copy leaining statement into theii ieseaich notebooks
2. Tell stuuents we have to be caieful when we aie on the inteinet. Ask, "Why is it
tiickiei to tiust infoimation on the inteinet." Auu into biainstoim that it is much
easiei foi infoimation to get publisheu online than it is foi infoimation to get
publisheu in books.
S. Show uoogle Boc (shaieu with each stuuent) with list of appioveu websites to
finu infoimation.
4. Nouel following a link to biogiaphies in context anu seaiching }ohn Biown to finu
S. 0ui note-taking stiategy foi inteinet ieseaich will be a little uiffeient fiom the
stiategy we useu foi books. It woulu feel a little silly to hanuwiite notes we
founu online just to type them up again, so we'll use this methou insteau. In this
case, it's impoitant that we copypaste the text we aie using because websites
uon't have page numbeis, so it coulu be veiy tiicky to finu the spot wheie you got
youi infoimation.
6. Show note-taking uocument (shaieu with each stuuent) anu mouel use.
7. Tell stuuents they'll be woiking inuepenuently touay. They'll be sitting in the
same aiea as gioup membeis so that they can ask questions anu shaie iesouices,
but theii ieseaich is piimaiily inuepenuent.
-20* 31
1. Click aiounu anu finu an aiticle you'u like to use.
2. Reau anu take notes
S. 0puate youi knowneeu to know chait
Shaie a new question you uevelopeu touay
Fifth uiaue
Infoimational Wiiting Lesson- Inteinet Reseaich
Two Sessions- 9u minutes
567"8*&9"0: Stuuents will be able to navigate appioveu inteinet souices to collect
infoimation on theii topics.
Stuuents will be able to use the 'Inteinet notes' template to iecoiu impoitant finuings.
W.S.7 Conuuct shoit ieseaich piojects that use seveial souices to builu knowleuge
thiough investigation of uiffeient aspects of a topic
W.S.8 Recall ielevant infoimation fiom expeiiences oi gathei ielevant infoimation fiom
piint anu uigital souices; summaiize oi paiaphiase infoimation in notes anu finisheu
woik, anu pioviue a list of iesouices.
RI.S.9 Integiate infoimation fiom seveial texts on the same topic in oiuei to wiite oi
speak about the subject knowleugeably.

1. Nouel Reseaich Notebook
2. Computei hookeu up to piojectoi
S. Stuuent Reseaich Notebook
4. Stuuent Chiomebooks
:00"00+"%*, Stuuents will successfully take notes using 'Inteinet Notes' template.
Stuuents will paiaphiase passages, maintaining the impoitant facts.
);1%'", Stuuents choose a seconu online aiticle to begin ieseaiching.

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