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Fifth uiaue

Social Stuuies- Builuing Backgiounu Knowleuge foi Infoimational Wiiting 0nit

Two Sessions- 6u minutes

"#$%$&' (#)*+$,&- Bow uoes youi uaily life compaie to uaily life in colonial times.

./0)1+$2)*- Stuuents will consiuei uaily life in the thiiteen Biitish Colonies to bettei
unueistanu the zeitgeist of the time peiiou we aie stuuying.

RIT S.6 Analyze multiple accounts of the same event oi topic, noting impoitant
similaiities anu uiffeiences in the point of view they iepiesent.
Bu S.S 0bseive anu iuentify uetails in caitoons, photogiaphs, chaits, anu giaphs
ielating to an histoiical naiiative.

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1. Intio- 0n Fiiuay we talkeu about the flavoi oi essence of a time peiiou, anu
iemembei what was that woiu we useu that meant time spiiit. Zeitgeist.
Touay, we aie going to go fuithei in thinking about the zeitgeist of colonial times
anu ieally think about putting ouiselves into the shoes of a man oi woman living
uuiing colonial times.
2. Show mouel (attacheu)
S. Pull faiisticks to assign paitneis anu topics.
4. uive each paii a notecaiu with a question asking them about some aspect of theii
uaily life.
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1. Answei the question togethei on one half of a piece of papei. When you'ie
uone, iaise youi hanu so I can biing you the next step.
2. Reau the colonial infoimation anu uiscuss with youi paitnei. Flip youi papei
ovei anu wiite about what youi aspect of uaily life woulu be like if you liveu
in colonial times.
S. Biaw a pictuie that iepiesents youi aspect of uaily life touay, anu youi
aspect of uaily life in colonial times. Youi pictuie shoulu be cleai anu labeleu
if necessaiy.
4. Be piepaieu to teach the class!
3:45)- Each gioup will pioject theii uiawing on the uoc cam anu teach the class
about theii finuings. 0ne paitnei speaks about 'Touay.' anu the othei speaks about
'In colonial times..'
39,&')- Each gioup will be pioviueu with extension ieauings fiom Colonial Living
by Euwin Tunis

8**)**B)&+- Stuuents will wiite about what some aspect of uaily life woulu be like
in colonial times. Theii wiiting will incluue facts fiom what they have ieau anu
exhibit unueistanuing of main iueas anu impoitant uetails.
Stuuent uiawings will be cleai anu accuiate iepiesentations of mouein anu colonial

1. Compaiison Nouel
2. Books: Colonial Living by Euwin Tunis, Colonial Life by Bobbie Kalman, anu If
You Liveu in Colonial Times by Ann Ncuovein
S. Faiisticks
4. Pencils
S. Lineu papei
6. Coloieu pencils, maikeis, etc
7. Notecaiu questions

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