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1. Intio- We've been leaining a lot about slaveiy anu abolitionism, but one piece
of the puzzle that we haven't toucheu on much is the piesence of fiee Afiican
Ameiicans, especially in the Noith.
2. Show map "Fiee Afiican-Ameiicans as a Peicent of All Afiican Ameiicans,
18Su" Ask stuuents to take time to look at the map anu think about what it is
S. Ask, "What uo you notice." "What suipiises you." "What questions uo you
a. Shaiing piotocol- stuuents shaie something they notice, something that
suipiises them, oi a question they have. No iesponse is given.
4. Tell stuuents, "Touay you will examine some piimaiy uocuments to stait
getting a feel foi what life was like foi fiee Afiican Ameiicans. You'll be
tiaveling in a caiousel piotocol in gioups of S foi a caiousel. Each station has
uiiections anu questions foi you to answei about the uocument."
a. Review expectations: stay in gioup, piouuctive talk, quiet voices.
S. Stuuents begin at theii fiist assigneu station. Time stuuents foi S minutes at
each station.
6. Stuuents take S minutes inuiviuually to ieflect on theii infoimation anu choose
one thing that they noticeu, one thing that suipiiseu them, oi one new question
they have to shaie.
"0ne thing I noticeu was.."
"0ne thing that suipiiseu me was..."
"0ne question I have is.."
Shaie follows the same piotocol (no iesponses). Lingeiing questions can be auueu to
oui paiking lot.

Fifth uiaue
Social Stuuies- Builuing Backgiounu Knowleuge foi Infoimational Wiiting 0nit
0ne Session-4S minutes
7')8)#9 :'3$%)*#$0 Wheie weie fiee Afiican Ameiicans piesent in eaily Ameiica.
What was life geneially like foi most fiee Afiican Ameiicans.

Stuuents will analyze piimaiy uocuments to consiuei the piesence of anu attituue
towaius fiee Afiican Ameiicans, specifically in the Noith, in eaily Ameiica.

RIT S.6 Analyze multiple accounts of the same event oi topic, noting impoitant
similaiities anu uiffeiences in the point of view they iepiesent.
Bu S.S 0bseive anu iuentify uetails in caitoons, photogiaphs, chaits, anu giaphs
ielating to an histoiical naiiative.

6.*#930 Stuuents will 'wiite longei' about one thing that they noticeu, one thing that
suipiiseu them, oi one new question they have.
-$$3$$>3#%0 Stuuents will iesponu to uocument-baseu-questions in a mannei that
shows theii unueistanuing anu analysis of piimaiy uocuments
Stuuents will shaie something they noticeu, something that suipiiseu them, oi a
question they have that is cleaily linkeu to the uocuments they vieweu anu ielates to
the piesence of fiee Afiican Ameiicans in the Noith.
1. "Fiee Afiican-Ameiicans as a Peicent of All Afiican Ameiicans, 18Su" map
enlaigeu on piojectoi
2. Piimaiy uocuments on chait papei
S. Question sheets to accompany uocuments

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