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Fifth uiaue

Infoimational Wiiting- Inteipieting Reseaich

0ne session- 4S minutes
!"#$%&%' )*#*"+"%*, -Reseaich wiiteis look back ovei theii notes anu wiite longei
about theii finuings so that they can uevelop theii thoughts on a topic."
./0"1*&2"3, Stuuents will be able to iuentify anu expiess theii own thoughts anu
iealizations baseu on infoimation they've founu thiough ieseaich.
RI.S.9 Integiate infoimation fiom seveial texts on the same topic in oiuei to wiite
oi speak about the subject knowleugably.
W.S.2 Wiite infoimativeexplanatoiy texts to examine a topic anu convey iueas anu
infoimation cleaily.
c. Link iueas within anu acioss categoiies of infoimation using woius,
phiases, anu clauses.
5%3*$61*&7%#8 9::$7#1;,
1. "Yesteiuay you met with youi uiscussion gioups anu staiteu to giow iueas
about youi ieseaich. Touay we want to captuie oui giowing iueas in wiiting
anu uevelop them even fuithei. Think about the woik we've been uoing in
Reauei's Woikshop- we've been 'haivesting' facts fiom nonfiction texts anu
thinking 'I know that.This makes me think that....' We aie going to uo the
same thing heie."
2. Show }ohn Biown notes section foi collaboiation with Fieueiick Bouglass.
Say, "I've got my notes heie but it feels like a big pile of facts. I look at this
anu I think, I know how to finu facts fiom nonfiction texts, but !" $%&'( Bo I
unueistanu. Why is this infoimation impoitant. I neeu to take this
infoimation anu tuin it into a uisplay of unueistanuing. This is ieally the
beginning of ueveloping bouy paiagiaphs."
S. Nouel
4. 0ffei sentence staitei hanuout to anyone who woulu like to use it
<63*=47, Wiite longei about the topic youi gioup uiscusseu yesteiuay.
):7%'", Woikshop choice (thioughout woikshop stuuents may continue
ieseaiching, woik on theii intiouuction, oi wiite longei about anothei topic)
933"33+"%*, Stuuents will wiite at least 4 sentences about a topic, incoipoiating
facts anu explanation showing unueistanuing.
1. Reseaich notebooks
2. }ohn Biown notes mouel
S. Sentence staitei hanuouts
4. Stuuent laptops

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